

I tried going up against Raven Beak again for gits and shiggles. It actually only took twice to do it. There must be something to this whole "get better each time" thing. I just realized I didn't give a final grade after finishing Dread. I gave it a grade while still playing it.

I'll just say, that my rating (S on a good day, A when I'm pissed off at it) does seem to still hold up to what I'm thinking now after I finished it. It's difficulty is just such a double-edged sword.

I don't think I've had this feeling of accomplishment for finishing a game in quite a while. I had to fight and fight and fight and by the time it was done, there was much jumping around and screaming at the top of my lungs "I ******* DID IT!!!!!" It's quite a feeling to have.

On the other side of the blade, man oh man was I ever close to quitting this game on several occasions. I bull-headed my way through it, but I sure as heck wouldn't blame someone if they did quit this. Controllers where thrown.

But really, difficulty being a double edged sword is the only caveat I would give to this being an "S-tier" game. Graphics are perfect. Controls are...hmm. There are a couple times when trying to aim the Omega Beam at an EMMI where it was a bit touchy trying to aim. Other than that, the controls are dang tight!

Everything on this is so un-reservedly perfect...except the difficulty which is a double-edged sword. I honestly can't decide if the difficulty is too much or not. It's aggravating yet so rewarding. So everything else being weighed...I'm going to have to stick with my "S-Tier" rating.


This is how a unicorn comments
I personally don't find it all that difficult. No more then other games I've played, but then again. I'm someone who's beaten the Original Ninja Gaiden on NES, Castlevania 3 and Devil May Cry 3 the original release on 'Normal' AND got all the blue fragments, which means I defeated ALL the bosses again at the end. So I enjoy a good challenge.

(PS: Stuff like Kaizo Mario is not a 'challenge' in my opinion. It's designed to quite literally frustrate the hell out of you. That's not fun)

The EMMI are not a challenge. They are a tedious annoying thing I have to deal with to enjoy the game. They are a complete failure and I'll die on that hill.


That's actually very fair. In fact, yeah, some of the boss fights got frustrating, but the EMMI's alone are the reason I originally said (A when I'm pissed off at it). There were more than a few times I'd be looking at that pixel door and wonder if I really had to do this or if I would be better off just calling it a night right there.

That's why it's so difficult for me to rate. Like, no game is perfect. Even the most perfect game in the world is going to have some flaws. So where is the line between S-Tier and A-Tier? Even S-Tier must have some leeway for quirks.

I gave Ocarina of Time an S-. Now, even the most rosy of nostalgia goggles won't let me deny that the graphics haven't aged well and the large map is largely empty. But I also have to acknowledge what it gave to 3D gaming in general as well as the Zelda series in particular. The game is an icon. In spite of some of its flaws, I have to give it an S...minus.

I don't think I would get much argument giving Super Metroid an "S-tier" grade. But the button mapping, particularly if you're going back to it after more recent games, is off. Weapon firing is mapped to X, Jumping to A, dash to B and item cancel to Y. That is just so akward to me now. Y should be shoot, B jump...and I really don't care what the others do. But the button mapping is an issue for me. But everything else is so perfect, I wouldn't dare not give it an S rating.

So here I am with Dread. EMMI is (as far as I can tell), nearly universally..."hate" is a strong word...but typically disliked from what I've heard. Some people think its too difficult. Some think the difficulty's just fine. I think it's double-edged myself. But everything else: graphics, button mapping, story,'s just perfect. I'm far from even trying to do all of the Shinespark puzzles, but even I have been able to do more with the Shinespark than I've ever been able to do in any other Metroid game. I'm still going back and playing it even though I've already beaten it.

Sooooooo...S-tier for me.

I'd honestly like to see some final grades here. Gamefaqs is toxic about everything, so I don't really even give them the time of day. Meteoritic is very positive, but I don't put any faith in them either. So I'd kinda like to know final scores. For me, I have to say S-tier.


This is how a unicorn comments
B - for me.

The map doesn't have the same feel as some of the others did. Some say that it feels a bit more linear than old ones, and maybe that's it? It's nothing that I can't overlook, but I always feel something is off.

Too many mini bosses. We simply didn't need THAT many.

Also do NOT have a damn mechanic where you have to counter the boss at the end to beat it, or else you fight forever. It's just annoying.

Also why even HAVE that double jump upgrade? You get it and use it for like thirty minutes, then get the space jump. Why bother?

