What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
"You can't see the fear in her [Kristi Noem's] face when she does interviews because of all the botox and plastic surgery" - my wife.

One of the fascinating things about Kristi Noem's political collapse is how she's clearly not good at politics.

She showed incredibly poor judgement in bragging about shooting a dog and lying about meeting Kim Jong-Un, she showed incredibly poor judgement continuing to put herself out there on her press tour rather than cancelling interviews and laying low until the news cycle moves onto something new, and she is absolutely terrible at changing the subject gracefully when reporters ask her tough questions: a skill that most politicians master early on.

This makes me wonder: how the hell did she become a governor despite being so bad at this? And the answer is obvious: it's South Dakota. The small mostly-empty rural states are like the minor leagues of politics. All you have to do is wear a cowboy hat, get some deep-pocketed donors, and take pictures of yourself holding a rifle, and you have a good shot at winning. Campaigning in such a state is like riding a bicycle with training wheels on.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
at this point i think i'm turning into this guy:

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
It's hilarious that Kristi Noem's people think they can make the dog-killing story go away by pointing out that it happened 20 years ago. There are two obvious problems with this approach:

1: It says something extremely disturbing about her personality, even if it did happen 20 years ago.

2: She may have callously executed her dog 20 years ago, but she bragged about it just this year. Normally, when you use the "it happened a long time ago" line, you're supposed to follow it up with "and I've changed since then", not "and I'm so proud of what I did".

This whole Cricket debacle has been Kristi Noem's attempt to emulate Trump's political method:

Step 1: Say something scandalous.

Step 2: Double down (remember when she said "Commander, meet Cricket"?

Step 3: Appear "strong" in the eyes of the MAGA crowd by refusing to back down.

The problem is that this only works for Trump, because he is a cult leader. Unless you already have a cult, you can't do that kind of cult-leader stuff and get away with it.


The thing most people seem to be not getting about this whole saga of Kristi Noem and the story of her late dog is that she included it in her book for an audience of one, and the unspoken message to him is "I will do anything you ask me to do, including shooting the dog, and therefor you should pick me for VP."


Now with hi-res avatar!
Unfortunately for her, an audience beyond that one saw that message and made it enough of a problem that her intended audience won't want to risk being dragged down by picking her for his VP. And the lies about meeting Kim and Macron are just making it worse.

She should have just had one copy printed and given to whoever reads things to Von Shitzinpantz.


Well-known member


Now with hi-res avatar!
And this, in a nutshell, is why the GOP hates an educated populace. Once Courtney educated herself about what was actually in the schools' curricula, it opened her eyes to what her party is actually about. And while it wasn't enough to get her to go Dem, she is trying to purge the extreme elements out of her party, which is as close to a happy ending as we're going to get in Texas.


Well-known member
Abbott cementing the GOP belief that they alone have the rights to murder their political opponents and get away with it.

and it's only a matter of time before the Supreme Court rules in favor of our former President doing just that.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Oh no, they don't care if you're sick. But if you ARE sick, they're more than happy to increase the risk of your death.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
So, y'all aware of what happened in the oversight committee?

Does the senate need to hire a waffle house night shift to keep the peace?

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