Atomic Robo and the thread for Action Science!


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
So, I know a few of you read Atomic Robo, if you haven't been checking recently, after a temporary hiatus, the website finally started updating again with the newest story. And, boy, there's a lot going on already!
Alan still seems to be troubled by the death of Jenkins, but there is something else going on with him too? Doctor Dinosaur really has joined Tesladyne! And Robo and Alan return to Tesladyne Island, resolving a flash forward from an old Free Comic Book Day story that I honestly thought had been forgotten!
I love that the Atomic Robo team doesn't do retcons. Stories have long-lasting consequences, and there's sometimes no easy resolutions. And plot threads that you might have thought abandoned suddenly come into the forefront! I can't wait to see where this story goes!


Well-known member
I'll be honest, I've lost track of things since they switched over to webcomic form. I'm going to have to get caught up, it seems.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Wow, good to hear it's still going.

I've wanted to get into this for a while, but only poked at the odd FCBD or trade here or there.

There a good place to get started?


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
There was a trio of collection books from IDW that reprinted all the older stories, but they look to be out of print. The individual books for each story are available for sale in print form from their store. (Linked in the latest blog post, the store link on the page is an old link) The cheapest way to read it is from the archive on since all the stories are available there (and the Real Science Adventures, on their own page).

It's a great series to get into. The stories are largely self-contained, and told somewhat out of sequence, but they do build on each other. They tend to alternate between modern-day and tales from Robo's past, and the world-building is pretty fantastic!


Well-known member
New collections come up on Kickstarter every so often, and often have older volumes available as add-ons.

And yes, I've been waiting for that FCBD flash-forwards to kick in...once I saw Robo heading back to Tesladyne Island in that distinctive plane last week, I figured it'd happen soon.


LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I wouldn't mind something on ComiXology, if those collections are there? Convenient, storeable, and I don't have to worry about whatever may happen with the website.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
The plot thickens! It's a villain team-up!
The newest iteration of Helsingard is a transformer! Or, if he still has a brain in a jar somewhere in there, technically a Gobot!


Well-known member
It's been established that there's a LOT of purely inorganic Helsingard copies who think they're the real thing, a la Doombots.

I do kinda wanna see Dr. Dinosaur arguing with Tyrantula over who is Robo's greatest enemy AND lover.



Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Atomic Robo is back from the hiatus of doom!

...and he's landing on a strangely familiar-looking ship named The Prometheus, surely nothing bad could happen? First couple pages of Chapter 1: Peril on the Prometheus are up!


Well-known member
It's interesting how Richard Branson is his neighbor and he's talked to Elon Musk on the phone, but he's on the billionaire toy of Geoff Zebos (owner of Orinoco). This suggests that whatever happens is going to go well beyond the satire of Branson as Karen from the HOA. (Or that Bezos is a lot more likely to sue in general.)


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