“Sea of Rust,” part three! The Autobots are outnumbered and surrounded in Termagax’s base with Decepticons on...
King Grimlock rampages on! Confronted by the ghoulish host of the Red Wizard’s Army, Grimlock leads a...
Out in the Cybertronian colonies, good entertainment is hard to find. Fortunately, there’s always the Wreckers-brave Cybertronians...
Threezero have revealed the second figure in their new MDLX line, Optimus Prime! This line features the...
John Patrick
October 13, 2021
The once redcard exclusive red Tracks repaint has been spotted in brick and mortar stores!
More images and videos are turning up from the set of Transformers: Rise of The Beasts in...
Hasbro announced earlier today that its longtime chief executive, Brian Goldner, has died just two days after...
The new Transformers Hall of Fame 2021 Fan Vote is up!
TFSource News – MPG Trainbot Shouki Raiden Combiner, X-Transbots Master Mini Preorders and More!
2 min read
We have a fresh newsletter from TFSource! Preorders are open for Masterpiece Gattai Shouki, the first component...
Allspark Discord User JTPrime has provided us with the product number for the Transformers Vintage Beast Wars...