Transformers: Rise of the Beasts


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I probably wouldn't like them if I got normal ones. I just have improbable luck when it comes to getting Titaniums with tight joints.


NOT a New Member.
ROTB Legends Arcee.gif


So, the first couple of ROTB Studio Series guys I ordered showed up at my house yesterday, and... what's the magic combination for getting Battletrap's vehicle mode together? Something seems to be interfering somewhere that I can't see and preventing the upper and lower halves of his cab from fully connecting.

(Bumblebee is a Studio Series Bumblebee, we all know the drill, and he's fine.)


Maystor missspelur
Im so confused awhile back this was shown
Looked really good

Then watching a review of the new Studio series Cheetor

My question is this whos the first then?


Well-known member
They're both Cheetor and the second one is almost certainly closer to what he looks like in the movie.

The (non-Studio Series) Rise of the Beasts line appears to be based on earlier designs.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
That retro-flavored deluxe seemed to come first. Judging from the Beast Alliance toys and what I’ve seen of the promo material and studio series, it seems the beast modes were finalized fairly early, but the robot modes seemed to go through some additional revisions. I get the feeling that the Maximals didn’t deviate from their original designs until farther into the design process, which is likely why Hasbro didn’t have Studio Series iterations planned for last year (and a LOT of the figures aren’t due until the fall anyway).

ALL of the Beast Alliance and Core toys (like the yellow deluxe Cheetor) were based on early concept material and with the expectation that they would be “good enough” for the film’s original planned release for last year. Hasbro didn’t plan to have Studio Series available with the rest Of the line last year, likely to avoid issues we saw with Bumblebee where designs continued to evolve well after work had finished on the product lines.

A similar situation happened with Snake Eyes: despite the delay, the Core action figures didn’t change from using concept designs, but Hasbro was able to redo the Classified figures to closer reflect the final film.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I wouldn't necessarily say it looks better. I would say he has a more BW look to him than the Studio Series. I personally really enjoy the movie-verse versions of the Maximals. I collected the Kingdom/Legacy versions of the Predacons but will probably collect the Studio Series of the Maximals.


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
So I’m assuming that’s also the case for this Airrazor?


(Yes yes we all hate PvP bc he steals toys but as you can see I was literally searching for emgo vids and this came up so🤷🏻‍♀️.)

I guess I’m trying to figure out the difference between these and the Studio Series line. So will there be like a generic Generations-related RotB subline AND the Generations SS RotB subline? Or are this Cheetor and Airrazor under another already existing subline designation?

I ask because neither of these guys are mentioned in any capacity on tfwiki.
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Continuity Nutcase
Yes, there will be a both mainline Rise of the Beasts toyline (which, along with the movie itself, was originally supposed to come out last year) and proper Studio Series toys for the ROTB characters (which were meant for this year, a year after the mainline toys were supposed to be released last year; both lines being released simultaneously wasn't the original intent, but COVID pushed the movie back another year).

I ask because neither of these guys are mentioned in any capacity on tfwiki.
Her Studio Series toy is.

Her mainline toy isn't mentioned yet because, despite it being known of by many leaks, Hasbro still has to officially unveil it, so it's currently still off limits for the wiki.


NOT a New Member.
So I’m assuming that’s also the case for this Airrazor?

(Yes yes we all hate PvP bc he steals toys but as you can see I was literally searching for emgo vids and this came up so🤷🏻‍♀️.)

Bonus points for showing screenshots and not linking to CVC's videos. Also, as tealeaves like them don't usually show the cases or boxes, it's hard to tell with Airrazor? ;)

Btw, if you want to reduce the amount of times the likes of Shiftytron, CVC, etc turn up in your search results or main feed, you can right-click/hold down on the thumbnails of their videos at the main page and select "Don't show me videos from this YouTuber in future" (or something like that). This should then reduce the amount of times you see their stuff spamming your results.

Also, here is a related video by a legit YouTuber that might be of interest:

(SS and Kingdom version comparison).

There are also screenshots posted in this thread and/or at various TF sites (taken from tealeaf videos), showing further comparisons between the three most recent versions of Airrazor, if you're interested.
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Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
Well in that case, aside from aesthetics and mold differences, what exactly is the difference between SS and the mainline RotB (aka Beast Alliance) figures? Are they supposed to be compatible with all the gimmicky sublines or something while having Generations-level-esque engineering?


Well in that case, aside from aesthetics and mold differences, what exactly is the difference between SS and the mainline RotB (aka Beast Alliance) figures? Are they supposed to be compatible with all the gimmicky sublines or something while having Generations-level-esque engineering?
The intent was for it to be the same as the difference between, say, 2007 Voyager Ratchet and Studio Series 04 Ratchet: one's the one they made in time to be part of the big new toyline for the big new movie, and the other's the one they made later after the movie was already out so the designs were definitely 100% finalized and they could concentrate on being accurate to it. The time gap was going to be smaller this time around, but it's the same principle.

But then the movie got delayed, so the already-designed mainline toys had their actual release also delayed since their purpose is to be on shelves when the movie hits, and the delay ended up being long enough that the Studio Series toys "caught up" and are now actually coming out first.

(Hilariously, the effect is that when the mainline toys finally do come out it'll be kind of analogous to later in 2007 when when we started getting movie guys redecoed in G1 colors.)


Flamboyant Cuddles!!!
The intent was for it to be the same as the difference between, say, 2007 Voyager Ratchet and Studio Series 04 Ratchet: one's the one they made in time to be part of the big new toyline for the big new movie, and the other's the one they made later after the movie was already out so the designs were definitely 100% finalized and they could concentrate on being accurate to it. The time gap was going to be smaller this time around, but it's the same principle.

But then the movie got delayed, so the already-designed mainline toys had their actual release also delayed since their purpose is to be on shelves when the movie hits, and the delay ended up being long enough that the Studio Series toys "caught up" and are now actually coming out first.

(Hilariously, the effect is that when the mainline toys finally do come out it'll be kind of analogous to later in 2007 when when we started getting movie guys redecoed in G1 colors.)
Ahhhh ok. I guess that makes sense? What confused me was I thought that Generations Studio Series had kind of become the synonymous stand-in for the official subline brand for mainline adult collector-level version of the figures for the movie lines. Much like for the Bumblebee movie, in that there were only the kiddie-play lines, and the "mainline" figures for the movie for adult collectors were all lumped and released under the Generations Studio Series brand. So I guess they're bringing back the mainline brands is the memo I missed. Ok, well.... more toys to buy I suppose.:oops:😅


NOT a New Member.
The more, the merrier. At least with these film toys both the SS and regular versions seem solid molds. To risk boring everyone with the same message, I hope they repaint both versions of each character/mold into other characters (TM2/Halloween/Night Stalker Cheetor, etc).

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