UK politics thread – meet the new boss, same as the old boss


Active member
One of our (opposition) MPs recently suggested that appointing a Potted Plant as a Department Head (aka Cabinet Minister) could be a viable option, after several repeated instances of testimonies that accounted to "well, a Minister can't be aware of everything going on in their department!" as an excuse to gross incompetence, corruption, bidrigging, and misappropriation of tens of millions of dollars of taxpayers money.

Hell, I'd go for it.



NOT a New Member.
One of our (opposition) MPs recently suggested that appointing a Potted Plant as a Department Head (aka Cabinet Minister) could be a viable option, after several repeated instances of testimonies that accounted to "well, a Minister can't be aware of everything going on in their department!" as an excuse to gross incompetence, corruption, bidrigging, and misappropriation of tens of millions of dollars of taxpayers money.

Hell, I'd go for it.

Well, a lettuce lasted longer than one of our prime ministers...


unfortunate shark issues


jumbled pile of person
With those kinds of numbers, there's gonna be plenty of room for all three. Wow.

Like... both of those charts have the ruling party winning by the kind of margins either of our major parties could only dream of, at least at the national level. Just try not to think too hard about why the Tories were able to pull those kinds of numbers three years into the apocalypse they personally masterminded.
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Anonymous X

Well-known member
Yes, but what does it mean?
Labour one-party state replacing Tory one-party state, I guess.

FWIW, I don’t believe these opinion polls. I’ve seen numerous times in the past a predicted Labour Party election win to become a Tory election win. I mean, I don’t think Labour won’t win this time, but nowhere near the enormous margins polling suggests. Some polls have where I live going not-Tory, which in practice isn’t remotely likely to ever happen.


Well-known member
With a Labour margin that large, why they’ll be “forced” to adopt the Tory position on a number of issues so they can be competitive next election…

Anonymous X

Well-known member
With a Labour margin that large, why they’ll be “forced” to adopt the Tory position on a number of issues so they can be competitive next election…
Exaclty why I won’t be voting for them. TBH, I won’t be voting in the local elections next month and there’s no one I’d be willing to vote for in a general election.


Now with hi-res avatar!
Is it just fragile egos preventing the UK from rejoining the EU and putting an end to all this, or is there more to it than that at this point?

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Pretty much. It's the same reason why quebec can't bring in nuclear power: it means doing a hard 180 degrees on one point of ideology or another, and it while it might be the best idea and the right thing to do; it would also mean that to a man, none of them will ever be reelected. A ideological betrayal of their base.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Is it just fragile egos preventing the UK from rejoining the EU and putting an end to all this, or is there more to it than that at this point?
Well, yes, and also the fact that the Tories have diverged from EU/EEA laws that we’d have to conform to. Although that aspect could still be reversed if it needed to be, given we haven’t been out ‘fully’ since the end of 2021.

I think we will end up “back in” somehow, even if just the European single market or similar, but it might take longer than any of us want it to. And there will be a considerable amount of damage to the UK in that time.
I’m not even joking when I say we likely will be a smaller economy than either Poland or Romania once we’re back in.

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