Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Yeah, really I don't blame you. We're living in the worst time line, and that alone is stressful enough. Never mind the very real threat of american fascism and the collapse in world civility that follows.

Trump has no way back to the white house. No republican has a way into the white house. They can't do it with every remaining republican voter unanimously opting to just support the R president, and more than half of them will **** off if it's not trump. The next nearest candidate was nikki haily and she had SIX PERCENT!

Unless you stay home, unless all the reasonable, sane, rational people decide to stay home on election day: the republicans cannot win. Not in this election, and not until all the trans kids, their mothers, sisters and aunts, and all their allies start dying of old age.

You can end maga and its threat in this coming election cycle. Not in 20 years, not in the coming decade; This year, right now. But it's gonna cost you: it'll cost you time and energy, because you need badger, harass and harangue every single person of voting age you can reach. You need to make sure their registered, you need to make sure they make it to the ballot box on voting day. You need to put in the work: but every time you do, you are literally throwing another shovel full of dirt onto trumps grave, and his gravy seals, his jack boots and his traitors.

Republicans are acting this way because they KNOW it's over if they can't take it all NOW. They are scared and facing oblivion. Sparta their asses into the void that is american history books.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
I honestly don't get how the whole world isn't shitting bricks at the prospect of America's military and nukes being controlled by a totally mask-off Trump dictatorship. There won't be a Mattis or a Kelly around this time. Trump will get his Himmler, Göring and Goebbels instead.


Well-known member
Good news, everyone:


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
I honestly don't get how the whole world isn't shitting bricks at the prospect of America's military and nukes being controlled by a totally mask-off Trump dictatorship. There won't be a Mattis or a Kelly around this time. Trump will get his Himmler, Göring and Goebbels instead.
you're assuming the people MAGA is most dangerous to aren't within Anerica's borders. they're more interested in genociding immigrants and LGBTQ+ Americans via concentration camps than nuking other countries, and too cowardly to do anything that'd get the international community to bring the hammer down on them.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
It's more likely than you think.

See, if trump actually takes over and gets his dictatorship: it's going to crash the global economy as former allies and the world moves away from the american dollar as backing. We're not going to openly support fascists, after all. It'll be chaotic and look like the great depression switched its anti-psychotics for steroids. And all those mother fuckers out there just waiting for the US to blink so they can invade their neighbours, or indulge whatever grudge they were holding will jump because the next world power in line honestly does not give a **** if we all kill ourselves, so long as we buy the shit to do it from them. If someone decides "**** it, glass them" it'll trigger mutually assured destruction. Maybe not on the cold war level, but lots of people and places will jump at it. Enough that we really aren't going to be worried about climate change after, anyway.

But it won't happen, for a number of different reasons.

1.) The nazis had a crumbling economy and society and actually rebuilt it. Trump destroyed something that was doing okay.
2.) Magats are functionally a very over represented minority in the US population, and only when "normal" voter turn out happens.
3.) the nazis only really had their mask off moments AFTER they got power (I mean, no one was mistaken about what they were about, just how far extreme they were willing to go.), the magats weren't capable of that. We already know they're cribbing hitlers playbook.

Trumps campaign is almost broke from paying his legal bills, he's completely tapped out the small donation folks years ago, and the BIG money donors aren't going to touch him till after iowa. Even then, they know he's bad for them and the only reason their doing it is because the next closest possible primary candidate is less popular than dying of cancer, and all of them literally have failing campaigns. And even if trump IS still on the ballot: a portion of his ultra loyal has already stated that even 1 conviction (which he will have, he's got 91 indictments.) will be enough to make them walk away. We're not talking about changing votes: we're talking about not voting at all. They won't just up and switch sides; they'll stay home.

It's going to get a LOT worse before it gets better, but so long as you all get as many people out to vote as you can: it will get better. This is the "darkest before the dawn" moment.

VOTE. Get out there and vote. Get your friends to do it, family to do it, neighbours, hell: start abducting random folks off the streets and get them registered. And after the next election, a lot of the obstruction, ignorance and hate literally disappears.


