Sonic The Hedgehog


Pittied fools.
Amy's been a lot of fun. They brought back her being "lighter" in weight and expanded on it with a triple jump and Princess Peach style float mechanics. While puzzles open up less of the map, it's been fun to mess around with her. I got to the point of the story where I handed things off to Knuckles and...oh my.

He's rougher than the rest of them, alright. There are things that feel wrong for oddly the right reasons.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm not going to say he's wrong. It's all fair. The bar has been set very high and I wish more companies would meet it.

But I'm still in the camp that's just happy that physical media is still a thing, and that the bar has been raised to the point that any "The Complete Series" release can be considered shovelware trash. I remember what we used to have to put up with.


Staff member
Council of Elders
As will I. Shout! did a typically fine job.

But, I'm just seeing this differently. I get how people are feeling about this set. I get how we can compare this set to the Shout! release and complain that standards have dropped. But they really haven't. Discotek is maintaining standards just fine. If they had the rights to this show we know it would have been in safe hands.

But complete series sets like that have always been a tiny niche. We expect companies to go well out of their way to do a good job, because it's a product we've been willing to go well out of our way to get. Some companies still get that, and the deal hasn't changed.

What's changed, is one of the streaming revolution's rare positive effects on the DVD market. Most people have been happy to catch whatever random episode happens to air at the time, and space out for a couple hours until they forget what they turned the TV on to watch in the first place. DVD releases have typically been a just slightly higher effort version of that. It's a disk of a particular show, but it's still just 3-5 random episodes. Maybe not even in order. You put in the disc and you're just watching whatever episodes. It's a low effort product for low effort viewing.

Casual viewing has changed. People have gotten used to that 'next episode' prompt, and the 'skip intro' prompt. Just getting on with the show. The same show. The idea of binging a complete series or at least a complete season has become completely normalized. It's not just us going well out of our way to do it anymore. There are shows that have only ever been released as whole seasons. Shows are made to be released like that. Even if not everyone watches shows like that, it is an utterly normal preference to have now.

This set isn't for us. Maybe it should have been, but it's not. This set is for a market that previously never would have gone out of their way to buy a complete series set, but today would see this as a casual purchase and truly has no idea there's any higher standard set for this sort of thing.


Continuity Nutcase
This set is for a market that previously never would have gone out of their way to buy a complete series set, but today would see this as a casual purchase and truly has no idea there's any higher standard set for this sort of thing.
But does that market really deserve the subpar VHS-quality bitrate and the out-of-order episode arrangement spoken of in the video?


Pittied fools.
I should be commenting on the video, yet part of me is quitely giddy to have spotted a background poster referencing Burning Rangers in one of the comic panels.


Okay, it's fascinating to see the various highs and lows of comic so far. As far as writing is concerned, I have to say I'm kinda jealous of seeing Flynn tie things together from across the comic's past.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Rights issues do happen with special features. It sounds ridiculously petty, but companies have gotten in trouble for including features they thought were approved but turned out not to be. I doubt this company tried all that hard to find out what's on the table, but I don't blame them for not wanting to bother.


Pittied fools.
They didn't get posted previously, but here's part 2 & 3 of the Superstars prologue comic:

To my understanding, some retailers have broken the street date for Superstars and things have leaked so be cautious if you want to avoid spoilers. I'm accidentally fine since I'm still dodging Sonic Frontiers: Update 3 spoilers since I haven't finished it yet. I have enjoyed the gameplay and story build up so far.


Koopaling Aficionado
Im really only curious to see all the available parts in the Build-a -Metal multiplayer. Have yet to find an image or article or vid on it.

tho I did hear that Paint is a resource that needs to be bought with Medals each time you want to use it. Thats....not fun


Pittied fools.
Something other than Superstars dropped this week...


While it's a cook book with fun descriptions, it's technically not a beginner's cook book. Some of this stuff will take effort and has somewhat uncommon ingredients (pending on your diet). But there's a lot of interesting things here:
-Apparently, someone likes Rush Adventure since not only does Marine show up more than once, Blaze's head guard, Gardon, gets a mention.
-Both Tangle and Whisper have recipes and we see that they have the silohuette profile icons other main characters have.
-Soleanna gets a mention and I think this is more fodder for '06 canonically happening but erasing itself due to how Amy mentions it.
-Charmy gets a lot of recipes in this. It's a little surprising.
-Banter between Shadow and Rouge continues the "they're totally not friends..." vibe Sega is going for now.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm actually not surprised the recipes are a little involved. Videogame tie-in cookbooks have become a surprisingly serious genre.

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