Am I the only one tired of celebrity stunt casting in these movies?
I mean, these people are almost never as good as ACTUAL voice actors.
I just saw an interview with Sam Witwer (the voice of Darth Maul in Star Wars Clone Wars & Rebels), where he admits that voice acting was way harder than he thought it was, and learning to do it well has actually made him a better on-screen actor as it's given him a better appreciation of using nuance in his voice to add to his performances. Something he never did before becoming a voice actor.
And that's the problem with hiring these celebrities for these jobs; most of them just come in and record their lines and that's it. I guarantee that all we'll get is "Thor" coming out of Optimus Prime's face. Most of them don't know how to create a character using just their voice.
My only hope is that guys like Hemsworth, hopefully having grown up with these characters, will give enough of a shit about them to want to really give it his all, and not just half-ass it.