Staff member
Council of Elders
There's always wildcards. Don't underestimate the possibility of a manufactured inflation bomb leading up to the election. Shipping in the Red Sea is currently hugged. If history is any indication, you just know that companies whose shipping is not even slightly affected by this will hike their prices because they can. Any company controlled by GOP donors will do this.


jumbled pile of person
See, if trump actually takes over and gets his dictatorship: it's going to crash the global economy as former allies and the world moves away from the american dollar as backing. We're not going to openly support fascists, after all. It'll be chaotic and look like the great depression switched its anti-psychotics for steroids.
...Really. The whole rest of the world is just going to cut off trade with the US, even knowing it will cause all of their economies to collapse overnight, just to gain a moral victory over a foreign country becoming an oppressive (solely to its own people) dictatorship?

These would be the same countries that continued buying oil from Russia right up until they invaded an allied country, and continue to get virtually everything else from China despite... *gestures vaguely at China's entire history as a nation from Mao onward*


Well-known member
Yeah, the problem isn't economics (businesses will happily follow Nazis as long as it's profitable).

The problem is that, as goes the US, so goes the rest of the world: a fascist collapse in the US will lead (and already has led) to further right-wing victories around the world (if not through populism, then through US interventionism).

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I said "openly". Canada, for example, will very slowly, very quietly cut trade with the US, probably at the same pace as they lock down the border. We'll lean on trade with the EU and the far east that isn't china (oh hey! Canada just recently started massive trade negotiations with those areas... funny that.) and hope the burgeoning hydrogen trade sector will compensate for the loss of US business... enough to prevent our economy from outright collapsing. There will be... shrinkage...

The world is largely also making such other preparations. Not just cause the US is leaving nazi boot prints in the snow, but because the pandemic showed what happens when you overly depend on a single economic venue. It would have happened anyway, the pandemic made sure of that; your crusty, smelly, spray tanned, wish bought hitler knock off is just ensuring that it continues as opposed to pushing back towards the old status quo.

Nato will suffer horribly, US allies and trading partners will disappear. Because we've read the history books, and once you're done locking up the immigrants and the queers in concentration camps we know the next step is war. And none of us want to be on the wrong side of history in whatever world comes next.

But most of that won't happen: cause you're all going to get your asses out there and VOTE democrat, right?

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
A new Washington Post poll finds that 39% of FOXNews viewers believe Jan 6 was an FBI false-flag operation.

The 2024 election is not about politics. It is about a deranged cult attempting a hostile takeover of the entire country.


unfortunate shark issues
Former President Trump intends to personally deliver part of the defense's closing argument at the conclusion of his civil fraud trial in New York on Thursday, sources familiar with the former president's strategy tell ABC News.
A+ plan, cannot fail!, please proceed!

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Ohhh, that's going to be ******* hilarious. He does know that he's already been found guilty and this is just haggling over the punishment, right?


Now with hi-res avatar!
That's the brilliance of his plan; his closing argument is going to be a perfect closing argument, the best closing argument that anyone's ever given! Men will come up to him - large men, with tears in their eyes - and tell him how amazing his closing argument was! It will inspire this judge and all the other judges to drop all of the charges he's facing and declare that he is no longer required to adhere to our mortal laws! It will reinstate him as not just president of the U.S., but president of the world! For life! Trump Tower will grow 1000 stories and be the biggest, most beautiful building in all of human history! Hillary and Biden and Obama and the rest of the Democrats will confess to all of their crimes and submit to voluntary execution, with their final words being an apology for daring to treat Donald as anything less than the god that he is! And Fred Trump will return from the Great Beyond just long enough to say the words that Donald wanted to hear from him his whole life: "I find you slightly more tolerable than I led you to believe, son."


Well-known member
Ohhh, that's going to be ******* hilarious. He does know that he's already been found guilty and this is just haggling over the punishment, right?
Tell that to his lawyers.


This is an amazing filing. He accuses DA Willis of having a relationship but has no proof. Just accuses her of having kisses with a fellow prosecutor. And you know that Trump ordered Mr. Roman to file this accusation. Cause this is how he operates. Makes me wonder how scared he is.

Ironbite-and shame on the hugging media for reporting on this like it has legs.

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