Transformers Legacy toyline


Well-known member
It's not impossible but I'd be very surprised if Filch wasn't a Airrazor repaint.

-ZacWilliam, 60% odds straight Airrazor repaint, 30% odds new head. 10% other mold use.


NOT a New Member.
While you all are going back and forth about a 3 year old mold we’ve gotten a ton of already…JtPrime posted new listings, including a Star Seeker sub line for Walmart next year.
• Legacy

Tra Gen Legacy UNI Core Energon Galvatron
Product Number: F8523

Tra Gen Legacy UNI Core Rock 2
Product Number: F8522

Tra Gen Legacy UNI Deluxe Slipstream
Product Number: F8534

Tra Gen Legacy UNI Deluxe RID Sideburn
Product Number: F8538

Tra Gen Legacy UNI Deluxe G1 Quake
Product Number: F8536

Tra Gen Legacy UNI Voyager Animated Motormaster
Product Number: F8547

Tra Gen Legacy UNI Voyager Metalhawk PR
Product Number: F9183

• Walmart Exclusive Capsule: Star Seekers

Tra Gen Legacy Star Seekers DLX AST
Product Number: G0200

Tra Gen Legacy Star Seekers Capsule Deluxe 1
Product Number: G0231

Tra Gen Legacy Star Seekers Deluxe Roadpig
Product Number: G0232

Tra Gen Legacy Star Seekers Deluxe Lockdown
Product Number: G0233

Tra Gen Legacy Star Seekers Deluxe Filch
Product Number: G0234

Tra Gen legacy Star Seekers Voyager Ferak
Product Number: G0235

Tra Gen Legacy Star Seekers Leader Thundertron
Product Number: G0236

• Studio Series

Tra Gen Studio Series Core 86 Steeljaw
Product Number: F8752

Tra Gen Studio Series Core MV6 Frenzy
Product Number: F8753

Tra Gen Studio Series Deluxe MV7 Wheeljack
Product Number: F7233

Tra Gen Studio Series Deluxe 86 Gnaw PR
Product Number: F0786 (same as original release)

Tra Gen Studio Series Deluxe WFC Decepticon Infantry
Product Number: F8763

Tra Gen Studio Series Deluxe Next Gen Bumblebee
Product Number: F8764

Tra Gen Studio Series Deluxe HM Megatron
Product Number: F9849

Tra Gen Studio Series Voyager MV6 Skywarp
Product Number: F8769

Tra Gen Studio series Voyager WFC Ratchet
Product Number: F8770

Tra Gen A Level AST MV8 OP
Product Number: G0221

Tra Gen A Level AST 86 Bumblebee
Product Number: G0220


words pain, funny man
I don't see an issue with Filch being an Airrazor remould. A new robot mode head would be spiffy and that plus a new beast mode head would be even spiffier.

But the general shape of the Airrazor mould works for her alt mode so why not?


Well-known member
So looking at the list in full when I'm not getting ready to leave work:

Cores: Another rock, and Energon Galvatron implies Energon Megatron will be the full figure and not Armada Megatron done up in accessory colors.
Deluxes: Slipstream will obviously be a retool of Windblade, which is a bummer as I wanted her to be a retool of ER Starscream, or some other G1-ish Starscream so they'd be a voyager. Ah well, I'll still get her, even though replicating the "Mean Girls" comic cover will require some boosters now. RID Sideburn was expected, retool of Shadow Striker. G1 Quake is interesting.. Curious if it's a new mold, or an old one with extra accessories thrown in.
Voyager: Animated Motor Master would be a Animated Prime retool, right?

Star Seekers: Guessign Road Pig will be from Animated Prowl or Legacy Crashbar, Lockdown will be a Axelgrease retool, Filch I'm guessing is going to be either a Kingdom or studio series Air Razor redeco, maaaybe retool, Freak will be Cyclonus, obviously and Thundertron would be a redeco of teh thundertron that's already coming out that year?

Other G1 stuff: Steeljaw actually being the G1 version is pretty cool, Ravage pretool maybe? And I'm super curious what this "A Level" assortment is given it has Transformer One Optimus Prime and '86 Bumblebee in it.

Studio Series: MV6 Frenzy to go along with MV6 Rumble. New molds based on concept art, I guess? Bumblebee was movie six and they weren't in it. RotB Wheeljack, finally. WFC Decepticon Infantry is almost certainly a WFC Barricade retool. Absolutely no clue what "Next Gen Bumblebee" and "HM Megatron" are though. MV6 Skywarp is getting more use out of the Bumblebee Starscream. WFC Ratchet, means an WFC Ironhide is on the way. Or was already solicited and I just forgot.
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Not Mecha-Broccoli
These are mostly reuses of molds already out or we know exist and a few new ones, but what could that Studio Series deluxe Megatron even be?
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words pain, funny man
I know it's not happening, but I think you could get a pretty good Voyager Slipstream out of the Legacy Armada Starscream mould. It's slim enough to appear traditionally "feminine," and I think it with a new head and some minor retooling on the body could work to give Slipstream a Seeker Voyager design that's not just an ER Seeker retread.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Just some quick analysis from me on Studio Series:
MV6 Frenzy I suspect is a misname for 86 Frenzy. I think Rumble popped up as “MV6 Rumble” at one point.

”Next Gen Bumblebee” strikes me as a new BB from the new Transformers game

”HM Megatron” is odd. I’d say “High Moon” Megatron, but we already got him. Maybe some kind of counterpoint to the Deluxe Optimus Prime we saw in a Legacy listing?

The “A Level” stuff is odd. The product numbers seem to point to some kind of exclusive. Maybe some kind of fan channel offerings?


Not Mecha-Broccoli
If I could have a wish, I want Core Energon Galvatron to be an itty bitty Armada Megatron that attaches to the arm of an eventual Energon Megatron.
*monkey's paw curls up finger*


Staff member
Council of Elders
Interesting stuff in these leaks, but after the last few months of trying to keep up with stuff I want at current prices, I'm feeling very troubled about the next year of toy collecting. Of late, I've had to backburner main Legacy Evolution and only focus on getting the Toxitron stuff. And I'm behind as hell on Studio Series. And as I mentioned elsewhere, the only actual ROTB product I've got (out of the ones I want) is Weaponizer Arcee/Cheetor.

Some easy skips like anything Gamer Edition (although Decepticon Infantry is at least newish and a maybe -- I've not gotten Barricade, who would fill that niche) and most Core classes (although I have a soft spot for Energon Galvatron, so maybe that).

But there's a bunch of good stuff on there. Always up for a new Slipstream. I've been talking about an Airazor redeco/retool working well enough as Filch for a while, so whether it's that or a new mold it'll be good to get. A Quake that may be Needlenose-ish in execution with two gun friends, sure thing. The Star Seekers (and a Thundertron from Leo Prime?) sound like a great capsule and I'm eager to see how fun they might look.

What are Gen A Level?


Staff member
Council of Elders
"Deluxe" doesn't have to mean "noticeably shorter than a Voyager." They've been more than willing to make short or tall Deluxes based on some semblance of what they think scale should be so... I'm going to wait and see before getting upsetti spaghetti.
Ehh, even if it's more akin to Needlenose in size, I'd be fine with it. I don't need all my jets to be Voyagers or close. And this is (I guess) another new jet mold at this price point, which adds another option for redecoing and retooling rather than going to the same well.

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