Transformers Legacy toyline


Staff member
Council of Elders
In this case the vehicle mode isn't radically different. There is really nothing complicated about this unless they think they would have to find a way to keep the cape.

Okay I like the cape. But a well articulated toy would be better off without the cape anyway.


Well-known member
Yeah, the entire point is because *both* modes look pretty similar.

There wasn’t a big push for an Armada Blurr from Hoist for example.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Yeah, talk of Blurr has mostly come from the "Let's see, who can they retool Pointblank into?" crowd of fans.
No, it was on “the big leak” from last year.

When the leakers revealed 2022’s product line up, the information provided AT THAT TIME was that Pointblank was going to be remolded into Armada Blurr. Override and Cosmos were intended to be retools of SS Hot rod and Origins BB, which Hasbro themselves even revealed those original plans.

That list has basically run to completely accurate in characters, 80-90% accurate in how the characters were addressed. At some point, the plan for an Armada Blurr was dropped, and we got the IDW version instead.

The deviations wouldn’t be any more extreme than what has been done to Elita 1, or the Pretenders, or the Prime Universe interpretations.
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Staff member
Council of Elders
Blurr vehicle mode.jpg

I don't think it's unrecognizable.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I'm referring to the recent NEW talk of Armada Blurr that started up with Pointblank's reveal long after Velocitron Blurr's reveal.
Which is likely a throwback to when the big leak indicated that Velocitron Blurr was seemingly intended to be a remold of Blanker into Armada Blurr Instead of the SS retool we ended up getting.

Now that people have seen Pointblank, it’s like “yeah, I could see them getting an Armada Blurr looking guy from this”.

Clarification: After writing that above, I realized that I didn’t type that as such in my original post. Autocorrect decided it wasn’t cooperating with me at that moment and I missed it. Sorry for the confusion, and I corrected it above.


Somehow still sane
While the transformation "skeleton" could work, we haven't seen as many extensive retools in recent lines, mostly just alternate heads/weapons. Seems to be a different approach to reusing molds as compared to CW/TR/POTP.


Well-known member
IDK, I have an overly nostalgic fondness for the classic Targetmaster partners. This version of Peacemaker would fit in rather well with them.

That said, if Hasbro wanted to release multipacks of the Battlemasters or the Legends Targetmasters in Selects, I would be all for better-articulated versions, too.

I guess what I'm saying is, more Targetmasters is always a win to me?

I'm shocked that they haven't done that already.


Well-known member
They got Cybertron Prime out of an Ultra Magnus. This is a much smaller leap than that.
I won't argue further. Certainly I grant that such things are possible (given the desire and resources to make the effort), and never suggested otherwise. This is more about assuming things that not only haven't even been announced yet, but which Hasbro has specifically said they think is beyond what they can do easily. If they say so, I'm not going to second-guess them.

If I'm wrong (perhaps Hasbro was just deflecting?), I'll still happily consider the new Armada Blurr toy whenever it's revealed, and decide whether or not to buy it based on how good a job they did and how much I decide I want that toy.
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Continuity Nutcase
To clarify, when Mark says that he thinks Armada Blurr from Pointblank isn't doable, he's likely talking about the fact that, while we fans would be satisfied with a Blurr that looks like the one quoted below, Hasbro wouldn't be. They'd want to go all the way to make it look like Armada Blurr proper, not just a gray and blue Pointblank wearing Blurr's head. And "going all the way" is what he's probably referring to when he says it isn't doable.


I don't think it's unrecognizable.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
To clarify, when Mark says that he thinks Armada Blurr from Pointblank isn't doable, he's likely talking about the fact that, while we fans would be satisfied with a Blurr that looks like the one quoted below, Hasbro wouldn't be. They'd want to go all the way to make it look like Armada Blurr proper, not just a gray and blue Pointblank wearing Blurr's head. And "going all the way" is what he's probably referring to when he says it isn't doable.
Like the wings?


I think the lack of his "cape" is a problem, but not in the way people are thinking of. Blurr has that because he's a near-total shellformer, with his robot mode made almost entirely out of blue parts that aren't part of his silver vehicle mode, and Pointblank is not. You can put Blurr's colors on Pointblank in either mode and have it be immediately recognizable as Armada Blurr, but the Blurr-decoed Pointblank robot doesn't turn into the Blurr-decoed Pointblank car. Even an alternate "backwards" robot mode would still require his big blue boots to turn into the silver rear third of the car.

I do think a "compromise" deco is possible that would be immediately recognizable as Armada Blurr in both modes, but I also think it would be further outside the lines than Hasbro's been willing to color lately, to say nothing of fan reaction.


Continuity Nutcase
To put it another way, aside from the very exceptional oddity that is Velocitron Scourge, when's the last time the current Hasbro team gave us a redeco/remold that was just "close enough" (like what BotCon and the TCC used to do) instead of giving the full extra effort to really make the redeco/remold look "proper" and "accurate"?

And, outside of special cases where the redeco/remold is meant to be the character in a new/different bodyform altogether, I mean.
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Well-known member
Every single one of the Botcon beast homages are garbage color wise.

They’re readily recognizable sure but all of them are inferior to the genuine article.

Ironhide also seems to be particularly egregious since he’s lacking a stripe DESPITE costing $10 AND being in the hyper-accurate line.

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