Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

Big Show

To quote Ralphie Parker, "it was the greatest Christmas present I had ever received, or would ever receive". After hitting the "aren't you a little old for toys?" age, I was convinced to give mine to my cousins in Vermont. Many years later, my incredible Nana (RIP) and Gramp rescued him from a barn loft in Rutland, VT and returned him to me. He now stands guard over my office desk within arm's reach to my left. Stickers worn, pieces missing and much yellower for the journey, he never fails to elicit a smile when I look over at him.


Staff member
Council of Elders

A different perspective of that photo shoot. These were taken on my Birthday. My brother-in-law, who's into Transformers as well, came by and helped me do this setup. It took so long to carry everyone down from the shelves I have them on up in a spare bedroom down to the garage, but was a lot of fun.


Well-known member
So I don't have enough space to show the volume of 40 years of collecting TFs but I can do length. Here's my actual first Transformer, a 1984 gift from my Grandmother and my most recent from 2024:


-ZacWilliam, Brawn has had one arm since this almost 48 year old was in First Grade IIRC.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I understand. My first Transformer, the Hound I got for my birthday in 1985, is missing his head.

He'll never be the head of a large corporation now.
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Fabulously Foxy Dragon
'86(non-targetmaster) Blurr was one of my first, and became an involuntary headmaster too. Some bots just can't get ahead in life.


Staff member
Council of Elders

I know I've posted this before, but it seems to go with current discussion. This was my first Transformer I ever received NEW. My first was actually a stripped down Wheeljack that I got from a friend who wasn't that into him. But, I'll always consider Soundwave my first because I got to open the package and play with him from the beginning.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders

I know I've posted this before, but it seems to go with current discussion. This was my first Transformer I ever received NEW. My first was actually a stripped down Wheeljack that I got from a friend who wasn't that into him. But, I'll always consider Soundwave my first because I got to open the package and play with him from the beginning.
Hey, no need to do Jackie dirty. He's your first, and Soundwave is your first all-new.

Distinctions are fun!

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