Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
War in Star Trek seems to be Top Gun as long as you're on a ship and The Things They Carried the moment you beam down, and somehow that seems to actually be consistent across series. What Discovery saw of the war with the Klingons, most of it happened from a ship perspective. DS9 did the cool ship stuff as well as the wildly understaffed and underequipped field hospital episode. With the exception of how that Protocol 12 stuff was handled the first time we saw it, SNW hasn't had the need or opportunity to make the Federation-Klingon war related stuff "cool" at all, unless I'm forgetting something obvious as I tend to do, most likely from S1.


Active member
War in Star Trek seems to be Top Gun as long as you're on a ship and The Things They Carried the moment you beam down, and somehow that seems to actually be consistent across series. What Discovery saw of the war with the Klingons, most of it happened from a ship perspective. DS9 did the cool ship stuff as well as the wildly understaffed and underequipped field hospital episode. With the exception of how that Protocol 12 stuff was handled the first time we saw it, SNW hasn't had the need or opportunity to make the Federation-Klingon war related stuff "cool" at all, unless I'm forgetting something obvious as I tend to do, most likely from S1.

It's less about cool and more about visceral. Disco tried to do that a little bit with Detmer, but on a one-to-one helmsman comparison SNW's treatment of Ortegas just does it a lot more effectively.


Well-known member
I really liked the episode. Dak’rah was very interesting in that he *was* a bad person (by not wanting to put the effort in to actually make amends among other failings) but *was not* a bad guy in that he legitimately wanted to help the Federation negotiate peace.

Doubtless M’Benga’s “choice” might serve (to him) a sense of Justice but it also likely means people will die that otherwise might not have. It was ultimately the wrong call but an understandable one.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Ok, I've started on Strange New Worlds.

I saw the first ep before but I forgot about those hallucinations that Pike has about him feeling his death. So did him getting affected by future vision inducing ore happen in another series or a special or something? Should I watch that first?

The living asteroid ep was sorta cute. Not sure about the religion thing but, hey, they have future vision ore so maybe the asteroid knew what to do too. Or maybe time out of sync wormhole aliens.

Btw, is Strange New Worlds an alternate dimension from Next Gen, DS9 and Voyager? Sort of like the Chris Pine movie version?


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
The time crystal business happened in DIscovery season 2. There's not much you need to know about it for this, other than Pike and Spock know about the Discovery and Pike knows about the whole training accident thing being fated to happen - when he took the crystal he accepted that it was going to have to happen.

SNW is so far still technically a prequel to the original series and everything else. Official word is it's all the Prime timeline still, though it may not be the Prime timeline seen in TOS at the time, thanks to Time War shenanigans causing dates for certain things to be pushed back(which is a plot point in a later episode). But as far as this is concerned, the chair thing was in TOS - The Menagerie, which was a framing device for The Cage, which takes place prior to SNW.

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
I saw the first ep before but I forgot about those hallucinations that Pike has about him feeling his death. So did him getting affected by future vision inducing ore happen in another series or a special or something? Should I watch that first?
It's from Discovery S2, which is about Spock and features Pike, Una, and briefly the Enterprise. That's what created demand for a Pike show in the first place, so no complaints on his role, although Spock gets sucked into the melodrama in unfortunate ways. The trouble is, it's also the second-worst and also least cohesive season of Discovery.

Btw, is Strange New Worlds an alternate dimension from Next Gen, DS9 and Voyager? Sort of like the Chris Pine movie version?
No. Yes. Paramount said no, but time shenanigans say that it's been slightly adjusted from the past we see in the future.

Edit: Deka beat me to everything while I was typing but I posted it anyway X ]


Well-known member
They are the sole arbiter of canon so it’s Prime regardless of how much sense that does (or doesn’t) make.

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
A lot of fandom menace types have spent years insisting that particular details about Discovery mean that unbeknownst to CBS and the creators themselves, the series was somehow "really" in an alternate timeline. That's not how fiction works, and those guys were never right and never will be.

Ordinarily, no matter how big a difference between two shows' treatment of the same events, all we can really say is that one represented it this way and another represented it that way. I mean, if this wasn't a franchise with time travel and parallel universes, then the same inconsistencies would invite different excuses from a similar line of fan. I don't find those kind of excuses compelling.

