Supposedly the names above were the previous voice actors for Magneto.
I kinda like the idea that with the survivors beingCable, Sunspot and Jubilee, it's the start of X-Force. With some Generation X. I don't remember if New Mutants Rahne, Magma, Cannonball etc were introduced before but 90s X-Forcers Shatterstar, Warpath, Rictor and Generation X Skin, Synch, Chamber can join in too.
I’m sure the success of X-Men 97, and its many cameos, have stroked some interest in more revivals of 90s Marvel series. Spider-Man 99 is the most obvious, but I’d be game for a “Avengers 97” to pick up the pieces from Iron Man, Incredible Hulk and Fantastic Four.
Heck, they could always do a “Marvel Action Universe” thing and do 5-6 part “Micro Series” and simply rotate between the various mid-90s Marvel shows (Iron Man, Hulk, Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, and maybe do a full blown Avengers thing).
They could lead back into the cosmic side of Marvel too, between following up on the state of the Shiar and following up on Silver Surfer.
I mean, it’s PRETTY FAR from the Earth orbit to the moon. Not to mention that Jubilee would be pretty short of breath at the altitude Sunspot caught hernah dude, that's the blue side of the moon, where the inhumans live. and often where the Watcher shows up to watch Earth events... it's been a long established part of Marvel comics.