Ranting about quebec: newspark edition!

wonko the sane?

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Quebecers speaking the local dialect at high speed makes them sound like they're quacking. Semi automatic duck.

wonko the sane?

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Alrighty! Let's hit it!

Montreal student gets surgery in Kingston, Ont. after 15 hour wait in Montreal ER

Long story short: guys appendix burst, he waited 15 hours in the central english hospital in montreal, in rabid pain mind you, then he was picked up by his parents, driven to ontario, where he went to ANOTHER ER and waited four more hours to be seen. If he had continued to stick it out in montreal: he would be dead. Thankfully despite the wait he survived.

The royal vic hospital's ER was at 197% capacity.

Meanwhile: the premier of quebec REFUSES to sign the new healthcare deal being offered by the federal government because they don't to be accountable to anyone over how they spend the money... that other people give them. Even if quebec signs on to the new deal: things will not get better because they will not use the healthcare money for healthcare. So expect to start seeing more deaths in quebec hospitals.

wonko the sane?

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Alrighty, two things pissing me off this morning!

1.) The south shore leg of the montreal light rail system is FINALLY carrying people. It's only like a year late and a couple billion over budget. Oh, and there's already been a technical disruption cause the 8 am train stalled. And of course, because they built more mass transit for montreal: the surrounding transit systems were told not to send buses across the bridges anymore: take them to one of the (still under construction.) south shore stations and have them take the train... which costs another ticket (oh, and their charging a higher rate to get into the montreal system at those stations: something the courts already told them not to ******* do, but no one ever follows up.), so now trips that used to take 15-20 minutes are taking 45 minutes or more: Task failed successfully I guess. It's now even SLOWER and more expensive to cross the bridges. Raise your glass for consistency!

2.) Canada is now requiring that individual cigarettes have health warnings printed on them. Seriously. If you are at that point: would you just ******* BAN THEM already. You aren't going to stop people from smoking, just stop them from smoking THAT.

wonko the sane?

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Alrighty, so some more stuff today!

1.) a portion of bill 40 was shot down by a supreme court judge. 125 page judgement, but my favorite part was when he used the word "unconstitutional". For those whom do not know, bill 40 was the restructuring of quebec schools to remove the very little aspects of democracy and independence in the bureaucracy. They wanted to destroy school boards, and then run the whole mess from the education ministry in quebec. The goal was to end english education in the province, but protection of minority schools was already built into both the quebec constitution and the canadian constitution. This further opens the cases against bill 23, 21, and 96. Because all that shit breaks the over riding laws of the land.

2.) Quebec is going to be banning the sale of flavoured vapping liquid as of oct 1st, and the reason stated, I shit you not: "Won't someone please think of the children!". The stated goal of this move is prevent children from being enticed into vapping. Experts have repeatedly stated that this will do nothing except further balloon the black market and drive the people whom want the stuff there. It'll hurt legitimate vendors and put money into the hands of criminals and expand the use of uncontrolled substances. What it WON'T do is prevent people from smoking, or encourage smokers to stop.

3.) A montreal fire truck got stuck in a pothole for two hours yesterday! Well, it wasn't so much a pot hole as it was a sink hole... in a street that was repaved less than a week ago. This is the infrastructure we're paying for. Normally it lasts till the first thaw, but this was a new low bar even for this shithole. I couldn't help but be reminded of this.
Excavator falls in sinkhole.

4.) in national news: trudeau and his wife are seperating. 18 years and calling it quits.

This is not ******* news. This is a private affair that is being coopted by public interest because of his political position. When trudeau is incapable of doing his ******* job cause he's spending all his time drinking and crying: THAT is ******* news.

wonko the sane?

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PIerre poilievre (federal torie leader.) is desperate to rebrand the federal conservatives more towards center after the pandemic and in face of the coming federal elections.

