Star Trek General Discussion

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Been going thru TOS slowly. I dunno, when I'm not excited about Lower Decks, I just take the eps one at a time.

Finally finished session 2. I'm forgetting details already but there's still a whole lot of earth history (instead of alien cultures) but I know it's just using whatever set props are around. Mobsters, Nazis, Roman's are all human contaminants on other planets.

There's a thing about making Chekov a source of humor, with Russian mistakes or something. I guess it's the sign of the times or whatever but was it considered offensive? Somehow, making him funny gave him more personality and focus that Uhura or Sulu.

Didn't realize from popular culture that Bones and Spock are fighting all the time, in a one sided way. So weird.

Quick rundown

210 journey to babel - Spock's dad and an assassin. Spock really should have figured out a way to do both, save his dad and lead.

211 Friday's Child - tribal stuff

212 The Deadly Years - bad aging make up but cool Sci fi threat

213 Obsession - that cloud this is weird but a bit scary. Also nice to see Kirk so emotional.

214 Wolf in the Fold - so many gruesome deaths! And Jack the Ripper? Really?

215 Trouble with Tribbles - Infamous, yeah. I read the story in a picture book too. I remember the Tribbles being dead but didn't know why then. Since they didn't move, didn't seem like you could tell either way.

216 Gamemasters of Triskelion - yes, Kirk, seduce the female captor again. Sheesh.

217 Piece of the Action - gangsters, oh well

218 Immunity Syndrome - ok enough Sci fi.

219 Private Little War - it's that white ape monster from Lower Decks! Hehe. I thought the seductive witch wife was going plan something more elaborate but oh well.

220 Return to Tomorrow - poor aliens, aw. There was actually one robot body completed. They could have saved one Entity and gained more tech.

221 Patterns of Force - Nazi's. I'm tired of one female always being sexy but I guess it's the times. Repetitive type of plot now, sorta.

222 By Any Other Name - I would have been ok with this ep, with the aliens in human bodies having to deal with human responses (even with Kirk seducing the female again). But killing that poor officer by turning her into a rock and crushing her was too gruesome and sad. If she didn't die, it would have been a no harm, no foul for me.

223 Omega Glory - US history again. Surprise American patriotism, with the anthem being played too, haha

224 Ultimate Computer - War games! Loved that this was done in Next Gen too! Thought the usual thing about the AI being the programmer's child but, no, it was his of brain patterns. Another Kirk logic bomb to stop an AI. Funny but the programmer made me think of Tony Todd and the war game captain made me think of Clancy Brown.

225 Bread and Circuses - Roman's. Weird that they left the culture as is, when it was already contaminated. Sad about the deaths. Am annoyed at the surprise Christianity being what will save the planet.

226 Assignment Earth - looked it up after and, yeah, backdoor pilot. I thought it was a crossover at first. Funny secretary, cool cat, too much focus on the other main character. Weird finale to have but ok.

24 eps to go for season 3.


Well-known member
There's a thing about making Chekov a source of humor, with Russian mistakes or something. I guess it's the sign of the times or whatever but was it considered offensive?
Chekov was only created before the second season, as a direct response to two things:

A) Cold War-era anti-Russian propaganda. Someone figured that the show that made it a point to include a black woman and an Asian man (during the civil rights movement and the Vietnam war) really should also include a Russian character just to show that we could all get along.

B) The Monkees, and specifically Davy Jones. Chekov was meant to be the boyish mop-haired young heart-throb to appeal to more young women.

(That last one is part of why he was always suffering; nothing raises sympathy like hurting the metaphorical puppy dog.)

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
214 Wolf in the Fold - so many gruesome deaths! And Jack the Ripper? Really?

I always liked this episode. I like the idea of Jack the Ripper being his non-corporeal being that posses people to feed on their fright.

215 Trouble with Tribbles - Infamous, yeah. I read the story in a picture book too. I remember the Tribbles being dead but didn't know why then. Since they didn't move, didn't seem like you could tell either way.

Classic episode! Loved that it gets a call back in DS9!

