Star Trek General Discussion


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Twice now it's been suggested that Chapel will marry Roger Korby. That's not the case. They were only engaged.


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Yeah, Netflix has flaws but the show was already dead for some insanely stupid reason at Paramount, so whatever Netflix does they have at the very least Resurrected Season 2 which otherwise could have very conceivably been dumped in the memory hole with the Batgirl movie and the completely finished never-to-be-seen Micronauts cartoon.

So this is a win whether Netflix decides to give it a Season 3 or not.

-ZacWilliam, it deserves a place of pride on Paramount plus and there's no justification for their cutting ties with it, but atleast this is something.


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Tuxedo Prime

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Una McCormack wrote a story, as I recall, with a B-arc involving a post-Dominion War Cardassian police detective. There were some comparisons between how things were in the old system compared to under Allied Reconstruction. Interestingly enough, law enforcement wasn't all that resistant to change -- many of the constabulary found themselves fighting side-by-side and street-to-street alongside Resistance members against Jem'Hadar extermination squads on the final day of the war-- which changes one's outlook on local politics rather sharply.


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There was also the detail in McCormack's "The Crimson Shadow" of Garak and Captain Picard bonding over Cardassian enigma tales turning out to be basically the same as "hard-boiled" detective fiction like Dixon Hill (and which Columbo is a deconstruction of).

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I'm halfway through TOS actually and Shatner's way of speaking is now more pronounces. Thanks @The Predaking for that explanation video, haha. Also John De Lancie acknowledging that other guy.

I'm actually surprised at the more cerebral conundrums in the eps. Not always social reflections really.

Also, it's about three eps where Kirk does a logic confusion thingy to thwart enemy AI. C'mon, AI are smarter than that, haha

Still hate the whistling sound for comms. I don't think I mentioned not liking the Yeoman title. And there's that dated comedic tone played at points, geez, haha.

Putting under a spoiler space 1x19 Arena to 2x9 Metamorphosis

1x19 Arena - that's the Gorn? The race that stranded Kirk and the Gorn commander on the planet is more powerful actually. But the Gorn got famous cuz... Kirk fighting solo?

1x20 Tomorrow is Yesterday - kinda fun. They really shouldn't have destroyed the jet really.

1x21 Court Martial - unless I missed it, wasn't the frame up bad guy's daughter never shown to have been brought back on the ship? As a threat? Like, even they did it, why not show him proof?

1x22 Return of Archons - I know the name Landru and got the reference from Lower Decks, hehe. Kirk Logic Bomb1

1x23 Space Seed - the Khan episode. Geez it was a little sensual and Stockholm Syndrome y whatever y. How would anyone link this look to the wilder look of Khan in the movie? Odd. But finally cool to see.

1x24 Taste of Armageddon - I liked this ep. I thought for sure that an evil AI was the culprit but, no, it was just regular people with a set killing culture. If only the team stopped more of the poor, considered dead people from killing themselves. Also Kirk basically interfered with the Prime Directive here.

1x25 Side of Paradise - violence is the answer probably became a joke, right? Cool though that people stayed healthy afterwards.

1x26 Devil in the Dark - creepy monster (though cute ish, person shuffling crawling in a suit movement, haha) and weird to see Spock mind meld and sounding so emotional like that. Oh, I forgot when Spock first did the Mind meld and nerve pinch.

1x27 Errand of Mercy - first time main Klingon episode? The peace keeping aliens are more powerful again.

1x28 Alternative Factor - didn't like the strobe light effects. Story was more twilight zone-y. Just weird but poor other guy trapped fighting his other self.

1x29 City on the Edge of Forever - I know this story! It's one of the episode picture books of Trek that I read as a kid. Didn't realize how much they had to convenietly mash together to make a plot. One - Bones goes crazy. Two - time travel spot just there. Three - shenanigans. And the lady for peace living means bad future, wow. Violence is the answer again, haha

1x30 Operation Annihilate - another picture episode book I read. But I don't recall Kirk's brother being killed, wow. Sooooo this is the fate of mustache animal guy in Strange New Worlds, oh no! I totally remember the weird disc flesh pancake alien design, haha. And Spock getting blinded then recovering.

2x1 Amok Time - I heard about pon Farr! Cool on Bones fake killing Kirk but, holy cow, T Pring is horrible for letting things go that far just for a break up! So this is what is expected in Strange New World?

2x2 Who Mourns for Adonais - I pity the God Anyhow.

2x3 The Changeling - wow, the AI killed and was able to bring a body back to life. Why can't they preserve this tech? Weeeird that Uhura just got taught everything to her after her brain wipe. And Kirk did a Logic Bomb2.

2x4 Mirror, Mirror - ah, the mirrorverse! Seems like a normal plot now but I guess it's revolutionary.

2x5 Apple - I think I saw jokes before about the alien make up on the people here being Oompa Loompas or something?

2x6 Doomsday Device - love this ep, haha. I thought the planet killer would be shaped like Unicron but, no, it was a space worm. Cool on the other captain power struggle, kiiinda hated that his idiotic death helped them figure how to destroy the thing.

2x7 Catspaw - I'm pretty sure this was a picture book too. I remember seeing the poor small aliens just dying at the end, poor things.