And finally the damn EMMI. It's a fairly decent game, dragged down by weird choices and designs.


That's actually pretty fair. And to be completely honest, I have to wonder what grade I would give this if not for the fact that it's the first nom-remake 2D Metroid to come out in over a decade. TBH, that could be making me unduly lenient in my rating...which is why I'm wanting to see what everyone else is saying, so that I can see how far off of general opinion I am.


I’d give it an A. Not perfect but a great entry in the Metroid series. Boss fights are ok, even some were repetitive, like the chozo x. Controls are pretty close to perfect. Spin jump was mostly unnecessary, save for one or two areas. They could’ve just placed the space jump earlier and cut out the spin jump entirely. It bugged me a bit that there was so much underwater exploration before getting the gravity suit. It gave the illusion of exploration while still keeping you to a set path. Still, I keep replaying it over and over, trying to unlock everything and trying to beat my time. I think I’ve been through it 4 times now, and I haven’t gotten sick of it yet.

To sum up, definitely an A. Not quite equal with Super, but still solid.

Also, @Caldwin, you can remap the buttons in Super Metroid. Not sure if you’re aware of that.


I think I just figured it out. People have been wondering why the Federation seems to be cool with Samus after the fiasco with her in Fusion. Some people say that was just a rogue splinter cell. Totally plausible, and I'm not going to fault anyone who goes with that theory. But how about this?

High Ranking Official: She did what? I want her head on a platter. From this day forward, Samus Aran is a fugitive and is to be killed on sight. You hear me? I want her DEAD!

Subordinate: Umm, sir? We're talking about the lady who took down the biggest group of space pirates ever created, a group of pirates we couldn't even touch. She caused the extinction of two different species by herself that killed every single crack team we sent their way. She's blown up planets, sir!

High Ranking Official: Umm...belay everything I just said. Let's just go lick our wounds. Send an olive branch Samus's way and let her know we will do anything to help make this situation right.


Ancient Protoform
I've spent a couple play-throughs stuck figuring out the final boss. I already know what happens afterwards thanks to INTERNET, so I think I'm done. I understand what they're going for, I just don't have the time or patience for a BloodSouls boss right now. I'm sure there must be some parry I'm missing since untelegraphed parries in boss fights seem to be what pisses see off the most in this game.


I will say that I did have to go on YouTube a few times to see what some of the parryable moves were. And I also can't really argue with Vid's argument about requiring a parry to finish the fight or else it keeps on going. It's the same complaint I had with Killer Instinct requiring a combo or else it keeps going or Dawn of Sorrow requiring a glyph written in a tight time limit or it keeps going.

Though I do have to admit that there is this small part of me that's dying to say "if even I can do it, anyone should be able to do it," and "git gud." The other part of me thinks that's an asshole thing to say and the complaints aren't exactly invalid.

So....not sure what to say here.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
I will say the last boss' parries are thankfully much more forgiving than the shield bash parry for that last miniboss. Could not nail that on purpose to save my life.


Stone and Sky

I am so glad I got Prime Trilogy. I've 100% the GC version several times over, but it's pretty amazing having a playthrough without the random difficulty spikes. Especially since I've always really like Echoes, and the Sanctuary Fortress level in particular.


This is how a unicorn comments
If the spider Guardian is really easier in the trilogy version, I'm only ever playing it from here on out. BLEEP that boss.

As for the final boss of Dread, I'd like to know exactly WHERE in the fight you're stuck at PiratesTVPro. As the only time you need to parry that I remember (for the exception of the very end) is the first "form" of the fight. When he does the attack across the screen you need to duck under, and then when he does the 'come here' motion. You rush at him and hit parry.

For the entire rest of the fight, I don't think you need to parry. I KNOW I never did it during the second form, and I don't remember doing it during the third form. Heck the third form should be easier for me now that I know power bombs kill that sun thing he does. (The giant fireball that fires off waves of fire everywhere)

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
I just let him time out when he does the beckoning thing, since that leads into a double-parry. Also, not wanting to give him any satisfaction.


I go right in for it. Any chance for a parry and major damage, I'm going to take it. He's just too fierce to not press advantage. MHO

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Yeah, I just know I'm not quite consistent enough with the doubles to be confident enough in trying it and ending up eating unnecessary damage, so a two-second respite instead is nice.

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