Mortal Kombat


I already had MK11 for Switch. Of course I knew there's no way it played or looked as good as PlayStation or Xbox, but it was a portable/docked hybrid, so I was happy.

Of course having it on Switch with all DLC and story mode completed, I resisted getting it for PS4. Except last night I was able to get Ultimate with all DLC for $16. So I went for it.

I can never go back to the Switch version. The graphics can't even compare and I think PS5 has ruined me forever on loading times.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Yeah, it’s hard to go back to Switch with some of the conveniences of modern consoles. As much as I might chaff under the impending digital future…being able to swap games without getting off my butt on my Series S has definitely spoiled me. I’ve been tempted by digital sales to “rebuy” a few of the old Switch ports for the Series S. Not sure there was a big change with Diablo 3, though.

But I don’t think that negates how good the port was, all things considered. I was a bit amused by it since it has been a while since we had seen that sort of extreme porting done on a current game.


Yeah, Switch port isn't terrible. And if it was all I had, I'd be totally content with it. It's just that the PS5 is so much better that I just can't see myself going back.

And like I said, PS5 loading times have truly spoiled me, not just for MK, but just in general.


Could be interesting. It looks like they really changed the designs of some characters. I barely recognized Kano And Sub without his costume.


Well-known member
Yeah I think it's a Mortal version of Raiden. Looks cool. Need some game play footage though.

Really happy to see them go through with the reset timeline from the end of 11


Well at least they're continuing from 11 instead of making a complete reboot...even if continuing from q1 is in itself a reboot. But do we really need another Mortal Kombat 1? This is like, what, the third one now?

Deathy G1

Active member
Well at least they're continuing from 11 instead of making a complete reboot...even if continuing from q1 is in itself a reboot. But do we really need another Mortal Kombat 1? This is like, what, the third one now?
It seems from the trailer that there will be many continuity changes. I could see this reverting back to the old timeline at the end of the story.


Active member
Well at least they're continuing from 11 instead of making a complete reboot...even if continuing from q1 is in itself a reboot. But do we really need another Mortal Kombat 1? This is like, what, the third one now?

I mean.. Even 9 wasn't a complete reboot.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'll go with it, wherever it takes us, I suppose. I'll just say that I was disappointed they jettisoned the refreshed timeline after only two games, though.

Side note: Why the hell hasn't MK9 been released on the same platforms as MKX and MK11? Get the whole trilogy in one go, y'know? I never even got to play 9.


I mean.. Even 9 wasn't a complete reboot.
Fair. I guess reboot isn't the right word. But still, how many times are they going to go back in time and start a completely different time line? They're already matching Zelda with 3. Boom, got my Zelda reference in!
I'll just say that I was disappointed they jettisoned the refreshed timeline after only two games, though.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Kinda. Not a fan of them mixing MK3's bald Kano with MK1 Kano's outfit, even though I think they've done that before.

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