Star Trek: Picard


Well-known member
We should keep in mind, even if the writers don’t, that Jean-Luc Picard is dead. The current one is a robotic copy that’s *treated* exactly the same but it isn’t any more than a Hologram of Jean-Luc would be. It can be patterned after him sure but you can’t transfer an actual soul into a Golem.
It is weird to think about. I has his memories. But they could make 10 of them easily. They can change their mind and make him immortal whenever.

I don't know if they ever mentioned it in season 2, but did the robot finally get in touch with feelings that the real man never did by finally dealing properly with memories that didn't belong to him? Could an experienced technician have make Picard able to connect with Laris without having to almost destroy history?

I was really surprised that
Cap'n Liam knew he is a robot. Was it front page news?


Well-known member
I was really surprised that
Cap'n Liam knew he is a robot. Was it front page news?

Probably yeah.

Everybody seemed super cool with it. Giving Robocard his rank back and everything. Super weird considering the Federation was blatantly racist against Synths five seconds ago *and* the last time Picard was (partially) synthetic he killed 11,000 people.


Well-known member
People in the future are above the pettiness of modern man, Blud. I'm surprised you didn't know that.


Well-known member
When the plot demands they are, sure. Otherwise they use sapient medical holograms as 1890 miners on asteroids with no cognitive dissonance…


Well-known member
What else are we supposed to do with a whole bunch of expensive holoemitters and an exhaustive medical database when they turn out not to be as good as the Andy Dick ones? Stick them in a box and hide it?


Maystor missspelur
Hell I'm surprised Shaw didnt outright dismiss Admiral Picard when he fist came aboard for "inspection"
And throwing the word synth in his face


Well-known member
Well, it is Star Trek . . .
Sure. And also the internet. But they set every card in place. Some time after Nemesis, Picard made Beverly a mix tape and tried out a romance and it didn’t work and this is 22 years after Nemesis and Beverly hasn’t seen any of them for “20 years” which I think we can take as ABOUT 20 years. The actor is 35 now but 33-34 when it was filmed. That’s at the high end of typical range for actors playing 20-year-olds in movies. Tom Holland and Zendaya are 26 and recently played 18. There is absolutely no reason to try and think she hid a baby from her coworkers for 15 years and THEN went into hiding when she decided to let her teenager back in.


Then again, this is the same show that made Picard a synth in order to cure him of a disease, instead of technobabbling a cure.


Well-known member
It was a really left field choice when his impending death was a nod to "All Good Things..." and a pretty perfect way to wrap up this series in a legacy kind of way.


Well-known member
We should keep in mind, even if the writers don’t, that Jean-Luc Picard is dead. The current one is a robotic copy that’s *treated* exactly the same but it isn’t any more than a Hologram of Jean-Luc would be. It can be patterned after him sure but you can’t transfer an actual soul into a Golem.
You might not be looking at the big picture. Jean-Luc had a field trip to Las Vegas to see the Statue of Liberty when he was 7. His soul was destroyed at that time, because they used a transporter beam that annihilated his physical and spiritual form, because it is the most convenient way to have someone that looked just like pick up some memories that could be copied into a 3rd Jean-Luc back home later that day.

But then you gotta wonder, why the fancy robot body? Why don't they just reset from the last transporter pattern? It would be an interesting take on Star Trek (or on a parody) if they just always did that every time an officer died on an away mission. Or maybe not Ensigns. We aren't made of money here.


Well-known member
I mean, isn't everyone a copy because the transporter rips them apart and then puts then back together? Shaw is a bigot anyways so he calls it out but nobody else really cares because it literally doesn't matter.

If its not important to the resolution of this season, it literally never mattered at all.


Well-known member
I’d assume mostly because they don’t want to write around people being functionally immortal.

If its not important to the resolution of this season, it literally never mattered at all.

Exactly. So one must wonder *why* it was ever done at all. They’ve had to clumsily write around a stupid idea for two seasons. Better to have just had Q gift him back his actual body considering that would make sense. Certainly more than “Well, Gul Dukat wounded you so badly here that they also had to put you in a synth body they DRM’d to be equally as shitty as your human one despite the fact you’re going around annihilating alien races and could certainly use super strength, super intelligence, etc”.


Well-known member
Right. Its dumb.

But they could have used Picard's synthness to push for equality and understanding for synthtic life to normalize relations after the decades worth of prejudice perpetrated by the federation. Picard is now a synth ex-borg and it has not mattered at all outside of having a connection to Seven, which has never been exploited to its fullest potential.

If they were making him a robot they could have made it relevant, but they haven't, so why even bother with it in the first place?

I'll never understand.


Well-known member
It *sounds* good on paper but they’ve mismanaged every single thing about it since the introduction. It very much strikes me as Chabon’s baby and he left so it just kinda hangs there useless like a vestigial tail.


Active member
We should keep in mind, even if the writers don’t, that Jean-Luc Picard is dead. The current one is a robotic copy that’s *treated* exactly the same but it isn’t any more than a Hologram of Jean-Luc would be. It can be patterned after him sure but you can’t transfer an actual soul into a Golem.
Based on this post, it sounds like you believe that a digital consciousness is nothing more than a computer copy of the person. Shows up UpLoad (on Amazon) are just a bunch of computer code and not the person?

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