Tell Your Tale Discussion Thread-Salute Our Shorts


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Believe in the animatic that believes in you!

Can we fix it? Yes we can!

SENIOR BUTTERSCOTCH! Managing partner in Izzy's new repair/unicycling business, I see. He's moving up in the world!

I'm not even sure how Sparky did that. Posey's repair bill is justified count...1.

Posey can FLY! Now she can criticize people from the SKY!

If this is the last we ever see of Posey that would fitting, in a way.

These ponies are disaster magnets. As expected.

Wow, were the Guards actually doing their jobs to dent their armor like that? Or were they just using their armor to sled down the stairs?

Dahlia is a good friend. Not a good enough friend to go trying to save Posey from the eagles. But, still, pretty good.

Is Senior Butterscotch gaining sentience? Izzy's more talented with magic than she knows, I guess.

There Posey is! She's getting the hang of this propeller-umbrella....just in time for it to break.

A rocket propelled flower kart! would make deliveries more fun.

A Garbage monster. Mostly made of old cups. This town needs to cut back on it's smoothies.

The garbage monster sounds like a fun guy. I support his continued rampage across town.

Misty has a LOT of experience with panic attacks. She's had 3 just this morning!

Aw, well, it's just Rufus. He'll be fine.

Get in the spell, Butterscotch.

Rainbow Izzy returns!

We missed out...on a giant robot/Kaiju battle?! Okay, I'm never going to forgive Hasbro for this.

"These hooves of mine glow with an awesome power! Their loud roar tells BEFRIEND you!"

This is the most action we've seen in this show...maybe ever?

NOOOO!!! Senior BUTTERSCOTCH!!! This wasn't supposed to go all Getter Robo on us!

Top 10 Anime Deaths of All Time!

That moment when they all realize Izzy isn't pretending...she really IS that crazy.

Where is the city repair crew when we need them?

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Haven't watched it yet, but the thumbnail has me terrified. Who trusted izzy's ADHD ass with a friggen BLOWTORCH?!?!?!


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm saving this one right away and Hasbro can't stop me!

Sound mixing must have been the last step of production.

They had whole stock crowds. Good idea. MYM should have tried that.

If this is the last we ever see of Posey, that's hilarious.

It beggars belief that Zephyr Heights doesn't have anyone who can maintain armor. Maybe this guard just really doesn't want his superiors to know what he did.

Senor Butterscotch is the voice of reason in Izzy's head.

Aww, Posey's okay.

Junkasaurus almost got a cartoon appearance after all.

Lesson learned, kids. You can't use magic to solve all your problems.

Whoever did this voice acting had a blast. Maybe the audio engineer died laughing and that's why the show got canceled.

So this is the way G5 ends. Two giant junk golems having a great battle in the middle of Maretime Bay.

He lived a warrior, and died a hero.

Sparky is traumatized.

"I don't get it."

But no, they had to spend all their time animating endless Boardtrot episodes instead of this masterpiece.


Well-known member
Try out a new look, just in time for a new animatic!

Posey's trying to get her mane done. Place your bets, folks! How will Posey's day be ruined? I'm going with...her hair coming to life and running away with her!

I think I like the braid the best.

Manebands! It's funny what becomes popular.

Pipp just can't stop herself from making incredibly popular accessories. Poor thing.

Pipp...the "fun in that" is making a lot of money. I know you're a princess, but most people start a business to make money.

When you're employees try to assure you that business will eventually STOP booming, you KNOW you have a problem.

Pipp longs for ART!

Magic portal time! Even the Board Trot's getting tired of her whining.

Mirrorworld. Well, this will probably end with evil clones. Mind you, clones tend to pop up a lot in this show, even without the magic mirror dimensions.

It's the instant makeover dimension. Pipp better make so no one EVER finds out this place exists, or she'll be out of a job for good.

Pipp looks good in ANY hair style!

Wait, doesn't Pipp already HAVE a magic mirror in her salon that lets you see yourself in new hair styles before she gives them to you? This is an upgrade, since it does it automatically, sure. But, this is almost the same thing.

The possibilities for using this dimension for cosplay is limitless!

So, is there a entrance fee or how does this work?

Heh. I actually kind of like that everyone's so used to magic being around, that they aren't even interested in trying it out. Like I said, this is ALMOST the same thing as the mirror in Pipp's salon, already. Been there, done that.

"Did you just push me into a magical mirror?! That's the third time this week! I'm telling mom!" Seriously, Pipp chooses the ONE pony who legitimately does not care a lick about fashion to try this out.

Wait, can ponies hear you from outside the mirror? Has Pipp magically bonded with the mirror in order to control it like this?