Oooohhh, then he goes and spouts the conspiracy theory that the World economic forum is trying to force its will on sovereign nations and then will forbid his man's from attending the forum when he's prime minister.

tories and conspiracy: goes together like peanut butter and chocolate with a side of bleach.

Sad thing is: he actually IS projected to be the next prime minister (projection subject to change, still.) not because he's seen as the competent, intelligent representative that canada needs, but because folks are sick of trudeau.

I'm voting ndp next time. Let's let some untested **** up screw things up for a change.


Active member
The only positive thing I can say about Pierre is that even if I don't agree with him, policy-wise, at least he's a competent public speaker. And whenever he's insulting Trudeau I can at least get a laugh out of it. Justin's speeches have always been among the most frustrating to watch. He's a piss-poor public speaker, constantly slurring his words, stuttering and hesitating as if he's trying to decide which lie to tell this time. I suspect he's just kind of a dullard, which makes it embarrassing he's come as far as he has..

The problem with the NDP is that they'll never win. People are sick of Trudeau, and the NDP are to blame for the last 1.5-2 years of Trudeau due to propping him up in return for... whatever the Liberals promised to do for them, policy-wise. I'd be willing to bet the NDP didn't get what they were promised any more than the rest of Canada did. There's also the perception that if the NDP get in, they'll simply continue everything the Liberals have done, but dialed up to 11. The average Canadian no longer believes they can afford to sacrifice money from their paycheques to fight climate change, or any of these other initiatives to make the world a better place. And it's hard to argue with people who are being forced to choose between keeping the lights on, or a roof overhead, and buying healthy food for their children. Why would they care if the world will still be here 100 years from now, when their lives are going to hell right now?

Not that I think the Conservatives will deliver on anything they promise, either. At this point, Libs & Cons are just two somewhat different flavors of the same garbage. They'll have a few different priorities than Trudeau, but if they do get in next time the same trends will continue that have gone unabated under Trudeau. Middle-class Canadians will continue to get poorer, increasingly fewer young people & families will ever have the option of buying their own home, and in about 20-35 years when Millennials start hitting what should've been their retirement age and realize they have nothing to retire with, the jig will be up and everything will go to shit.

wonko the sane?

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Nothing political tonight, just ranting.

So I was watching the cooking network while making dinner, and they were doing a world wide whirl wind tour of regional desserts. They wound up in montreal, the old port where one of the fancy ass touristy restaurants did pudding chomeur.

here's a recipe, advised for everyone except diabetics.

Now, the restaurant did it properly; but the announcer was so PAINFULLY unilingual you could have sworn he was an american, raised in isolation and non-verbal until puberty. He said chomeur a total of 8 times, and it was so god awful it was actually painful. I hate the french language and I found it painful. Dude had no problem in ******* barcelona, but made absolutely no effort for canada.

Make the dessert and be happy, that is all.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
I'm voting ndp next time. Let's let some untested **** up screw things up for a change.
Did look up the fed NDP platform out of curiosity, and it’s pretty solid. Nothing extreme to my eyes, basically generic Western European centre-left with a bit of generic Western European green party. (“Pharmacare” still being a thing separate from regular Medicare is depressing to contemplate, incidentally.)

wonko the sane?

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Oh yeah, it's a fairly moderate, rational and reasonable platform. But it's not the liberals (whom are the default standard.) and it's not the extremism of the tories. There's very few actual NDP representatives sitting, and Mr. Sighn has functionally no background in government and frankly: no ******* charisma. I'm entirely certain he would be an EXCELLENT prime minister and his party would govern fairly and reasonably: and they will never, EVER get that chance.

Despite existing in a multiparty system: all that functionally does is split the vote from the big two, creating alternating periods of minority rule. And there hasn't been meaningful cooperation between parties since the early 90's. Which is why that torie bitch was screaming about "backroom governing" when the liberals formed a coalition with the NDP the other year.

