I have no problem with the glasses on ROTB Wheeljack. It's a neat little affectation and can add some charm.
What I don't like is the way the current design style does faces. Mirage is fine, Arcee less so, Wheeljack just... Bleargh. Lots of strips of metal approximating flexible skin, and slap a couple of creepy floating lips on top of that.
Like, I don't need the full Geewun (as cool as the customs with that head look), but if a face ever needed a faceplate.
What I don't like is the way the current design style does faces. Mirage is fine, Arcee less so, Wheeljack just... Bleargh. Lots of strips of metal approximating flexible skin, and slap a couple of creepy floating lips on top of that.
Like, I don't need the full Geewun (as cool as the customs with that head look), but if a face ever needed a faceplate.