AI Generated [Non-TF] Il Terem - A Story of Another World

Chapter 1.1:

Chapter 1.2:

Chapter 1.3:

Chapter 1.4(NEW):


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Chushka chuteshka.
Il Terem - Part 1.1: Parnea

Parnea opened her eyes. It was dark in the room, the overhead dawnlights having not yet begun to stir. But she could see the shape of the others sleeping around her. The fortunate lay wrapped in blankets. The fortunate or the strong. Those that were neither either huddled together or lay curled up with only their sleepclothes to warm them.

Parnea was definitely not strong, but she was at least fortunate. She had found a cramped nook that she was able to tuck herself into, leaving her able to sleep unnoticed. There were those who would deprive her of her bedding, or worse, if they saw her. She had managed to hide her current blanket where no one would find it, discreetly retrieving it when rest was called and the dawnlights grew still. It was her third blanket. The first had been lost when she left it unattended during midmeal; the second taken when she ran afoul of a girl who’s name she never caught. She had since learned to be more careful with her belongings. The blanket currently around her was tattered, but thick, and offered a bit of cushion for her head when wrapped just right. She was reluctant to leave it, but knew that if she didn’t she would risk falling back asleep. Being the last siirenush awake meant receiving the least amount of food, meant being the last to the baths. It meant being at a disadvantage. Parnea’s small stature and lack of muscle already set her apart from the other siirenush. She needed to tip the odds somehow.

She quietly rose and winced as her shoulder made a soft popping sound. The warm floor of the Eridiol beneath her was soft, but only had so much give. As she stood, keeping the blanket held close, the floor where she lay resumed its natural shape. She carefully moved around the other sleepers, the floor divoting slightly where she stepped, absorbing any potential sound. It was already cooling, the warmth cycle ended. Others would be waking soon. Parnea could already hear changes in their breathing, almost feel the shift in the air. She hurried her pace, stepping over a quietly snoring pair of girls and out of the sleeping nooks. She heard one of them snort, but she was already gone, bare feet carrying her down the long hallway that led to Eridiol proper.


The high-ceilinged halls were no less dark than the nooks, but she knew them by heart. To her left was the tunnel leading to the bathing pools, to the right a ramp that led to the Ahrenush’s levels. Her gaze automatically shied away from that path; the few siirenush she had seen go up that way had never returned, and it was rumored that those who grew too curious would join them. Parnea had never considered herself especially curious, only seeking enough knowledge to keep herself warm, fed, and unhurt. But sometimes it didn't matter, there were times the cold and hunger and pain still found her. But she survived those days, and tried not to press her luck in the meantime.

Another ramp to the left led downward, towards the underdeeps. That was her destination, but not just yet. As she padded down the corridor she folded the blanket until it was small enough to fit neatly under her arm. She passed a couple more turnoffs before coming to another ramp leading upwards. Rather than take it, however, she ducked through a patch of dry clingleaf hanging around the underside. There she felt around until her hand found the small hollow overhead, in the underside of the ramp. From it she pulled a bundle of cloth; a small vest and matching shorts, both made of sturdy fabric and the lined with pockets. Holding the bundle together was a simple leather belt. This she unlatched and unrolled the bundle to reveal something wrapped inside: a pair of boots, thick soled and well-made. She had traded dearly for them, days and weeks worth of rations and favors, but they were worth it.

In the hiding place she tucked the blanket, offering a silent request that it remain unfound until next rest. She exchanged her sleep clothes for the vest and shorts, followed by the belt, and tucked the clothes next to the blanket. Lastly she slipped into the boots, tightening the leather straps until they fit snugly. That she had them at all was blessing enough, that they fit comfortably was the very definition of luxury. Tightening her belt, she stepped from under the ramp and back into the vaulted hall. The boots made soft taps as she walked, but she was confident that the distance would keep anyone from hearing her. It wasn’t exactly against the rules to be up before gloam’s end, but siirenush were often warned away from venturing into the underdeeps so soon after a cleanse. As she turned toward the ramp leading down, she could feel the warm air wafting up, smell the tang of it. Her bare arms tickled, though whether from excitement or the humid air, she couldn’t say. She took one more glance over her shoulder, imagining she heard the sound of others coming awake, then quickly jogged off into the bowels of Eridiol.

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Chushka chuteshka.
Realizing that it will be a pain in the butt to cross-post this entire lark straight to the forums, I’m just going to link my Wattpad and let nonexistent interested parties look at their own discretion. Also, I am exhausted from work, please forgive me.
Part 4 is up.


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