Ms Marvel on D+ June 8


New member
Just to toss this out there, but.. "What If.." at some point she ends up exposed to Terrigen Mist, and after having used the gauntlets ( for whatever reason) that becomes her actual Inhuman ability?


Not if Kamala finds herself in an adjacent, recently ravaged by a dreamwalking-Wanda, now Blackbolt-less universe.
But yeah, I suggested this a page ago, she could start with these less desirable placeholder powers and then evolve.
I gotta believe those magic bands aren't just history-less macguffins. As long as their origin makes sense, I'm ok with iteration 1.
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Continuity Nutcase
I honestly wouldn't mind seeing Anson Mount return as Blackbolt.


Guess whos back
So first episode is out.

It's hard to know what to think? Its definitely got an interesting style its just a little odd.
Maybe its just because like... Captain Marvel in the MCU has had so little screen time and done so little it doesn't make sense that Kamala has an obsession with her? Maybe its because the change in powers seems really weird and cheap looking? Maybe its just a whole other kinda disconnect I dunno.

Just... its odd.


...even Team Whirl.
Watched it this afternoon - I really liked it. Iman Vellani reminds me of some of my students, especially in the extra little featurette.

Loved the moving graffiti, and there's a fun nod to Hawkeye, too.

Powered Convoy

This was way more entertaining than I expected. Definitely off to a very strong start and I echo that it seems more like a film than a lot of the others.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I think there’s an argument that Ms. Marvel is getting off to a MUCH stronger start than a LOT of the MCU Disney series. The initial impression, to me, is actually stronger than Moon Knight in terms of having a real personality in both the story and visuals. It kind of feels like maybe Marvel spent a few extra bucks on Ms Marvel relative to some of their other TV projects.

The cast are all excellent. For a group of, basically, unknowns, there are some STRONG performances across the board, especially from the young stars. The visual story telling was excellent, and, as I said above, gives the series a personality that a LOT of the other Marvel shows are sorely lacking. Much of the series is going to rest on Iman Vellani’s performance, and she’s off to a very strong start here.
In some respects, it’s unfortunate that Ms Marvel got relegated to a mere “D+ TV Series”. Even still, this feels like it could do for Minority Americans what Black Panther did for Black Americans.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Saw it.

Is Mitchells vs The Machines involved somehow? It feels like the creators were, or the designers, somehow.

Kamala is great but omg, what she did to her dad? That was horrible. He was so gosh darn excited. Breaks the heart. She better make it up to him.

Lots of Ant-Man related stuff there. Scott has been busy.

I loooooove the con. Would that our local ones look just as extravagant.

Btw, reading the backpages, I didn't realize or make the connection that the Marvel connection could have been the Mar-Vell Quantum Bands. Pretty clever actually. And making energy constructs to substitute as giant stretchiness is kinda clever, ala Young Justice Apache Chief Long Shadow.

Powered Convoy

I think there’s an argument that Ms. Marvel is getting off to a MUCH stronger start than a LOT of the MCU Disney series. The initial impression, to me, is actually stronger than Moon Knight in terms of having a real personality in both the story and visuals. It kind of feels like maybe Marvel spent a few extra bucks on Ms Marvel relative to some of their other TV projects.

The cast are all excellent. For a group of, basically, unknowns, there are some STRONG performances across the board, especially from the young stars. The visual story telling was excellent, and, as I said above, gives the series a personality that a LOT of the other Marvel shows are sorely lacking. Much of the series is going to rest on Iman Vellani’s performance, and she’s off to a very strong start here.
In some respects, it’s unfortunate that Ms Marvel got relegated to a mere “D+ TV Series”. Even still, this feels like it could do for Minority Americans what Black Panther did for Black Americans.
Having a bunch of unknowns is a plus in my book. Too many casting choices as of late seem trying to get big names, or at least a not insignificant amount. I prefer not recognizing every actor.


Well-known member
I'm happy to say that this will be the first MCU Disney+ series that I'll be following episode by episode - everything else I was, sadly, late to the party for.

