The Last of Us - Part 1

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Not having ever played the game before, I must say that I am loving the show. The wife and I look forward to it every week!


I haven't watched the show, but I've seen some reaction videos. For an adaptation, it hits a lot of the same beats, but it does have a few differences.

Bill is still alive in the game. He and Frank had a falling out and you don't see Frank until you see he hang himself. It wasn't a terminal disease. He was bitten and didn't want to change.

The death of Henry and Sam were very much beat for beat. But Sam wasn't mute and the discussion of "what are you afraid of" was spoken out loud.

There've been other differences, but those are the big ones that are sticking out to me at the moment.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
He wasn't mute?! That's weeeeeeird. But ok, sure.

If they don't add any new 'side quests', how many 'arcs' is this until the final part of the game.

I don't remember meeting the brother anymore. But I remember -something long, -something cold, -something wet.


If they don't add any new 'side quests', how many 'arcs' is this until the final part of the game.

I'm usually in the moment and not counting plot points. So don quote me on this. But if I remember the main plot points:

Meet with Tommy and Ellie runs away.

They find the university base of the Fireflies, but it's been abandoned and Joel gets injured.

David and his group of cannibals.

The last leg of the journey, Ellie sees girrafes.

Meet the fireflies and Joel saves Ellie.

So by my count, that's 5.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Saw the Kin episode.

Was there a River of Death in the game? I feeeeeeel like they skipped something. Like, maybe a game part where zombies are at the bottom of the river? Haha

I can't believe they jumped right into two, even three arc parts that I know of! They're going faaaaast. I think.


Zombies at the bottom of a river? No. Mostly whenever there was water in the game, it was all about finding a pallet for Ellie to ride on because she couldn't swim.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Saw the 7th ep.

I really remember this one cuz it was a short playthru chapter to watch. I'm soooo happy they actually played the games instead of the 'close your eyes and put your hands in front of you'. That bit might have been... I have no idea what to call it... but I don't think the feeling would translate well.

So sad for the pair but was it any of their fault? Such a shame riley.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
IT was very much their fault. That mall is huge and obviously not fully cleared. They were making way too much noise and being reckless for the apocalypse.

That being said, as an arcade guy, I loved that arcade that they had. It was pretty much perfect too for how an arcade would look in 2003. The right games, very few prize redemption games, and a smattering of classic games. That Mortal Kombat 2 arcade machine would probably be around a decade old at that point. My only complaint is that all those machines fired on without any issues. 20 years of dust on the motherboards will kill an arcade game until it gets clean.


jumbled pile of person
I'm soooo happy they actually played the games instead of the 'close your eyes and put your hands in front of you'. That bit might have been... I have no idea what to call it... but I don't think the feeling would translate well.
I'm just now realizing that the reason they did that in the first place was probably because it would have been way too much work to have to design, code, and animate an entire playable fighting game, even if there would only have been two functional characters in it. Well, that and if it was working, they wouldn't realistically want to quit after playing one round. And they already used the "make it stop working just when it starts getting fun" trick in the merry-go-round scene.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Saw the 8th ep.

Geeeeeeez, this was a Walking Dead ep. I'm just going to look up if that Preacher David in the show is the same as the game. Cuz whaaaaaaaAAAAaaaat?!?

Also, yow, really violent on Ellie and Joel's part. I'm a bit sorry for the other people.


Like I've said, I only see reactions. I may just have to see if they release DVD's though. From what I saw, they had to shorten some things to make it into the episode, and they didn't really show David with his "flock" aside from a few of his top guys. But from what I saw, his interactions with Ellie were pretty much lifted straight from the game.

Joel did find Ellie inside the restaurant as she was still using the machete on an already dead David instead of finding her walking around dazed outside. But even that was pretty close to how it happened in the game.


David: Here. [David pushes the tray of food into Ellie's cage.] You should eat. I know you're hungry -- been out for quite some time.

Ellie: What is it?

David: It's deer.

Ellie: With some human helping on the side?

David: No. No, I promise. It's... just the deer meat.

Ellie: You're a ******* animal.

[Ellie bends down and starts eating the food.]

David: Oh. [David bends down, facing Ellie.] you're awfully quick to judgment. Considering you and your friend killed how many men?

Ellie: They didn't give us a choice.

David: And you think we have a choice? Is that it? You kill to survive... and so do we. We have to take care of our own. By any means necessary.

Ellie: So now what? You gonna chop me up into tiny pieces?

David: I'd rather not. Please tell me your name.

[Ellie shoves the food plate out of her cell, standing. David stares abashed.]

Ellie: You're so full of shit.

David: On the contrary, I've been, ah, [David stands.] been quite honest with you. Now I think it's your turn. It's the only way I'm gonna be able to convince the others.

Ellie: Convince them of what?

David: That you can come around. You have heart. You're loyal. And you're special.

[David places his hand over Ellie's, which was gripping the cage bars.]

Ellie: Oh...

[Ellie puts her hand on David's. After a moment, she then breaks his finger. She tries to grab his cell keys, but he grabs her arm, yanking her into the cell door, stunning her.]

Ellie: Oh, ****...

David: [gripping his broken finger. To Ellie.] You stupid little girl. You are making it very difficult to keep you alive. What am I supposed to tell the others now?

Ellie: Ellie.

David: What?

Ellie: Tell them that... Ellie is the little girl that broke your ******* finger!

David: How did you put it? Hmm? Tiny pieces? See you in the morning, Ellie.

cut and paste from

I'm reeeeeally counting on the boards auto-censors here.


Here's a video. Language has been bleeped, some parts better than others, fair warning.

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