
Super-Powered Zealot
What are your favorite songs of all-time?
I didn't see a thread after searching a few different topic titles, so I thought I'd start one here.
All genres. All eras. All artists. Nothing off-limits, (Unless it violates a board policy). Post a video and a story about a memory of, or why you like the song if you want.

I'll start. It should be obvious why this is one of my favorites. Man, I wish my Unicron could shred.....

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It's one of their more mellow songs. It's one of those songs that fits so many situations.

It's the song you listen to when you fall in love. It's the song you listen to when everyone else says they don't see what you see in her and that she's totally wrong for you. It's the song you listen to when you're determined to prove them wrong...and the song you play when you find out they were right. It's the song you play at the end of a long sucky day and you find yourself completely by yourself at home with nothing but a computer and a bottle of beer to keep you company.

And damn...that solo where they just bust out!

I've had a lot of favorite songs over the years, but this one is the one that's brought me through so much crap, it'll always be my own personal anthem.


Super-Powered Zealot
I have a few songs that I turn to when things get bad, or I just want to relive an earlier time when so many more that I loved were still here. This is one of those.
1985. If you are old enough to remember it, chances are, you had a Transformer in your hand, sitting on your bedroom floor, living out some grand battle between good and evil while this song was in heavy rotation playing on your boom box, (that you desperately wished transformed).

When they performed this on Colbert a few months ago, I got to add one more layer of meaning and nostalgia to this incredible song. It lifted my spirits, and washed away, at least for a time, the shit show that the last three years has been for everyone.
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Super-Powered Zealot
This is another one that helps me find my center whenever I'm off-balance. One of my top five all-time songs.


Nonstop Baaka
Might be a bit cliché, but:

Sang this in middle school choir in the mid 90's. Teacher was a hippie guy super passionate about music. Once or twice a year we'd bring in a blank cassette and he would make everyone a mix tape of all sorts of songs. Really broadened my view on music. We analyzed the songs we sang, and learning all the different parts involved really made me appreciate Bohemian Rhapsody. I also wrote a paper analyzing the lyrics in college and got an A+, lol.

Freddie has such a great voice, the lyrics are a poetic, tragic story and the music changes mood so well... anyway, this is one of the few songs that I don't mind getting stuck in my head, and I won't ever skip it if it comes on the radio (also usually end up singing with it).


Super-Powered Zealot
That was actually the first Gorillaz song I ever heard.
Yeah, me too. I always thought the animated band concept was cool. Not that being animated will help Murdoc outlive Keith Richards...well, maybe...but I doubt it.
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Guardian Prime

Veteran Allsparker
Back in the early 90's when MTV actually still played blocks of music videos, this was one of my favorites. Always heard it on the radio as well.



Super-Powered Zealot
Back in the early 90's when MTV actually still played blocks of music videos, this was one of my favorites. Always heard it on the radio as well.

I never knew how rabid the Scott's are over Rod until I made a joke about his hair to a buddy of mine from Ayre. Just a PSA in case you're drinking vodka with one and a Rod Stewart song comes on.....they like love to fight.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here

For a song from a video game, this gives me chills.

(Especially since the video is also the last thing that players of the original 1.0 version of the game would've seen before the servers were shut down.)


Super-Powered Zealot

For a song from a video game, this gives me chills.

(Especially since the video is also the last thing that players of the original 1.0 version of the game would've seen before the servers were shut down.)

That's Fantastic! The visuals and the music really work together. The beginning almost had a Vode An feel to it.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver

The bridge of this one is what I keep in my signature, and is something I try to remember when running up against stressful situations and people. On top of that, the general theme and the chorus was something that resonated with me a lot during my roughest year - a lot of shit happened, and I didn't come out of it unscathed, but I was still me.


Super-Powered Zealot
Whenever I need to spackle the cracks in my worn-out soul, I turn to this one.
Two things:

1) I can't get this out of my head.
2) I now absolutely NEED Super7 to do a J.E.W. Overlord, and clones in their Re-Action music line. MUST HAPPEN!!!

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