UK politics thread – meet the new boss, same as the old boss


They probably also have an exit plan to emigrate to some other anglophone country or to the European Union.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
So how long until your next election?
December 2024 is the latest it can be held. So a while off. Unless enough rebellious Tories collapse their own government. Hopefully staring oblivion in the face so long before a scheduled election will convince enough Tories to sharply change direction or replace the leadership (again) with someone who isn’t completely insane.


Well-known member
Does...does she realize that given a chance, they'd deport her to Rwanda?

Ironbite-these idiots.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Panthers, eating faces, blah blah blah. Because at the EXACT same time that there's no exceptions to the rule, everybody is the exception to the rule. Hypocrisy apparently uses a stealthboy.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
You guys aren't even a third world country these days.

The insane thing is that a minister (and one who is a right-wing Tory) had set aside money for a public information campaign encouraging the public to save energy this winter, but the prime minister refused on “ideological” grounds:

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
She meant religious grounds: she can only pray when people are openly suffering around her.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
This is hilarious. Basically, as a former prime minister, Boris Johnson gets to nominate sitting MPs to get kicked upstairs to the House of Lords (Britain’s unelected equivalent of a senate). Those MPs will have to vacate their seats in the House of Commons, which means by-elections – when the Conservative Party is polling dreadfully, and very likely to lose all those seats.


jumbled pile of person
Especially if the media covers the by-elections as extensively as ours covered all those special elections we had back in 2017. I still think we learned a valuable lesson from that, which is that downticket elections should be staggered rather than taking place on a single day every two years so they can always get that kind of attention.


too old for this
Full on points to the UK journalists. My favorite question was, "So why do YOU get to stay on then?"

Absolutely correct. Why the hell are you even still there?

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