The canadian population is, for the most part, no better than the american voting public. We're either forgotten by the government, or simply disappointed by their complete inability to deliver the promises and services as stated. We're not engaged by politics because they are incompetent.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Yeah, you’ve got a point with how the British-style electoral system props up the Lib/Tory duopoly. Then again, the NDP managed to become the federal opposition once, and who knows how the Liberals will fare post-Trudeau, particularly if the NDP manage to get themselves a truly popular leader?

wonko the sane?

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ooohhh, the NDP we're the opposition. The BLOC were opposition more than once: becoming the guys who say "we don't agree" is not a high benchmark. The tories are currently the opposition and literally all they do is scream. They've been doing it for so long (since harper fucked off.) that it's not even coherent anymore. They don't even propose legislation anymore, all they do is propose investigations into the people they don't ******* like, like a squad of americans.


jumbled pile of person
I still don't know how third parties manage to even survive in countries that don't have ranked choice voting. Do all the NDP seats belong to places that are so far left that the Conservatives don't even bother to run anyone?

wonko the sane?

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If it makes you feel any better: I don't know either. There are usually districts where some parties do not run, but that only usually happens on the provincial level, not the federal level. I honestly don't know what they do in between elections... I mean, party leaders usually have paid work cause even if a few mna's get elected, then they need the leader to be press facing and dictate policy, but the rest of them: I assume they either go back to their day jobs or collect the politician equivalent of welfare.

wonko the sane?

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Welp, the stagnation in quebec shall continue: though this time probably with rolling black outs.

There was a hot minute there, where the CAQ was considering adding more nuclear capability to quebecs power grid. All in an effort to export more electricity to the US and the rest of the country of course.

Today, legault shot that idea down. And it's true, they can't do it. They literally cannot do it. Because if they DO, they need to do a hard pivot on their statements to "les quebecois". Either the long standing "you don't need education" statement has to go while they train locals to operate the nuclear facilities, or they need to start bringing in non-white, non-french experts through immigration to fill the need. They cannot do EITHER without losing the quebecois vote back to the PQ.

But that's not going to stop the CAQ from exporting more energy to the US because those rates are like 8 times higher than what they would get selling in quebec, and like 4 times higher than selling to the rest of canada. Our local power grids are falling apart, and the energy production is getting on to maxed out, which is why they were looking at upping the nuclear capacity in the first place.

wonko the sane?

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Poilievre is having a ******* field day dragging trudeau over the speaker of the house inviting a nazi to see president zelensky addressing the house of commons.

But it's also pretty ******* telling. He's screaming about how canada's reputation was tarnished, but instead of creating protocol or policy to ensure it can NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN; he wants to rag on trudeau whom had nothing to do with it. He has no interest in representing, and is not a serious person or even a civil servant. Poilievre wants the title and not the job, and because of that: we can never let him have it.

And in the coming election; we're going to let him have it. Cause we're all ******* sick of trudeau.

wonko the sane?

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Manitoba elected a majority NDP government... led by an indian.

This is interesting, I hope it's a sign of potential in the next federal elections. I know folks are sick of trudeau and the liberals, but the current projected tory victory would just be worse.


jumbled pile of person
Special election? Or do the provinces do their own elections on a staggered schedule?

wonko the sane?

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Each province and territory has their own election schedules. And their own rules, and despite overlapping names (like conservative, liberal and NDP.) are all independent of each other. Like there is no over arching communication or coalition in regards to all the individual provincial liberal parties (as an example.). Doesn't mean they aren't cribbing each others notes: just that there is no formal mechanism to oversee it.

For instance, quebec has 3 more years of caq bullshit before we can do anything about it: since prior politicians abused the motion of no confidence, and they converted to a fixed date system for elections. Now there is no effective system for either political parties OR population to force a new election. I mean, I guess massive and society stopping protests would do it: but there isn't the heart for that these days. We all lived through the summer of protests a few years ago, and our french demagogues were completely unmoved by our actions.

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