Transformers Legacy toyline

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
One interesting thing someone pointed out. Micronus is a deluxe and not a core... which made me realize there's no core class figures on that list... Is Hasbro getting rid of the core class?

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
So my interest in the franchise has been waning a bit; RotB was a return to the bay style movies missing all of the lessons from Bumblebee, Earthspark is great but is being woefully represented by it's toyline, and I'm trade waiting on the comics because I don't want to deal with Amazon's comixology. (I get to read the TF book in MAY, yippee) Meanwhile Legacy and Studio Series have each been slowly amassing toys I don't care that much about. (G1-ified versions of non-G1 aesthetics, endless versions of various Optimus', Megatron and Starscream)

I cannot being to express how utterly devastating this week of announcements has been for my apathy, and today's announcement is just going to destroy my bank account.

One, possibly TWO combiners and a new Sky-Byte, possibly our first actual hearse Transformer (I'm not counting Ectotron) would have been a strong showing, but the fact they're delving in the 13 is just.. Transformers prehistory is a particular favorite setting of mine. I've wanted the 13 for ages and figured, at best, I'd have that recent Alpha Trion retool, Vector Prime and MAAAAAYBE a Fallen somewhere down the line. But Solus? Alchemist? Micronus? Holy cow!

My only regret is we're likely not going to get any fiction for this!

There's less figures that I don't want on that list than ones I do. A LOT less.

My poor wallet!

Though I guess I have a year to prepare, at least.


Staff member
Council of Elders
They have REALLY got to get some new damn names for these toylines.

I'm very intrigued about the possibilities, and I suppose the old combiners are indeed due a fuller redo by now. But a lot of my eagerness for this line rests on how much these things will cost by this time next year, and that's a sentence that honestly hurts to say.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
Next Year: Rise of the Armada of Prime Masters of the War of the Energon Beast Matrix that Sparks the Buzzworthy Robots in Disguise of Titans of Cybertron Animate the EarthRise of the Legacy of the Classics of Generation 2.

The line has only one toy, it's a one-step changer. It's two modes are Bumblebee and Shockwave. He has long smokestacks and his hands are blue.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
One interesting thing someone pointed out. Micronus is a deluxe and not a core... which made me realize there's no core class figures on that list... Is Hasbro getting rid of the core class?
They might just not be posted yet. Core has always seemed to on the “lower tier”, and I think it only exists, largely, to have something less than $25 for that “pillar” of the brand. That, and Hasbro’s decision to refocus on “major characters, cheap“ seems to reflect on fewer new figures, but more package refreshes and carry over.
Micronus might be a “core with accessories”, as we’ve seen Hasbro be more liberal with what a retail offering can entail.

Legacy United Wave 5- The listing is interesting to me, given the amount of “old stuff, new packaging” appears to be going on. My “gut” is telling me that this is a measure by Hasbro to extend United to the spring to avoid launching a new initiative right around the holidays. Between new episodes of Earthspark AND Transformers One both being major fall media initiatives, they might be eyeing to extend United to give more time to sell down inventory and Prime its own “launch window” in the spring (where “casual buyers” are lighter, perfect to target collectors). Still going to preorder Armada Wheeljack, given the retail backlog I’m seeing.

Generations Prime(s)-
I’m surprised to see a big push on The Thirteen. Even more so that so many are being hit in the 3 waves that seem to cover the 2025 line up. The 13 don’t particularly trip any of MY triggers, but I know they do for many. I don’t know if I’m getting “burned out” on Transformers, but there isn’t a lot appealing to me from that list as “must buys”.

Of what’s listed?
Venom- Well, I got Ransack, with two more slated for the Amazon Mayhem set…so I guess I’ll have to complete the set? Depends on if he gets a full new mold or is a glorified Waspinator retool.
Swindle- This is an odd listing. Is he a “preview” for the Combaticons in 2026…or a stand alone? FWIW, I’d LOVE to see an Animated Mercenary Swindle be a thing. It would give a nice Swindle in an Animated homage. I guess it will depend on what the Primes end up being.
Flatline- An interesting character is always a plus for me. Wiki says he was based on a Trailbreaker design, but given the other listings, my bet is that he’ll be an Armada Red Alert retool.

It’s hard to make any early decisions since I don’t believe that we’ll see the Primes take on the abstract designs they’ve typically been portrayed as, much less comprise AS MUCH of a retail line as they are in this instance.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Next Year: Rise of the Armada of Prime Masters of the War of the Energon Beast Matrix that Sparks the Buzzworthy Robots in Disguise of Titans of Cybertron Animate the EarthRise of the Legacy of the Classics of Generation 2.

The line has only one toy, it's a one-step changer. It's two modes are Bumblebee and Shockwave. He has long smokestacks and his hands are blue.
I guess we have been having a good run of late.

Legacy, while itself not a very impressive or novel name, is at least new to TF toylines, and turned into Legacy ___ , which is also new, and follow in the spirit of the toyline.

Siege, Earthrise, and Kingdom were neat, although the trilogy being debuted as "War for Cybertron" and announced as leading off with Cybertronian designs was a little confusing. "It's WFC and it has Cybertronian designs! No, not those ones, wait a few years to see those again."

Selects is an unexpected name, but it's fine. Studio Series is new and a nice way to capture what's being presented that cleverly also lends itself well to some variation, as we've seen. Collaborative nails what it does.

So I guess rather than continuing a pattern of samey toyline names, it's more that this sticks out. Although in general, we've seen a ton of reuse of certain terms.

Also, I suppose there is always room for this to just be a prelim name, anyway. Maybe it's Prime (something).


Staff member
Council of Elders
& Knuckles
Ah dang it. Well, no need to go back and edit that into my post then, haha.
Instead, a callback:


Active member
So I was wondering, are all these re-releases of old/exclusive toys new runs of the figures, or does Hasbro have warehouses full of unsold product that they are repackaging?


Well-known member
Legacy, yeah, no. Generations... I wouldn't say forever. They clearly like doing stuff from across the entire history. But pretty certainly not happening before 2026 at the earliest.

-ZacWilliam, to be fair them doing guys from the ENTIRE franchise means there's a bottomless well to draw from and the chances of any one particular bot randomly happening is still pretty low unless they "complete a set."


Well-known member
Just to sort things out. "Prime" should only be 3 waves since Legacy: United Wave 5 is our first wave of 2025.

The 2025 wave assortments at this time, look something like this.


2025 Wave 1 = United Wave 5
Core BW Dinobot
Deluxe Sureshot
Deluxe Armada Wheeljack
Deluxe G2 Breakdown
Deluxe Cosmos PR
Voyager Ramjet PR
Voyager Tarn PR
Leader Overcharge
Leader Galaxy Shuttle PR

2025 Wave 2 ="Prime" Wave 1
Core ????
Deluxe Solus Prime
Deluxe Air Raid
Deluxe Fireflight
Deluxe Animated Wasp
Voyager Prima
Voyager Armada Red Alert
Leader The Fallen

2025 Wave 3 = "Prime" Wave 2
Core ????
Deluxe Alchemist Prime
Deluxe Crasher PR
Deluxe Swindle
Deluxe Micronus
Voyager Rescuebots Heatwave
Voyager RID 2001 Skybyte
Leader G2 Grimlock

2025 Wave 4 = "Prime" Wave 3
Deluxe Venom
Deluxe Slingshot
Deluxe Skydive
Voyager Flatline
Voyaged Alpha Trion
Leader Onyx Prime

Large Pricepoints.
Commander Silverbolt (Guess)
Titan ?????

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