Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm


Somehow still sane
Movies last year had a universally shit time outside of a few outliers. The economy in the gutter, movies hitting streaming in a couple months and people having better things to spend on is probably more of a factor.
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Destron D-69

I paid 15 cnd for the dvd, that's all the money the film made off me. All the toys were junk -or just didn't come out here, and when your beastwars movie gives more focus on apelinq than it does cheetor ... you've lost me.

also they did my girl Airazor dirty 3 out of 10


Somehow still sane
WTF is up with the TF comics? I’ve been hearing about how great it is but every single time I look it up, it’s just Optimus beating the shit out of Decepticons.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
WTF is up with the TF comics? I’ve been hearing about how great it is but every single time I look it up, it’s just Optimus beating the shit out of Decepticons.
Considering that a lot of Transformers fiction (outside of the live-action films) from mid-2002 onwards have Optimus engaged in a perpetual struggle of either Robot vs. Self or Robot vs. The Legacy of the Primes, I suspect we're seeing a fan-catharsis play out here. People think it's great because it's Getting Back To Basics, Not Holding Prime Back, etc. etc. Eventually, the clamour for a retread of 1986's Big You-Got-The-Touch!(tm) Rollout/shootout sequence will die down and we'll see if Skybound can deliver more than Casual Fan Nostalgia Bait or G2/Sarracini-Dreamwave "We Is Hardcore Now!" stylings.


Somehow still sane
I get the sentiment but he’s been at it for half a year now. For however much comics cost nowadays, I don’t see it as particularly interesting.

Will pick up the trades though. Maybe by then the author’s done smashing his action figures against each other.
It's just refreshing after 20 solid years of Transformers comics being convoluted and pompous.
The things we could gave had if Barber wasn't terminally obsessed with continuity errors and Roberts with being a hipster douche who wants to have his cake and eat it too.
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Staff member
Council of Elders
Man, the Roberts hype had to be one of the most insufferable episodes in the fandom's history. It wasn't that he could do no wrong. It's that he didn't even have to do right to get free credit for a master plan that was just presumed to exist.


Somehow still sane
Season 1 was pretty good to be fair. Started smelling something rotten during the quantum bullshit which was precisely engineered to selectively undo bits of his own season 1 finale that he just concluded, so he could have the popular characters he could use as crutches back. At least DC has the decency to wait a decade to reboot.

Lost me completely by the Swerve sitcom crap.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
I remember talkup early on that each "season" was supposed to focus on a different set of bots, but it still ended up staying mostly the same throughout.

You know, "Talkup" would make a good Transformer name...


Somehow still sane
I still can’t get over how season 2’s finale was all these super invincible badasses that Roberts had hyped up over his run failing to accomplish anything and pretty much all of them hugging off after getting hit by the conscience ray. Or basically this.

Aside from Overlord who just hugged off for no reason, which is fair enough I guess, seeing as he also showed up for no reason.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
The conscience ray only worked on Deathsaurus. But he'd already been shown struggling with the whole "sending wave after wave of my own men to die" problem, so it was kinda unneeded. He could've just put his foot down, called his troops off, and left as soon as Tarn stopped paying attention.

Overlord was supposed to be "he's not worth killing anymore", but then Requiem of the Wreckers walks him back on that, so.......

I found the DJD getting offed so easily to be kind of a hilarious anticlimax. Aside from Tarn, they were barely characters, and so they barely get a fight.


Somehow still sane
I wouldn’t mind if they didn’t spend so much time setting that shit up. Comics cost too much for monthly tradefiller.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
Well, it was all too brief a run, but I liked McDonough/Patyk's run on the Dreamwave second miniseries and ongoing-for-10-issues. Aside from replacing Sunbow Shockwave with Marvel Shockwave ("Logic dictates that I am badass"), things felt very similar to the cartoon -- right down to Shrapnel's speech quirk and Bruticus starting every paragraph of dialogue with "UUURRRRRRRRR!" -- but there was a sense of a greater story and mystery unfolding, as briefly as it did. And Sunstorm may have flared out, but oh how he shined for six issues.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
tbh it's funny how MTMTE/LL rather conveniently started sucking right around the time RID/Optimus Prime started actually getting good.

Destron D-69

I might have to drive to my local comic book store and buy this new run... I mean. Robots fighting, and they remember to transform from time to time -frequently enough that the artists don't forget how to draw the altmodes- ..madness


Somehow still sane
I browse over this asian retail site’s transformers section and approximately half of it is hugging Bumblebee movie or ROTB Optimus Prime.

jeez, it’s not even all that good a design.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I dislike the Bumblebee movie aesthetic. It's not early 2007 anymore. I'm tired of tryhard "How the movie designs SHOULD look" art.


Somehow still sane
I think they're alright but not exceptional. The base designs are usually pretty good but they greeble them up to ridiculous levels. There's also a particular concept artist who keeps designing robots with hugged up birthing hips.

I am mildly annoyed by how it’s another flavor of G1 when everything else also is.

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