The "What made you happy today" thread!


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Got a long awaited commission back of one of my OCs.. took months to find the right artist opening, then another couple of months while they worked on it, and I'm really happy with it as it really catches the vibe I was wanting.

Posted it in my Mayhem art thread for anyone interested.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
While I was out at the clinic last night, my shipping notification for my BBTS order came in.
No, I wasn't at clinic for me. I was the driver for my sister because her daughter maybe has an ear infection, maybe strep throat.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Got my BBTS package!

And it's snowing gently, and I have a nice cup of tea.

All told, pretty good day.

Edit: and the gap finally called me back, I have an appointment about my food allergies on friday.
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Eorzean Idiot

I got this today. For the first time, I am reading my first introduction to the world of Manga in Right to Left the way it was intended.


Wondering bot
What made me happy is completing a Christmas setup for my Lego Santa sleigh, phase 1 (yes I know its past the 12 days thing, but my original idea changed) I just finished it, what I done is having two copies of the Santa sleigh to get the Reindeer and the stickers for the panels on their backs, put two copies of a lighting kit that for that model and with some expandion boards I got this working, I put the model upon some boards that are black and added some 1x1 pieces that are smooth and look like horse shoe shape to make it seem like the model is going across the black sky, I yet to do a wall for this and build a starry sky background, but for that I need to order a load of blocks! The original plan I had was to pair this with the Winter Lodge kit I got over a year ago as that's been lit up, thou that needs a bit of work as some of the lights that came with it, have already failed or the connector, just broke away and wasn't lighting up properly, so I need to order some more lights to aid that model, but the main job at the moment is to lock it down on a base board along with its outdoor toilet and ice ring and make use of the white bricks and other bits to be able to also hide the battery box, but that's just one project, I still need to finish my castle project (been a bit lazy about it or busy with work)

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Someone came over to look at the piano tonight. We've been trying to get it out of the house for a while now, and it seems like these folks want it. They just need to organize a crew to move it, and then schedule a day.


Was Megatron right?
Brought this home today . . .


Took this pic earlier this evening just to show some friends . . .


Actually . . . it was supposed to be a Christmas present from a student, but the usb port broke the day I got it, so the student's dad went back and made some changes.

I think I'll leave it down here in my study, for some reason my wife doesn't seem thrilled about keeping it up in the living room.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
The last of the current gijoe collaborative transformers arrived this morning. Didn't even bother I was out shoveling snow in -11F.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
So you sucessfully dodged all of those Boomerrangs? 😁
Boomerangs, sling stones, arrows, the occasional anti-tank round.... maybe a SLAPP lawsuit or two. 🙃 And that's not even getting into an undiagnosed congenital heart condition (corrected in 2021).

The Seventh Doctor once said "You can judge a man by the quantity of his enemies."

I only consider myself to have the one, but a fair few people have wanted the job....

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Took a nice, long, cold walk this morning (to drop off city tax cheques for a couple of people.), I have a nice cup of tea, and some swiss rolls right now, and a nice spaghetti dinner in a few hours.

Life ain't too heck, I guess.

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