The COVID Vaccination Thread


Staff member
Council of Elders
While the boards were down I got my second Pfizer COVID vaccination. Other than a sore arm for a couple of days no side effects. I got lucky. Anyway here's a place to continue discussing the vaccine until you all have to get your booster shots. I'll be waiting for a while.


unfortunate shark issues
I finally got my first shot at the end of August. I'm booked for my second at the beginning of October. It's nice to have some protection at least now, as the country had to lock down again after Delta got into the community (We appear to be just past the peak and case numbers are starting to drop).

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Two days ago: vaccine passports were implemented in my neck of the woods. The very concept spawned routine protests, and as with everything quebecois: absolutely no one is sure whom is responsible for enforcing the damn thing. Individual businesses are REQUIRED to check, and there are the threat of some very hefty fines for people and businesses caught bucking the system but apparently no one is actually capable of handing out those fines? The cops have already stated that they are not responsible for it.

So, expecting mixed results at best. But anything that shames anti-vaxxers; I don't even care anymore if they get the jab, so long as they're being publically called out on their bullshit, is fine by me.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I've been watching clips from "ring of fire" and "the david pakman show" on youtube for weeks now; and at least once to twice a week they have clips from some flavour of town hall meeting where the conspiracy theorists are going nuts.

Seems to me that if someone could come up with a believable conspiracy in which the deep state wants these people unvaccinated: they would go get the shot.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Between clowns like Trump showing them that can can spout whatever crazy they want without consequence, and the pandemic forcing them to bottle it up until it bursts, we're reaching all new heights of openly crazy stupidity.

And it's stupidly expensive to leave the country, so the old "love it or leave it" bullshit just doesn't work.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Especially after decades of wage stagnation and inflation. But there's no audience quite like a trapped audience.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Aaaannndddd health canada had to put out a warning that people should not use ivermectin to treat covid. Cause apparently some canadians are that ******* stupid.

Andross Darkheart

God Emperor of Hell
It is interesting to watch these conspiracy theorists go from one miracle cure for Covid to another. First it was silver, then hair dryers, then bleach and now de-wormer. Believing there is a secret cure for Covid that isn't the vaccine while also holding the belief that Covid isn't dangerous at all and can be ignored without concern. Saying the pandemic is just media hype while investing all their energy into whatever snake oil is being peddled at the time. Either it is deadly or it isn't, pick one!

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:

When conservative anti-maskers say they're more closely aligned with the vision of America's founding fathers, they're probably right. Whining about their own "freedoms" while simultaneously mistreating and oppressing others is pretty much exactly what the founding fathers did.

"So you're saying you want a society which discriminates against people who don't want to take the vaccine?" - conservative responding to me ranting for the umpteenth time about how much I hate anti-vaxxers. How do they pick up on such subtle hints?

You can't get into an argument about vaccines without running into vast legions of people who insist that they have Guillain-Barre Syndrome, so they can't take the vaccine. But what percentage of these people have actually been professionally diagnosed with it?

Here's my theory: they looked it up on WebMD, and they found out that one of the symptoms is weak and tingling hands and feet. They have that, so they think "AHA! I HAVE GUILLAINE-BARRE SYNDROME!"

However, what they don't realize is that weak and tingling hands and feet are also a symptom of diabetes. It is entirely possible that a large fraction of the Internet's self-declared Guillain-Barre sufferers are actually undiagnosed diabetics. After all, diabetes (unlike Guillain-Barre Syndrome) actually does run rampant in western populations.

Andross Darkheart

God Emperor of Hell

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
anti-vaxxers are routinely protesting, and now even attacking, trudeaus campaign stops while simultaneously mcgill university is facing backlash from students and staff over covid protocols not being strict enough.

Which is, frankly, a wonderful statement at the nature of the split in society over covid. The idiots are angry because it's still not over (even though THEY are the ones dragging this shit out.) and the educated are anxious almost to paranoia about the disease. I don't blame them: with new variants still emerging and the death toll climbing hourly, we needed: as both a society and individuals to take the threat and our response to it far more seriously than we did.

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