Star Trek General Discussion


Well-known member
This is crazy. I'm pretty sure it's a conspiracy since they were going to finally make a Serenity from Firefly. :D I almost pre-ordered it; glad I held off.

Admittedly, I never started on their Star Trek ships collection because I would've wanted them all and I just wasn't willing to commit. But I did appreciate their other (smaller) properties. I have an Orville and a Rocinante.


Well-known member
Really good season premiere of Lower Decks

Cromwell! Bateson! The fact the system *does* work in the 24th Century so it’s ok to trust it!

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I finished watching both seasons of Lower Decks the other day. I had it in my head that the show was about background characters who are based on the Enterprise. Guess not.

It's fun but kinda usual fun. I'd love a super serious episode on the level of action and suspense of the season 2 finale.

Also, was Bills (?) talking about being attracted to someone, after his ep where he's trying to keep his virginity?


How did we get so dark?
I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed. I mean, as other reviews have put it, it shouldn't be up to four ensigns to save the day, but the Pakled storyline had been pretty prominent over season two, and especially the last couple of episodes. That everything was more or less wrapped up in a minute or so of dialog didn't feel like good enough payoff to what came before (I felt the same about how Shaxs was brought back from the deal last year, too). But, again, I do understand why things need to be ratcheted back down.

That said, it was great to have James Cromwell back, and I did enjoy the First Contact related parts. I got a chuckle about how tourist-y it had become!


Active member
Had a thought this morning. In 'First Contact' there is a starship Bozeman and then later on the movie takes place in Bozeman, Montana. Coincidence?


The starship Bozeman (or another one with the same name, perhaps) was the one Morgan Bateson commanded, as it happens--it's the one the Enterprise kept crashing into in "Cause and Effect."


Well-known member
Given the places’ historical importance I’m sure there have been several throughout Starfleet history.

SHIELD Agent 47

Active member
I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed. I mean, as other reviews have put it, it shouldn't be up to four ensigns to save the day, but the Pakled storyline had been pretty prominent over season two, and especially the last couple of episodes. That everything was more or less wrapped up in a minute or so of dialog didn't feel like good enough payoff to what came before (I felt the same about how Shaxs was brought back from the deal last year, too). But, again, I do understand why things need to be ratcheted back down.

That said, it was great to have James Cromwell back, and I did enjoy the First Contact related parts. I got a chuckle about how tourist-y it had become!
By the way, the Lower Decks thread is here:

Had a thought this morning. In 'First Contact' there is a starship Bozeman and then later on the movie takes place in Bozeman, Montana. Coincidence?

I believe Brandon Braga is from Bozeman, so it makes sense.

The starship Bozeman (or another one with the same name, perhaps) was the one Morgan Bateson commanded, as it happens--it's the one the Enterprise kept crashing into in "Cause and Effect."

Given the places’ historical importance I’m sure there have been several throughout Starfleet history.

I love TNG 5.18 "Cause and Effect". Possibly my favourite time travel episode; the entire main cast makes you feel that they put everything together piece by piece to the solution. It is unfortunate the 1980s-1990s episodic format prevented any real follow-up on Captain Bateson's time-displaced crew.

Heh, I did not really think before today that Brannon Braga got to precipitate Cochrane's famous launch from Bozeman with namedrops in TNG 5.18 and 6.08.


Well-known member
Just got back from TWOK in the theater. I have not seen it in the theater in 40 years. It held up well.

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Active member
I had never seen it on big screen before, it was so good.

Weirdly, there was a small cut, just after the return from the Genesis Cave, the director's cut should have a line in the access tube where Kirk tells Spock that David is his son.


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
People were talking about Star Trek games and canon in another thread but I wanted to post this. It's a screen shot (not mine) from my most favorite Star Trek game ever.

It was text based but it had a lot of animated menus and text screens. The game was oddly ahead of its time with the interaction between you in the crew, but the parser was a bit clunky at times. Some of the stuff confused me as a kid but I remember I got pretty far in it and I really felt like I was present in the Star Trek world. It was called The Kobyashi Alternative.

Anyone here ever play it?


Immortal Maximal OC
The update on at least the Enterprise parts work model. IXO Models has been working to get in touch with people who have Eaglemoss part works models like the Ecto 1 they did in fact get some of Eaglemoss's inventory. It was easy for them since their parent company worked on some of the tooling for some of the Eagelmoss Part Works.

So if anyone here was working on any of the three Parts Works models there should be a way to get your parts soon.

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