Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Fox Kids TMNT was The Next Mutation.
Dang it, 4Kids! 4Kids TMNT!!!

I can't judge Next Mutation just I never watched it. I honestly would, just to see how young Scott McNeil was when he was acting as the villain Bonesteel (like a Rat King substitute or something?). I read he got a seizure or something from all the character ticks he gave himself?

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Dang it, 4Kids! 4Kids TMNT!!!

I can't judge Next Mutation just I never watched it. I honestly would, just to see how young Scott McNeil was when he was acting as the villain Bonesteel (like a Rat King substitute or something?). I read he got a seizure or something from all the character ticks he gave himself?
It was the movie... done with TV scripts and TV busget. It wasn't... bad, per se. But very much a product (and in some ways, victim.) of it's time.


Well-known member
I meant more the designs rather than the story.

I liked Cyberverse but having EVERYTHING with Optimus as the ‘84 truck isn’t exactly visually interesting. Especially when it comes to Hasbro expecting you to keep buying it.


Well, yeah, especially given all the forms of Spidey they could be doing: Wrestling suit Spidey, Iron Spider, Symbiotic Suit, Ben Riley, 2099...😜

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I friggin' loved Rise of the TMNT. After 2012's "Ultimate" TMNT (as I like to think of it), I wanted something that got as far from the norm as possible while still feeling like TMNT, and I think Rise nailed it.

So, I got what I wanted in that regard.


An oldie but a goodie!


New issue is out today. Without getting into spoilers:

1. IDW has really helped Donatello go from the fourth turtle that's mostly in the background to being an actual fun character for me.

2. Venus and Seri (the newborn Triceraton) look promising.

3. Last issue they really faded Alopex's eye markings to being almost gone. This issue they're completely gone. I don't think I like that. I actually really liked the eye of markings. It made her design interesting.


Welcome to another episode of "cool story, bro." In this episode, this is how I rated the turtles at different points in my life.

Fred Wolf Cartoon
1. Michelangelo - has a defined personality separate from the others. He's the party guy.

2. Everyone else because I don't even know all there names.

First Movie
1. Raphael - Did one of my childhood heroes just say 'damn' three times in the first 15 minutes? This guy's moody and edgy. I like him.

2. Oh Michelangelo! You'll always be one of my top favorites.

3. Blue bandana guy - He's Raphael's verbal sparring partner. Plus he has katana blades. He's cool I guess.

4. Purple Bandana guy - He exists...I guess.

TMNT 2003
1. Raph - Who's my moody little Wolverine? You're my moody little Wolverine. Yes you are! Yes you are!

2. Leo - Every Wolverine needs a Cyclops. All that's missing is a cute redhead to fight over.

3. Mikey - Sorry, dude. You just got to popular. Way too mainstream for me.

4. Donatello - He exists...I guess.

1. Raph - Still holding on to number 1, but you might want to watch out. There's been a disturbance in the force.

2. Donny - WOAH! Where the hell did you come from? Like seriously, I don't know what it is, but somehow he just recently shot up through the ranks.

3. Leo - Wolverine still needs his Cyclops.

4. Mikey - Hey, last place in this family is still pretty awesome, Mr. Last Ronin. Yeah, you're okay.

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