First episode was great, and I agree, Kamala needs to make things right with her dad. Her mom's a jerk, but I don't hate her for it - the poor woman just doesn't get her daughter, and can't quite get that her little girl isn't going to follow the pattern that she wants. Plus there's got to be a story behind that bracelet.

And hey, it's the Damage Control jerk who gave Peter a hard time in No Way Home! Now him, I want to see bad things happen to, especially if he decides to be a dick to Kamala. And don't give me any lip about him just doing his job either - people have used that excuse to justify way too many nasty things, thank you very much.


Well-known member
Well, they certainly haven't had to deal with event planning or OSHA, that's for sure. Keep in mind, they were probably trying to merge different kinds of fandom conventions, since the Avengers are real people and AvengersCon would likely attract people outside the usual fandom crowds. But the fact that it was being run in such a frenetic fashion suggests the planners thought one night would be enough for everything and were caught by surprise by how things actually happen. Had to move things along to fit the needs of the plot.



Well-known member
I assumed AvengersCon would’ve been a big flashy 2-3 day SDCC type thing.

I don’t blame her Parents for not letting her sneak into a warehouse full of teens at midnight.


...even Team Whirl.
I figured the convention was a local fan thing, not a corporate thing, hence the mix of somewhat fancy props and school-carnival booths.

Just watched the next episode. Dancing through the living room was fun (not a big enough thing to put a spoiler tag on, really) and when they got to the end of the episode I yelled out "Noooo!" loudly enough that my daughter laughed at me from her room. I'm seriously not used to this whole "watch the episodes as they drop" thing . . . normally I've been too busy, and I've just watched things later.


Guess whos back
Okay okay so 1st episdoe was kinda eh to me but 2nd is getting me on board.

Oof Yusuf gets wronged again, Nakia was super cruel and manipulative trying to get his vote.

DoDC dude is ******* creepy as hell. I mean the suits are always dickwads but in a universe with all the jive they've seen and most the super powered threats not being terrestrial ones it feels really odd to go hard on "oh this girl must be a threat". And of course they go straight into the "she must be foreign" route. Also of course they are Latinx douches despite the community making it pretty clear for years they aren't fans of that term.

Still somehow less dickish than the Illuminauntys though

Khan learns an important lesson about not showboating before you've saved the kid, which you know best to learn that early in your career I guess.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Saw the second ep.

Kamala's superhero name! Hahaha! :) Well, she can team up with Night Monkey.

There's a lot of culture stuff happening here. How accurate is it? (especially with the cliches coming out like... those high school or college movie scenes where the new kid sees the various social groups). How is the community taking to it? Hopefully it's all been good and no backlash.

Aw man, I kinda don't want to see the government group involved in a large way so early in the game. I guess they're going for a discrimination thing though.

Kamala uses her powers like teen Gwen in Ben 10 Aliens Force, with the steps and such. Pretty cool. I personally probably wouldn't think to use it that way but would probably make disk shapes for attack and defense (ala Steven Universe) but not transport. For a second, I thought it would be possible to use the constructs as slides like how Iceman does it but I guess she can't generate that much energy.

Screw that bit at the end of the rescue! What a horrible moment! Dang!

I can't figure out the gossip yet. Did the relative go on an Ego trip?


Well-known member
Just finished the second episode.

I don't know if it's my political leanings or good storytelling, but when you're making an Alpha Bitch character sympathetic by putting her against jerkish government agents - jerkish hypocrite control freak government agents, excuse me - you might just be doing something right.

Anyway, I can't wait for the next episode.
And I seriously hope that Kamala isn't torn to shreds on social media over her rescue attempt. Yes, the kid got a broken ankle...but if she hadn't intervened, the kid could've DIED. I'd take a broken ankle over being dead any day.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I watched a video about the second ep and the kid sorta semi deserves it. I mean, I didn't notice his shoes.

Background on the Partition stuff is nice. I don't know about that history. Considering the time, maybe the British accent means something?

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