Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm


Somehow still sane
I skipped the lot of them because they were all bland, monotone versions of characters I just bought in Kingdom with the same “stand animal up, swap heads, flip out hands” transformation.

Movie being mid as hell and the Maximals being glorified set pieces didn’t help.
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Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
As I've said elsewhere, had she lived to see the film, I would have loved to ask Pauline Newstone what she thought of Michelle Yeoh's take on Airrazor.

I was also sad we didn't get Transit -- but not too sad, as instead of a hi-then-die character we get some untapped story potential. Perhaps, like Wings Universe Jhiaxus, he isn't a (stereo)typical Decepticon....


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Studio Series Cheetor and Rhinox are pretty much movie accurate I thought, barring the decoes. And Primal looks super accurate save for the open faceplate.

Airrazor just stands out to me since it seems like a bigger and retooled Kingdom Airrazor.
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The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I have the Blu Ray. Picked it up last Black Friday, I think. Just keep forgetting to actually sit down and put it in.


Staff member
Council of Elders
It actually did pretty well in the theaters that bothered to show it. What really depressed its box office run is that so many theaters never played it in the first place. The brand is damaged.


Somehow still sane
If theaters could choose movies to screen based on previous badly received movies, they’d stop showing DC, recent Marvel, Conjuring films and just about every crappy remake. Sounds more like somebody at Paramount just effed up.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
his faceplate is retractable in the movie
It is?

I thought the faceplate just folded when he transforms. But its more a battle,ask like Primes?

i mean, honestly I kinda prefer the head the figure with the open faceplate cause it seems more like Primal anyway.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
It actually did pretty well in the theaters that bothered to show it. What really depressed its box office run is that so many theaters never played it in the first place. The brand is damaged.
10 years of bayformers really did do irreparable harm to this franchise.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
The first film was okay, but they seemed to be actively trying to get worse with each sequel.

Bumblebee was actually decent. If they'd followed on that with more smaller-scale films focused on smaller casts that got to actually be characters instead of set dressing, it might've been able to recover.


Somehow still sane
Bought the KO Pose+ Metal Gaogaigar. Original's out of stock at local stores and I didn't feel like paying $400 for a sidegrade to the SOC I already have. That said, if he doesn't get floppy after a year of standing around, he's already an upgrade. After the SOC Dragonzord and Gaogaigar, hug Bandai. You don't even have any big names left to tempt me with anyway. Also bought this thing.


Mold's apparently good and the headsculpt goes hard. Between this order and Omega Prime kinda spent a lot this month but eh, birthday's coming up and the new job pays significantly better than the last one. Now I have about $40 in store credit to spend. Wonder if there's anything good for that much.
Ooh, this thing's only $35 and has an IDW colors variant with a juicebox.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
It actually did pretty well in the theaters that bothered to show it. What really depressed its box office run is that so many theaters never played it in the first place. The brand is damaged.

I don't think our local theater got RotB (but they are a small, 2-screen theater, so there's a lot they don't get), but the theater 25 miles away had it for a couple weeks. I went on a matinee night, and it was decently full, but not packed like I remember the first live-action film or RotF were.

I'm struggling to remember what was playing at the same time, but I would agree that it wasn't as readily available to watch as other films.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I just see those dinky launchers. I'm glad they exist, but I would rather have separate accessories so they could look exactly right.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
It actually did pretty well in the theaters that bothered to show it. What really depressed its box office run is that so many theaters never played it in the first place. The brand is damaged.
Actually, it had a decent roll out (ha!), at over 3K screens. But I think what hurt it, generally, was lack of connection to Bumblebee (as in, BB wasn’t marketed as a “Transformers“ film), meaning the last major film to many would have been The Last Knight. It also didn’t help that films like Spiderverse were doing so well and major pushes were done for Flash and Elemental, which tied up a LOT of the premium seatings and extra screens the film might have had.

When I was tracking the film’s performance (over in the Rise of the Beasts Thread), the film was actually “holding” fairly well, and ended up doing “better” (relative to costs and box office) than films like Flash, Elemental and Indiana Jones, which cost FAR more and, in most cases, failed to deliver.
All told, the WW Box office was only $30 million behind Bumblebee (which, itself, competed against Spiderverse and a healthier theatrical market). Heck, the film even outgrossed BB domestically by about $30million! Considering the weaker theatrical market and the nature of the competing films? It didn’t do THAT bad.


Staff member
Council of Elders
You call it decent, but it got fewer screens than TLK did. It definitely wasn't as wide a release as it could have supported. I tracked it too, and it was a remarkably steady performer in the theaters it did get. A wider launch would have made a difference.

I think we're mostly in agreement here. I just don't think the lack of connection to Bumblebee was the issue. The per-theater numbers suggest audiences were pretty okay with the film as is. Too many theaters just didn't give it a chance to begin with, and they missed out.

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