Detritus needed to be a little less flesh tone. At least as far as I can tell from pics on the Wiki (wik-piks, as I like to call them) it's accurate to the original toy, but a deeper brown and army khaki would have been a lot more pleasant of a look.
100% agree. While accurate to the original toy, I think it's partly the difference between being painted and being molded in that color because yeah - he has some uncanny valley going on looking like he's made of flesh.
Same here. It's very close to the original (most pics I see seem to have them close, although there are some with a slight difference that might be lighting), but with less contrast and other little color details to break it up. There's just something about the drop of pink in all the sand, and the silvery gold accent color basically blending into it, that's not appealing. Even the dark brown is a bit off.
Similarity to the original aside, the final color seems like it should be a click or two off. He really should be a light tan rather than a light man.
How does toon Hound feel in hand? The bare bones colors aside, the surprisingly light feel is one other thing that I wish weren't the case for Detritus.