Transformers Legacy toyline


Continuity Nutcase
Seeing it in action, this is pretty clever: this one, single Jolt isn't too yellow for Hot Shot, and not too red for Powerlinx Hot Shot, since he falls in the middle.

And I don't say that just because I love orange.
It's because Jolt was colored orange-ish in the cartoon, so Hasbro opted for show-accuracy.



You can quibble over articulation or screen accuracy; but Armada was the most “fun” toyline we’ve ever gotten.

I will die on that hill.
Energon's up there, too, IMO-- mix-and-match Autobot combiners, Decepticons with ridiculous flipout weapons, and the Energon weapon/5mm business.

But, yeah, Armada was fantastic. Posability suffered some, but there were still figures like Red Alert.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Idk, much as I like having Jolt in an all new color, I still would've preferred getting two Jolts (one red, one yellow) packed in, even if it meant not getting the guns and blast effects. That might have gotten me to backtrack and get regular Hot Shot.
Personally, I like the red Hotshot better, and much rather have the extra guns and blast effects. Mainly because I am planning on making a TF diorama soon, and those will come in extra handy. :)

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
So I picked up Armada Megatron today. It's a great figure overall. Shoulders should probably be locked into place in robot mode, but it's honestly not too bad.

What I find myself loving/being frustrated by is that he's such a faithful sculpt of the original, and I LOVED that original toy. So when I'm holding him my muscle memory of the original kicks in and I end up trying to activate features this new guy just doesn't have. And on one hand that's fine. He's a different figure trying to do completely different stuff. And he pulls off what he sets out to do well. He's a full-sized transforming Armada Megatron who can pose in ways the original never could. And I'm not expecting firing weapons really, but the lack of spring loaded bits, including his knife hand, just leave me feeling like something was lost in all of this.
I really wished that they had given the new to the little black knife. Even it was just a separate accessory.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
You can quibble over articulation or screen accuracy; but Armada was the most “fun” toyline we’ve ever gotten.

I will die on that hill.

"Sir! We have reports of that old man on the hill again."

"Again? He does know that hill is just a pile of unsold Armada Scavengers right?"

Seriously though, I am glad that you liked it. The initial concept had some great potential and some of the toys really showed off what the line could do, like Cyclonus and Demolisher. However, the rest of the line was mostly a disappointment to me. Coupled with the low quality of the tv show, I just don't have the fond memories of that line. Although I do love the Unicron repaints we got in the armada line.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Only thing to come close since was Titans Return.

That was a fun line! Not only did we get a ton of great TFs, we got Trypticon and Fort Max, we got spare heads for obscure characters, We got freaking Overlord in the US for the first time. And all the vehicles had cool little places for the little robots to pilot them.

Also, we got this:



Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
That was a fun line! Not only did we get a ton of great TFs, we got Trypticon and Fort Max, we got spare heads for obscure characters, We got freaking Overlord in the US for the first time. And all the vehicles had cool little places for the little robots to pilot them.

Also, we got this:

View attachment 15495

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The Transformers brand is currently being run by fans / fellow nerds, and that has made the world a better place to live in.


Super-Powered Zealot
I want to start by saying BBTS is a class act, but it's beyond coincidence now with Hasbro Q.C.

I just dropped over $100.00 on Transformers last week at BBTS. Package arrived today and the first one I open, (and have been looking forward to), I get this.
BBTS refunded no problem, and I re-ordered...but damn, Hasbro.



Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I want to start by saying BBTS is a class act, but it's beyond coincidence now with Hasbro Q.C.

I just dropped over $100.00 on Transformers last week at BBTS. Package arrived today and the first one I open, (and have been looking forward to), I get this.
BBTS refunded no problem, and I re-ordered...but damn, Hasbro.

View attachment 15496

Now with Two Scoops of Sunbeam!


words pain, funny man
Seriously though, I am glad that you liked it. The initial concept had some great potential and some of the toys really showed off what the line could do, like Cyclonus and Demolisher. However, the rest of the line was mostly a disappointment to me. Coupled with the low quality of the tv show, I just don't have the fond memories of that line. Although I do love the Unicron repaints we got in the armada line.
I love the original Armada line. No it's not perfect, and a lot of the updates of those characters in various Generations lines have done those designs justice, but I still love the originals with their gimmicks and everything.

