Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere


Wondering bot
I changed up my display on the book case in the spare bedroom today after clearing two shelves of stuff, as things around my place been a bit of chaos and my dad plans to scan our old photos dating back to the 1960s and they been mostly organised into plastic storage boxes and we ended up with 13 boxes that have gone into the roof for storage, they aren't completely full but mostly organised as things went through a upevil around my place, mostly in the roof and a lot of old stuff belonging to my dad has been tossed out as they are no longer needed and not important, thus a lot of space openned up, but then that space been taken up by boxes containing the photos, still, its hell of a lot better than it was before hand! What I done with my shelves for now, the top shelf is TFP figures, then starts G1 with the cons, my ideal G1 con line up for seasons 1 & 2, then its Autobots, similar with the seasons, then starts season 3 beyond Autobots, then its the cons again for season 3 beyond and the bottom shelf, is a mix of random figures for now, as its one I need to address, thou it might become a beast shelf of various beast type bots including Dinobots, I'll take pictures later on, when I'm ready and in the mood!


Somehow still sane
It's the first non-robot toy I've bought in years.

Edit: scratch that, I bought some Power Rangers a couple years ago, though they can be argued to be robot-adjacent


Wondering bot
I sorted my pre-orders TF wise, thou this month, Mangatron & Tidalwave are meant to be coming out, thou with my latest pre-orders, I just have to wait a couple of months before they ship, but its a question of when will In demand toys get them in


Going through the "Judge a Person by Their Avatar" thread can be kinda odd.

Like, replies to GSO usually fit's just because he's always some form of Batman. Some people have changed their avatar's but I can still remember the one being talked about. A lot of times though I have no hugging clue what's being talked about.


Somehow still sane
Godzilla got held up at customs but at least Gaogaigar’s already in my country so I’ll have something to do this double holiday.


I rather not think about i.

In other news, I just got an email from Photobucket saying that I haven't accessed my account and that if I don't access my account, they'll delete it.

Oh no! What am I going to do? I could lose my Photobucket accoun. Woe is me! How horrible that I sh suffer such a fate! I...I...I'm actually surprised it took this long tbh.

This was back in 2001. They're still sending e-mails. WTF? Just delete everything already! I couldn't say you didn't warn me, nor can I say I really give a damn.

In other news, anyone should really try going back through this thread. There's some mindless ramblings, but also some real gems. Also a lot of Fnu's menagerie and TMM farts.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Photobucket stopped sending me those emails a while ago. I might have deleted the whole thing. I don't remember.


Somehow still sane
So Goji wasn’t actually shipped and the seller was leading me on. Should have been suspicious from the beginning when he listed the translucent spines version then offered to ship the opaque spines version. I didn’t mind too much and the prices were the same so I went along with it since supply was drying up. Anyway, they kept pushing the dates back until I asked for documentation on the last day they were supposed to ship and it was a load of bunk, sending me a screenshot of a tracking ap that didn’t have a visible tracking number, showing the date it was sent one day before the day i was told it was sent. I threatened to cancel there and then and they offered to send me a burning godzilla to keep the order. That offer was the fishiest thing of all TBH, since in what world would sending a compensatory figure of equal and fairly expensive value make sense for a business? Anyway, the shopping platform refunded me almost immediately probably since there was no actual documentation or even a tracking number

That same day, a local listing for the translucent spines Goji opened up for cheaper, so I took that as a sign that the universe, God, Xenu or whatever higher power decreed that I will have translucent Goji. Anyway, seller shipped it immediately and it’s probably arriving tomorrow.

also knockoff Pose+metal GGG showed up. He’s definitely cool and far more user-friendly than the SoC version, with joints actually designed to hold weight and not made half of metal for no real reason. I’d feel really bad if I bought the real thing though since the design’s not $400+ good. A bargain for $120ish bucks though.


So I learned recently that 🍑 actually only means someone's booty. Going to be homest here, for a while there I thought it meant something...a bit more...female-centric. So I guess it's not quite as dirty as I thought.


Somehow still sane
Horror movie trailers always have that stupid bit with the nursery rhyme on a piano super slow with a creepy kid’s voice reciting. I can’t wait until they run out of childrens’ songs and we get a movie with:

Baby shark
Doo doo doo doo
Baby shark
Doo doo doo doo
Baby shark
Doo doo doo JUMPSCARE


If someone is going to do some weird shit like that, they're obviously looking for attention and it absolutely needs to be filmed and put on YouTube and sent to...whatever show is running funny home videos now.

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