[OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project


Staff member
Council of Elders
Maybe. It's been a long time though. Unicon was the infamous scam convention where the organizers pulled the fire alarm and disappeared with the money.

The scene just reminded me of it.

Destron D-69

I really enjoyed writing out Maple's "in-ring" logic during this match. While it's always fun to write her as a bit of a goof ball while dealing with some things... I've never wanted her to come across as dumb. by dumb I mean -not smart, a dullard... as it were.

which to be fair, could be an easy read to get of her, she has a lot of that "pinkie pie chaos energy" in her character dna but the flip side of that -that I hope came across (especially by this point in the game) is that she is very focused and knowledgeable about all of her Jobs.

one could say she's got a sort of duality to her personality. Which I think I even wrote into my notes for when she got hooked up with the Marketing Department, that she would really hunker down and try to learn all she could, so she could at least hold her own and not be a burden.

That might also played into her being a mean brat for a while there when she found out she was an evil monster... lol gotta do the job


Static enjoys his tea. He couldn't help but notice nothing was said about where to get his will notarized. But since Night Caps line of questioning more directly affected their mission, he decided not to press it. He could always ask Square in the morning. Otherwise, he just kept quiet at Night Cap did his thing.

You see, Night Cap worried so much about getting some kind of respect, thinking no one felt he could do anything right. But while Static had new small number of headaches trying to reign in Nights more unsavory tendencies, he fully knew when to let him do his thing.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Night Cap is just incapable of recognizing how others see him, good or bad. Respect slides off him as easily as insults. Nothing gets through.


Pittied fools.
While it's a shame the final chapter is lost, I think Night Cap certainly managed to prove he's more than deserving of respect when in his element.

And on the Fiesta Caldera arc, while I was disappointed at the time that more players from Petrichor Falls weren't there, it wound up being for the best. Chipotle Verde and Poinsettia Prim got to appear genuinely threatening well before Verde's reveal. But anything good in both campaigns (and really any campaign) required players and the GM to be on the same page.


Staff member
Council of Elders
From the outside, Fiesta Caldera looks like a fun mission. Night Cap would have enjoyed it, though I think the team breakdown worked for the best. I remember loving the contrast with this tense espionage mission in Fiesta Caldera and the scenic food tour in Louisianeigh. And yet it's the Louisianeigh team that ended up with all the doctor visits.


Pittied fools.
I mean, Louisianeigh had eldritch horror elements in the clock tower and library so it was a different flavor of danger. And since they were both side effects of Dazzling Midnight's magic, Static's worry wasn't entirely wrong.

Destron D-69

I often wondered about the team dynamics and how the split missions could effect things. So I think I tended to have Maple always be interested in what the other team had done... to the point it might have been annoying.

"Hey, Hey.... so what'cha do? did you find a cool thing? beat up the bad guy? huh huh?"

honestly I sometimes questioned how the other Players reacted to hearing if Maple was going to be on a team with their character ... like

"Oh thank Luna, she's with those guys this time ... but wait no that means when we're done she's going to 20 questions at me ARG!"


I always figured everyone told their story either in a meeting for a debrief or with a 1-page report. So for Static it was part of the job. Questions outside that would be answered with no problem at first. But repeated grilling might be met with "I've got work to do. Just read my bucking report!"

Destron D-69

"But Mr. Signal....!!! it's more fun to hear you say it." Maple gets a stern look from Static as this is 15th time she's asked him since they met in the hallway.
"Maple please, I haven't even had coffee yet." Static bemoans -looking to the ceiling and beyond to the sky that he can see in his mind's eye...
"Okay fine .... *transformation noise* .... Ponyfeathers! What an adventure... Luna Luna Luna, ....took away time from my Submarine repairs."

edit: was literally typing this when you posted Fnu lol


She's kidding. Totally kidding! She's still the same innocent Maple we've always known. She would never...

Hehe! Yeeeah, they totally bucked. (\

Destron D-69

I like in this last set of posts we see where I kinda start moving Maple into her awkward acceptance phase. with her having that pre breakfast hug with Hazel and then commenting that she would just go down with everyone as company but wouldn't need to eat anything...

just being all causal about vamping off her friends...

the other thing I really enjoy is continuing to have her be the worst thing to happen to a freshly made-up bed any hotel maid service has ever seen.

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