However, "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow" this season pretty explicitly identified something as having changed due to time travel nonsense, where the original timeline was the history known in TOS, and the altered one was the past of SNW. IMO, that did awkwardly leave a door open.

Of course, in that case, it's only the date of the Eugenics War that's been delayed by 30 years and counting, since it hasn't happened yet in the real world, and so that Trek can keep making cultural references beyond 1992. After Boimler showed up on SNW Enterprise bridge and didn't make a comment about how it seemed bigger in real life, which seems like the most natural occasion in the world for that to come up if it was going to, I don't imagine they'll ever call much attention to canonicity of set design.

Maybe it's splitting hairs to say that technically there's a timeline difference that doesn't matter. It's obviously not why the sets look different, at least until someone decides it is, and it's nothing related or similar to the Kelvin timeline. And technically, the SNW episode was very explicit that these changes were altering the timeline, not splitting it, so if your TOS BD collection hasn't vanished, the changes must not have been very important.


Well-known member
I mean logically stuff would have to change. There is absolutely no way 2023 NOW would be indistinguishable from a 2023 where WWII took place from 1969-1975 instead of 1939-1945.

Yet that’s exactly what Paramount decrees and thus so it is.


Well-known member
Just watched the latest 2 episodes. Really enjoyed the Lower Decks crossover. A good comedy relief before getting into the next episode. And I’m gonna guess the musical is next to re lightin the tone of the series.

Enjoyed the episode. Cool to see Chapel and Joe in a MASH type setup. I always want more after I see these kinds of episodes / movies. You have us hints at the ear but didn’t really show it. Same with Star Wars. I want the Mimbane battle from Solo and Battle of Jakku.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Ok, I've started on Strange New Worlds.

I saw the first ep before but I forgot about those hallucinations that Pike has about him feeling his death. So did him getting affected by future vision inducing ore happen in another series or a special or something? Should I watch that first?

The living asteroid ep was sorta cute. Not sure about the religion thing but, hey, they have future vision ore so maybe the asteroid knew what to do too. Or maybe time out of sync wormhole aliens.

Btw, is Strange New Worlds an alternate dimension from Next Gen, DS9 and Voyager? Sort of like the Chris Pine movie version?

Pike was in Season 2 of Discovery, He was the commanding officer there, and that is where he saw his future when they went to this Klingon monastery that had weird time flow due to the rocks.

The living asteroid and the restoration of the desert planet was a great episode.

SNW is in the same Star Trek Prime universe. It predates the Original Series by about a decade or so, and about 70 years after Enterprise, IIRC. So it is the same universe as TNG< DS9, and Voyager. Sisko even gets the Christopher Pike award in DS9.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I liked this week's episode.

The flashback segments were intense, and I love the cameo of Clint Howard getting to be on Star Trek again. The ambassador could have used some more fleshing out. Like was he really trying to make up for what he had done or was it just him putting on a show to save his own skin? I like the ending just fine, especially with Mbenga and Pike's conversation.

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
SNW is in the same Star Trek Prime universe. It predates the Original Series by about a decade or so, and about 70 years after Enterprise, IIRC. So it is the same universe as TNG< DS9, and Voyager. Sisko even gets the Christopher Pike award in DS9.
To be fair, that would be true whether it was the same timeline or not, accepting that as in TOS Pike was the captain of the Enterprise first. But I'd forgotten that detail until my rewatch of DS9 and it sure was more meaningful this time 😁


Active member
That was everything I wanted it to be. I even got singing Wynonna Earp. And the Klingon captain was Hemmer which makes it better.

TIL Uhura is Lachanze's daughter so no wonder she's one of the less auto tuned

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I haven't see the new episode, but I finally got the wife to watch the Lower decks cross over episode last night! She, of course, loved it!


Well-known member
For a horrifying second I thought the Klingons were breaking into "Why Do You Only Call Me When You're High" by Arctic Monkeys.

Uhura's big solo needs an Emmy or Grammy or something. The exact same lyrics of the refrain go from a plaintive wail to a triumphant epiphany just from vocal performance.

(Yes, I bought the soundtrack and it's on my phone now.)



Immortal Maximal OC


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