Long-Haired Zipp! It's the dawn of a new age!

Oh, when PIPP says everyone needs to try it, everyone ignores her. But, when ZIPP says to try it, everyone's rushing over to try it. That...makes no sense, given how popular Pipp is, but whatever.

I'll admit, this would be lost on me. I never change my hair style, ever.

Posey likes what she likes. And nothing bad happened to her! That's actually a pleasant surprise! Posey had a nice day out for once count...1.

They say that Pipp is still in that mirror world, trying out new hairstyles, to this very day....

Man, just imagine if this WAS where we left Pipp and we didn't get any more episodes. The fanfics write themselves.

Also, there's some fun concept art of this episode up on Derpibooru.







There's more, but these are some of my favorites.

It's fun seeing everyone with alternate hairstyles. And I continue to like just about any hair style on Zipp. She looks good with long hair. Even with kind of goofy "Drill hair curls ".
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Please no Boardtrot today. Have mercy.

... I was waiting for it but this encounter actually seems to go well for Posey.

Pipp and Starlight Glimmer are natural enemies.

Goodbye, not-CMC. I will never learn your names.

I won't miss G5 music.

G5 Equestria is weird. You can hardly go anywhere without tripping on a portal.

"If I squint real hard in the mirror, sometimes I look like someone else." - Sole Survivor, 2015

This is going to go so badly if only Pipp can pass through the mirror.

Well that went badly, but not at all in the way I expected.


Zipp is finally looking like a princess. Just needs a horn now.

This is all probably meant to advertise a toy subline that's either cancelled or a Chinese exclusive now.

Pipp loves it now, but when someone else learns how to create this she will be out of a job. Welcome to your AI future, kids.


Well-known member
*Suddenly "Lifelight" from Smash Ultimate starts playing*

Who are our new Alicorns? Is one of them the Mysterious Brighthouse Voice we still don't know anything about? Will we find the answers to any of these questions before we run out of animatics? So. MANY. QUESTIONS!

We're starting with a song! That NEVER means anything ominous in this franchise!

"SUPERSIZED GUMMY PONY!" Hey, don't ask if you don't want to know about Izzy's hobbies in INTIMATE detail. Everyone has needs. Sometimes very specific needs.

7 of them does imply she's using them as models for all the Manes. Maybe everyone's getting new outfits?

I think I'm going to need a bigger box.

Yeah, you're not going shopping today. Today is a day for ADVENTURE!

"Ooh, maybe it's a shortcut to the market?" Oh, Sunny, you are a endless source of optimism. Stupid, stupid, optimism.

These ponies really need to learn to not walk blindly into every magical portal they come across. It's all worked out so far, but one of these days it's really going to backfire on them.

Oh, Sunny found Misty's secret hidey-hole.

This probably would have been REALLY pretty if it was finished.

Not such a secret hidey-hole. I guess nobody just asked where Misty goes off to for hours, sometimes.

"It looks so old.!" That line-read could have used another take, but these were all unfinished, so I can't really blame them. We're lucky we're getting what we got.

Aww, poor Sunny. She got a head-cold.

I'm guessing this isn't Celestia and Nightmare Moon, then.

They KNOW about the Mysterious Voice. This WAS going to be plot-relevant!

"You want LORE! Well, you're getting LORE!"

Oh, the Mysterious Voice is just setting the mood. You gotta do these big reveals up right, y'know? Presentation is everything!

Or I guess it just kicked them out. Awful touchy for a disembodied voice.

Maybe you shouldn't be saying all this out loud, Sunny. The walls have ears. Or..the walls ARE ears, maybe? I'm not sure how it works with a magically possessed lighthouse spirit.

Never let your kidnapper take you alone to a second location, Sunny!

"I couldn't answer your question before because I needed to download a update. We're all good now!"

"Limited only by their imaginations...and cash. You would not BELIEVE how much they charge if you want to buy a simple alchemy textbook. It's all a scam, I tell you."

Be very quiet...I'm hunting alicorns.

Grand, cosmic battles! With an itty-bitty budget.

Do you choose the light...or the dark side! (Choose the Dark Side, Sunny, you get better outfit choices.)

So, where those two Alicorns anyone specific, or where they more of a metaphor?

"Heart!" Go, Planet!

"Sometimes, I wish I wasn't a Alicorn at all!" I mean...most of the time you're NOT. I still don't know WHAT to call that weird hologram-thing it is you do.

"Well, you do tend to annex privately owned property to grow your "government" a lot. But, we ALL do that, once in a while."

"You could never be evil" Unless Hasbro REALLY needed a SDCC exclusive figure fast. What can I say, black repaints sell and everyone loves a bad girl.

