Transformers x GI Joe film in development


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maybe G.I. Joe will finally incorporate some Cybertronian technology into a special group of seemingly ordinary vehicles capable of converting into advanced battle equipment, driven by a highly-trained subdivision of the organization. Some sort of Mobile Armored Strike Kommand, if you will.


Well-known member
I wish Human Alliance had continued.

I mean, the real dream is what's already going down with the Transformers and Joe crossover series. I know some people aren't hot on them, but their mere existence warms my heart. Only Bumblebee leaves a little to be desired but so many possibilities exist here.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'll admit to having never really been into GI Joe, but I do appreciate the Joe crossovers from afar. If they had been released in standard Legacy scale, I would have bought them all without hesitation. As is, they're too big for me, and too expensive for being a scale I don't want. Cheaper and big, I probably would have bought at least a Megatron and Soundwave as they look amazing.

That said, I totally understand why they were made the way they were. Interaction with standard sized GI Joes was a huge selling point for those who DO collect Joes, so I don't fault them for that decision at all. It just made them not for me.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Totally get that. The size making them difficult to enjoy alongside the regular stuff is one factor, but just as much of one is that the crossover could be more effectively reflected in the design.

Soundwave manages this the best mainly because of the color matching, but Megatron really showcases how separate they keep the designs -- basically the G1 Megs model wearing chunks of Hiss Tank.


Well-known member
Which like, if Megatron was all black the design synergizes better, on that I agree, but its a Megatron that transforms in to a to scale HISS. Its incredible. I was so pumped for it, only to see a bunch of people online dunking on it. Soundwave is the most successful, but he is the newest. They are expanding well.

I can't wait for the Optimus MOBAT.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I mean hey, it's just not for me. If it checks those boxes on your list, absolutely get it and enjoy it, I'll get out of your way.

It's just one of those tradeoffs, a design choice that doesn't appeal to me. But yeah, Soundwave is an encouraging sign that there are pairings where that is less of an issue. Prime as a MOBAT will probably be like Hiss Tank Megs to me, but the more they make, the more they might get to that click better.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I have said before, I would have rather seen the crossovers stay in scale with mainline TF figures, due to both cost and because I think they should have done both TF deco versions and Joe-based retool/redecos.


HISS Megatron blends pretty well with regular HISS tanks. Definitely some cool playability there, if you caught one on sale.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
The thing with the GI Joe crossover toys is that they're not just Transformers, but they're also fully Joe vehicles and as such need to be large enough to accommodate the figures.

Unlike other crossovers where the hook is just getting a cool pop culture vehicle that is also a Transformer.


Well-known member
HISS Megatron blends pretty well with regular HISS tanks. Definitely some cool playability there, if you caught one on sale.
Been meaning to ask, do the Joe/TF figures play well with the 25th style figures, or are they specifically O-ring only? I've got a bunch of the former in storage and it'd be a good reason to dig them out.

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