2x8 I Mudd - the silly scenes kinda stretched on for too long. Weird to have Mudd back but i guess it was an excuse to put in sexy subservient women in the show? Sheesh. Kirk Logic Bomb3.

2x9 Metamorphosis - bit of an eye roll with the shallowness of the human male, which is a shame cuz I like the alien keeping a human alive for a decades thing.

Got about 40 more eps to go. Lower Decks had Trek Animated aliens again so I guess I'll see that one after this.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
1x19 Arena - that's the Gorn? The race that stranded Kirk and the Gorn commander on the planet is more powerful actually. But the Gorn got famous cuz... Kirk fighting solo?

Yup. Kirk fighting the Gorn is a famous episode, and his building a cannon to kill him. The Gorn are definitely retconned a lot for later appearances.

1x23 Space Seed - the Khan episode. Geez it was a little sensual and Stockholm Syndrome y whatever y. How would anyone link this look to the wilder look of Khan in the movie? Odd. But finally cool to see.

This is a great episode! I love the part where Khan wakes up and holds a knife to Bones. Bones is giving him suggestions on where to cut him.

1x24 Taste of Armageddon - I liked this ep. I thought for sure that an evil AI was the culprit but, no, it was just regular people with a set killing culture. If only the team stopped more of the poor, considered dead people from killing themselves. Also Kirk basically interfered with the Prime Directive here.

Yeah, Star Trek has a habit of playing fast and loose with the Prime Directive depending on the circumstances.

1x25 Side of Paradise - violence is the answer probably became a joke, right? Cool though that people stayed healthy afterwards.

Not Violence, just strong emotions. With Kirk and the Botanist, it was sadness that broke them out. Kirk over losing the ship and the lady over losing Spock. I love the fight between Kirk and Spock, how Spock just chops the metal club almost in half with one swing. Then afterwards, Kirk's joke about them both being in the brig was great.

1x29 City on the Edge of Forever - I know this story! It's one of the episode picture books of Trek that I read as a kid. Didn't realize how much they had to conveniently mash together to make a plot. One - Bones goes crazy. Two - time travel spot just there. Three - shenanigans. And the lady for peace living means bad future, wow. Violence is the answer again, haha

This is probably the best episode of TOS. It is the first episode on TV with swearing as well. At the end, Kirk says, "Let's get the hell out of here." I think the lesson is more like, don't mess with history as even if you try to do good, you might wind up affecting a lot more than you know. Like the butterfly affect 40 years early.

1x30 Operation Annihilate - another picture episode book I read. But I don't recall Kirk's brother being killed, wow. Sooooo this is the fate of mustache animal guy in Strange New Worlds, oh no! I totally remember the weird disc flesh pancake alien design, haha. And Spock getting blinded then recovering.

Yup. This is George's fate. But that isn't a bad fate, as that is how Kirk's die, saving thousands/millions of lives. George got the Enterprise to show up and that resulted in the all the colonist being saved, except him and his wife. But his child lives.

2x1 Amok Time - I heard about pon Farr! Cool on Bones fake killing Kirk but, holy cow, T Pring is horrible for letting things go that far just for a break up! So this is what is expected in Strange New World?

Spock's reaction to Kirk at the end is epic! You finally see all of his Vulcan barriers broken, just for two seconds, but its great. I am convinced that T'pring and Spock have been married and divorced numerous times over the centuries, but that is just my head cannon.

2x4 Mirror, Mirror - ah, the mirrorverse! Seems like a normal plot now but I guess it's revolutionary.

Indeed. The whole Evil Spock having a beard became a thing for shows to mimic going forward when they wanted to have an evil version of a character. Since you might not remember, in DS9, they do say that Spock was successful in getting the Terran Empire to change. Unfortunately, for the Terrans, they were conquered by Bajorians/Cardassians/Klingons as well as everyone else that they used to subjugate. You willl see more Mirrorverse in Enterprise and Discovery though.

2x6 Doomsday Device - love this ep, haha. I thought the planet killer would be shaped like Unicron but, no, it was a space worm. Cool on the other captain power struggle, kiiinda hated that his idiotic death helped them figure how to destroy the thing.

It's a great episode, and at least he did one thing right.

2x8 I Mudd - the silly scenes kinda stretched on for too long. Weird to have Mudd back but i guess it was an excuse to put in sexy subservient women in the show? Sheesh. Kirk Logic Bomb3.

Yeah, but everyone had to get in on that logic bomb, even Spock.


Well-known member
Yup. This is George's fate. But that isn't a bad fate, as that is how Kirk's die, saving thousands/millions of lives. George got the Enterprise to show up and that resulted in the all the colonist being saved, except him and his wife. But his child lives.

And is never seen or heard from again.

-ZacWilliam, kind of amazing that none of the post TOS shows took the easy route and threw in a future Kirk family member.


Well-known member
There's a Jenna Winona Kirk in the Relaunch Timeline novels. She's a LtCmdr aboard the Prometheus.

She hates the name and the expectations that come with it (she'd probably have a very interesting conversation with La'an).

Memory Beta also has a few other Kirk relatives, enough to fill out a family tree (Jenna doesn't have an entry, because Memory Beta's editors aren't up to TFWiki standards, but at least she's mentioned on the Prometheus page).

Canonically, Jim had three nephews (though only one of them has an onscreen name).

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