UK politics thread – meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Anonymous X

Well-known member
“Let them eat turnips.”

(Incidentally, the BBC1 6pm evening news yesterday claiming that the fruit and vegetable shortages are “Europe wide”, but the BBC is as reliable source of information as a tabloid newspaper these days.)

Anonymous X

Well-known member
How long until we’re back to food ration books?

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Hahaha, never. Your government is psychotic enough to make you fight over the dwindling supply while blaming everyone else.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Expected as much. The media last week was full of “stop expecting to eat foreign fruit and vegetables, your grandparents had to make do without” type articles.


Expected as much. The media last week was full of “stop expecting to eat foreign fruit and vegetables, your grandparents had to make do without” type articles.

A Conservative government would aim to ensure there was "more British food in Britain".

"I want our children to grow up knowing the taste of a British apple, of Cornish sardines, Herefordshire pears, Norfolk turkey, Melton Mowbray pork pies and, of course, black pudding."

Speaking in Birmingham, Ms Truss said almost 600 new markets had been opened overseas, adding exports had increased by more than £1bn in the last four years.

"We are producing more varieties of cheese than the French. And we are selling tea to China - Yorkshire tea. "When it comes to British food and drink, we have had never had it so good.

What happened?

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Trying to bury import troubles with nationalism, looks like.
Making the importation of food from our main source market far more expensive and difficult in terms of paperwork* when our island hasn’t been self-sufficient in terms of food for centuries, that’s a specific kind of malice.

* Americans and Canadians! Imagine moving produce effortlessly from one state/province to another becomes a complex and costly system of import duties, checks, fees and customs clearances. That’s Brexit.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
It's easier for a canadian farmer to export food to america than it is to export to the province next door. We're already aware of what brexit is like: it's the almost defacto norm over here.


jumbled pile of person
* Americans and Canadians! Imagine moving produce effortlessly from one state/province to another becomes a complex and costly system of import duties, checks, fees and customs clearances. That’s Brexit.
And I'll bet it's actually worse now than it was before the EU was established.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Indeed it is. They haven't had time to re-establish import/export procedures or make proper trade deals with other nations. They(The UK Government) haven't had to deal with any of that stuff since they joined the EU and kinda forgot how it all works....

Anonymous X

Well-known member

The British version of Trump’s “build the wall” slogan. New drinking game: take a shot whenever a Tory politician or their media surrogates say “stop the boats!” on TV or radio. Death from liver damage guaranteed within 48 hours.


Well-known member
The hilarious thing to me is, the Home Secretary is at least descended from immigrants correct?

Ironbite-how'd she get bit by the white nationalism bug?


Well-known member
I do wonder what the actual number would be?

If you could ask all 8 billion people if they wanted to come to the UK.

Doubtlessly higher than 100 million but I struggle to think it would be multiple billions.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Displaced people, yea, that's gonna be higher than 100 million. Displaced people who specifically want asylum in the UK, probably lower.

And YUP, she's first generation British. Her parents immigrated from Kenya and Mauritius. Kinda like Ted Cruz's father being from Cuba.


unfortunate shark issues
The hilarious thing to me is, the Home Secretary is at least descended from immigrants correct?
Sure, but there's a vital difference between her and the immigrants she's trying to stop, and that is that she is extremely rich.


Well-known member
The hilarious thing to me is, the Home Secretary is at least descended from immigrants correct?

Ironbite-how'd she get bit by the white nationalism bug?
I was going to comment on the same thing.

I'm trying to understand the mentality.

Is it the perception that she was born in the UK, and thus doesn't consider herself on the same level as first-generation immigrants?

Is it that she thinks if she's juuuuust being xenophobic enough, she will be totally accepted and not be considered a target by British racists?

Basically, this is the old "Leopards Eating People's Faces Party" joke, except here, she didn't just vote for Leopards Eating People's Faces Party, she's a member of the party.

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