And as for the tv show... hot take here. Armada is my favourite Transformers cartoon. Not the best, no, but it's my favourite. I'll re-watch it just for fun. I don't do that with Animated or Prime or anything that's come out since. It's mostly Armada, Cybertron, and Beast Wars.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
The first chunk of Armada is tedius as all hell, though halfway through it starts actually getting surprisingly good and ends on a very high note.

I think it might have the only cartoon episode focused entirely on the Decepticons (aside from some Autobot cameos in teh last scene) They even change the opening sequence narration to be Decepticon focused.


Continuity Nutcase
Thankfully, after all these years, the original Japanese version, Legends of the Microns, is finally available to watch in full with English subtitles.

I think it might have the only cartoon episode focused entirely on the Decepticons (aside from some Autobot cameos in teh last scene) They even change the opening sequence narration to be Decepticon focused.
TF: Prime would later usurp it from that claim, by having at least two Decepticon-only episodes.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
We would remember Armada as one of the best shows if it had just gotten an adequate dub.

The Hooks Edit of them back in the day was passable, and he speed that show up and cut out a lot of pointless pauses and crappy dialog, as well as pushing whole episode arcs together into one episode. All that to make it decent at the time. So with that, I think that even with a great dub, it wouldn't have been anywhere close to Beast Wars, Transformers Prime, or Animated, or even G1. The show was just not that good.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I love the original Armada line. No it's not perfect, and a lot of the updates of those characters in various Generations lines have done those designs justice, but I still love the originals with their gimmicks and everything.

And as for the tv show... hot take here. Armada is my favourite Transformers cartoon. Not the best, no, but it's my favourite. I'll re-watch it just for fun. I don't do that with Animated or Prime or anything that's come out since. It's mostly Armada, Cybertron, and Beast Wars.
I rewatch Beast Wars and Prime a lot. I need to rewatch G1 and Animated again. I bet I can get my girls hooked on Animated.


NOT a New Member.
I bought most of the Armada line and regret having done so. Ginmicks over quality. I'm glad we're finally getting better figures although omitting the Minicons for dinner if these releases was a bad idea.


Well-known member
I think Armada is probably the most "Fun and Best Kid Friendly" TF Toy Line. The toys aren't the most poseable or adult collector friendly but they are the most fun to play with and for a kid, and Armada Megatron despite the lack of leg articulation may be the most fun TF ever with a great look and so many play gimmicks.

The Cartoon? It's not good writing or acting wise. I got married maybe a dozen episodes in and didn't have cable at our first apartment so never got to see the rest. I've owned the box set for years now, I've tried to watch through at least three times. I have yet to make it through the first half.

-ZacWilliam, the concepts and characters in the toon are not bad I WANT to like it, but the writing is dull and generally just kinda dumb/bad and the poor acting/directing doesn't do it any favors.


words pain, funny man
Thankfully, after all these years, the original Japanese version, Legends of the Microns, is finally available to watch in full with English subtitles.
I appreciate it but I've always been a dub over sub guy ;)

I rewatch Beast Wars and Prime a lot. I need to rewatch G1 and Animated again. I bet I can get my girls hooked on Animated.
I can't rewatch Prime. It's so self-serious and dreary. And Animated rubbed me the wrong way when it was out and nothing's really done much to change my mind on it.


Staff member
Council of Elders
The Hooks Edit of them back in the day was passable, and he speed that show up and cut out a lot of pointless pauses and crappy dialog, as well as pushing whole episode arcs together into one episode. All that to make it decent at the time. So with that, I think that even with a great dub, it wouldn't have been anywhere close to Beast Wars, Transformers Prime, or Animated, or even G1. The show was just not that good.

I don't mind a slow pace. I would argue that Armada's second half had more impact because that slow (even, tedious, perhaps) first half lulled us into complacency. Nobody expected it to escalate like that.

It looks better and better every time something else has Unicron show up too quickly.

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