Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies: An RPG thread


Pittied fools.
Yesterday, I clearly overestimated myself. Scheduled a Pathfinder 2e learn to play and a Pathfinder Society game and despite being prepared to run both, I wasn't actually prepared since the times ran into each other and each ended late. Didn't help that I also had work this morning. Oh well, something to prepare for next time.


Pittied fools.
Ran another Pathfinder Society game yesterday and getting more used to GMing in person. Starting to build up a group of regulars. One mild annoyance is one the players asking tons of questions. Some of it being new to the system (which is fine and I'd like to encourage that) but some sits in a range of looking for loopholes. The other issue with it is the amount of time it uses up. I made the decision to start an hour earlier on future games.


Pittied fools.
Yesterday, I actually killed my fourth player character. No hard feelings and it was a situation of having a squishy character winding up in melee and dice being dice. Though I think the actual monster was a bit rough for level one.


Pittied fools.
Last night there was a question on who's stronger in Pathfinder 2e: casters or martials?

Dragons. The answer to the question is dragons are stronger.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
What about caster dragons vs martial dragons?


Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Late to season 2 of Vox Machina. I like this campaign better than the vampires of season 1.

Also playing Alien rpg, Chariots of the Gods. Basic so far but cool.


Pittied fools.
So, Pathfinder 2e's Remaster came out last week. Been keeping up with it for the past few months though I won't have a physical copy until the pocket editions come out in a few months. Did anyone else pick up a copy?


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Archives of Nethys is supposed to update in the near future with the changes; mostly I've just been checking out a few specific things rogue-related.

Also now we can have caster dragons and martial dragons, if you don't mind 3rd party created by one of the original PF2E devs:
Picked it up myself(since it'll actually let me make Jasmine using RAW finally) and it's a nice book, with 45(!) different kinds of dragons. of course don't knwo when I'll ever get to actually USE it, but still a nice book.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I still have cyberpunk withdrawal. It just does more for me than fantasy or superhero settings.


I still have cyberpunk withdrawal. It just does more for me than fantasy or superhero settings.
I recommend high doses of Johnny Mnemonic, Matrix...and, well, if you can't find a good chunk of Cyberpunk in an anime shop, you ain't lookin'.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Throw on Beast in Black's "Dark Connections" album while you're at it. The HBS Shadowrun games are also still out there on Steam or GOG


Pittied fools.
I still have cyberpunk withdrawal. It just does more for me than fantasy or superhero settings.
I'd say you should try GMing but that requires having the right rules and group. I haven't played any games in a cyberpunk setting but it probably be similar to Call of Cthulhu in that I would prefer one shots over campaigns. Granted, I've only GMed CoC and then, only at Free RPG Day or learn to play days.



Eh hem!

Also, something I got since that thread...


I believe Red is the most recent. It's also hardcover and pricier. 2020 is the older version and less expensive, but is also paperback with pages that feel like cheaper newsprint.
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Fabulously Foxy Dragon
If you're gonna pull out Snow Crash, might as well pull out Neuromancer too. And if you need some dragons alongside it, there's a whole line of Shadowrun novels.


I prefer message board RP's over live RP's. In my experience, live RP's only last a couple weeks before scheduling a time that's convenient for all is just too much and the campaign fizzles.

With that said, if someone is up to GM'ing a game of Cyberpunk or D&D (E3, E3.5, E4 or E5) on the boards, I'm there.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Funnily enough, after trying to find PbP games for TTRPGs on Myth-Weavers, a site dedicated to PbP games, most of the ones I actually tried and got into also died within a few weeks. Only one managed to last any length of time(several years in fact) before dieing to player attrition + the holidays causing enough inactivity the automated systems killed it fully.

Meanwhile, the small group I started playing Traveller with via DIscord and Roll20 a couple years ago is on its second campaign, despite regular pauses due to one player's family issues and another player/GM's power issues due to the situation in Ukraine.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I prefer message board RP's over live RP's. In my experience, live RP's only last a couple weeks before scheduling a time that's convenient for all is just too much and the campaign fizzles.

With that said, if someone is up to GM'ing a game of Cyberpunk or D&D (E3, E3.5, E4 or E5) on the boards, I'm there.

Same. Every live group I've been in has been a struggle. Shadowrun was the best experience but even then it wasn't that many sessions. I should go back and count sometime. It wasn't enough.

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