"Let's get you back to bed" So forward, Misty. At least let her have a midnight snack, first.

Ominous foreshadowing eye! Which...probably will never get a payoff. *SIGH*
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Are we gonna see her little helmet one last time?

Oh Izzy.

You really can't go anywhere in G5 without bumping into a portal.

And these ponies just trust these portals. Granted it does always go well enough for them, but they still have guts.

Crystal B.

Hey, Misty's hideout returned. Season 2 really was going to build towards something.

Cool book.

There are some things ponies aren't meant to know.

Take it from me, Sunny. When the Dreamlands boot you out for trying to access some information they don't want you to know... yeah you should try again until they relent.

So Crystal B is willing to share this information with Sunny, but only with Sunny. Sorry Misty.

Alicorn lore dump.

Nice placeholder music.

Sunny doesn't actually have any reason to think she can't handle this power. She has no ambition.

Ominous ending. Was Opaline just going to be G5's first villainous alicorn?

Hug Hasbro. Seriously.


Well-known member
Pipp sure does love fashion shows!

Is that supposed to be a life-sized Pipp stuffed toy? Huh...the things you can buy at a concert.

Zipp got a new job! She's a reporter now! Oh no, those poor newscaster ponies are out of a job! They can't compete with a princess! Stupid princesses...taking everyone's jobs.

Pipp-Synch Party. I admire the commitment to the brand.

Even their mom has to compete to be one of Pipp's backup lip-synchers! No nepotism here, nosirree!

"Let's just say we have a few tricks up our sleeves....SUNNY! We forgot the sleeves!" Heh. Classic.

Everyone's going for that big hair look. I guess Phyllis was ahead of the curve.

Somehow I feel like Zipp was trying to freak out the Pippsqueaks and it backfired on her.

We were robbed of Dahlia and Jazz having a musical number together. Hasbro will never be forgiven.

Pipp's feeling like I guess this is just a normal Thursday for her.

Head trama is magic!

When the crowd doesn't want to be surfed.

The Queen can actually kind of bring it. Style just runs in the family.

Is Hitch ALSO on the fire brigade? Man, this is a small town.

Aww, Pippsqueak #2 is feeling a little stage-fright. Don't worry, no one knows or cares about who you are or what you do.

They're just daring us to ship Hitch and Sunny at this point.

Surprise Misty cameo!

I was going to make a joke about the Pippsqueaks having oddly old-sounding singing voices...but then I remembered that this IS a lip-synch battle. So...yeah, fair enough.

Pipp actually knows the Pippsqueak's names. Huh. Well, she's better than I am.

She lost her confidence?! But, she's a key part of this cast! This entire show would fall apart without....Glory, was it? I think she's the orange one? (*googles* Nope, she's the blue one, I'll learn your names...never, probably)

Stop your crying and start dancing! Pipp's gonna go all stage-mom on you!

Pipp is REALLY nice to her fans. Maybe almost TOO nice.

Calm down Rufus, it's not that good. Honestly, I know the show WANTS us to root for the Pippsqueaks, but the Queen kind of rocked that pyrotechnic display.

The Newcaster ponies got their jobs back! I guess Zipp just tied them up and hid them in a closet? Or maybe they had a bigger news story to cover? Yeah...right.

And here's some cute concept art relevant to this episode.







Sunny definitely has...a look.

I like Dahlia's outfit, I think it looks pretty good on her.

Izzy's "goldfish" inspired outfit is pretty cute. Taking some inspirations from her seapony friend, it seems.

Pipp does kind of steal the show, having the most regal look, though.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Another game show. Was this intended to be a weird tie-in with Hasbro's plans to develop actual TV game shows?

I still can't tell the not-CMC apart. Shame, because this feels like the first time they don't all have the same personality.

I don't miss G5 music.

This is going badly, but it works out anyway. Good life lesson.

Hitch and Sunny are hometown heroes. You know, that's a dynamic we didn't really get with G4. Applejack was Ponyville's hometown hero but then everyone forgot she exists.

Okay, Glory is the nervous one.


Glory, it's lip synching. Even if your lungs become paralyzed when you're on stage like mine do you should be able to do this.

This is a good moment. I rag on the not-CMC for not being characters, but apparently this show was planning to work on that.

No affirmation!

They obviously planned on this being one of those extra well animated moments.

These news ponies really need to hire somepony to find some actual stories, because they are really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

And the Pippsqueaks finally go viral.

It's a shame we got stuck in Boardtrot Purgatory until the show died, because there was good stuff coming. I wasn't expecting anything from this episode but it had some heart.

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