217 Piece of the Action - gangsters, oh well

I liked this episode as it showed a good reason why Starfleet shouldn't interfere with a society and why the prime directive was so important. Also it's one of the few times you see the Enterprise stun a whole group of people from orbit!

222 By Any Other Name - I would have been ok with this ep, with the aliens in human bodies having to deal with human responses (even with Kirk seducing the female again). But killing that poor officer by turning her into a rock and crushing her was too gruesome and sad. If she didn't die, it would have been a no harm, no foul for me.

Did you catch the It's green reference?

225 Bread and Circuses - Roman's. Weird that they left the culture as is, when it was already contaminated. Sad about the deaths. Am annoyed at the surprise Christianity being what will save the planet.

You can look at Kirk's face and see a similar response at the end. I do think that it was a nice twist at the end though, especially given the time period, but consiidering that is my religion, I might be biased.

226 Assignment Earth - looked it up after and, yeah, backdoor pilot. I thought it was a crossover at first. Funny secretary, cool cat, too much focus on the other main character. Weird finale to have but ok.

This will come back later on. It took them fifty years, but they finally called back to this recently in Picard. I can't recall if you watched that one yet though......


Well-known member
And while they're not canon, Gary Seven and Roberta have been a fixture in the novelverse, enough that you could probably assemble a whole masthead of "Star Trek: Assignment Earth" novels (also featuring Mestral from that Enterprise episode, Khan Noonien Singh, and even a very young Zefram Cochrane).

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
What's the It's Green reference?

I haven't seen Picard yet. It's going to be a looooong while before I get to it, since I have to get thru the animated, Voyager and Enterprise before then.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
What's the It's Green reference?

I haven't seen Picard yet. It's going to be a looooong while before I get to it, since I have to get thru the animated, Voyager and Enterprise before then.
So in the TOS episode, Scotty is trying to get the alien drunk. He pulls out a bottle, and the alien asks him what it is. To which Scotty takes a few sniffs and eventually replies, "It's green".

In TNG, when Scotty is rescued from the transporter after his ship crashed into the Dyson sphere, he goes to Ten Forward, and here is that scene:


Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Oh wait, YES! I totally got that reference! I just forgot it since I focused on how they could turn the ep a bit jokey or less serious when the poor officer got crumbled in the first scene.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Going thru small chunks of season 3.

Oh, also I just can't imagine Chekov being a Monkee stand in. Did he become a popular with the viewers?

301 Spock's Brain. Spock losing his brain is pretty cheesy, haha. They should have explored more why they needed his brain to help the female group.

302 Enterprise Incident. I kept pausing this cuz I couldn't get into Spock getting vamped on, haha

303 Paradise Problem. The writers didn't have to kill Kirk's native pregnant wife. That's probably the third or fourth woman Kirk had sorta relations with who died.

304 And the Children Shall Lead. I guess the kids were Village of the Damned analogs sort of? I can't get over their pounding hand attack, haha

305 Is There In Truth No Beauty? I don't remember the red visors Boimler wore during the ep where his living quarters were by the engines nacelles whichever but I'm pretty sure the Medusa glasses were it. Episode was weeeeeird cuz did the blind woman force the guy to kill himself due to jealousy? And she got away with it?

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders

Filming for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3 has officially begun in Toronto. Production was initially scheduled to start in May but was delayed due to the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes. Fortunately, the USS Enterprise, led by Captain Christopher Pike, is now ready to engage warp speed, as revealed by producing director Chris Fisher and co-executive producer and writer Davy Perez.

Woot! Can't wait to see the resolution of that cliffhanger!

Agent X

Kreon Bastard
I ended up watching a bunch of "But came out in 2007" videos (where movies/shows closed out like 2007 "Transformers"),

and totally want someone to do that with the ending of "In the Pale Moonlight".

Of course that meme is about/over a year old.
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Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!

Donnie Spock. Dock?

I suppose with Mayhem Donnie, his frame of reference for Spock would be Strange New Worlds?

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