Star Trek General Discussion


Olde-Timey Member
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Council of Elders
Jesus Christ “Worst Contact” was HORRIBLE.

Just the absolute laziest joke STRETCHED to three minutes coupled with only the most juvenile gross out humor.

Definitely over the top. Like, if they had stopped the booger jokes after the initial nose-picking / handshake (leave it totally unremarked on, just have Riker come up with some reason to refuse to shake hands), then keep going with the idea that the alien culture is composed entirely of the most annoying habits, it would have been a lot better.


Well-known member
I think Futurama did a better job at this in the recent "Zapp gets Cancelled" episode.

Where Leela as the new Nimbus for the episode, ends up going on a peace keeping mission to a planet where groping is the starded way they they great people, make deals, etc.

Still a very off putting society, but in a way that's not just one long gross-out gag.


Well-known member
Originally posted in another thread, but it seems more appropriate to the discussion here.

I was going to post that the Very Short Trek ep3 Worst Contact uses the Next Gen crew but that series is really just low brow.
Well, I guess I can say that was the least offensive one of the three thus far, but this is really NOT the kind of humor I appreciate, and it utterly fails to honor TAS (the supposed intention), IMHO.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Jumping threads. Just going to quickly comment on the last episodes of Next Gen, since I recently finished it and have questions.

I guess I'll put it in a spoiler space, to make less space.

715 Lower Decks - was the actual Lower Decks show based on this? This one got grim tho, with the poor, semi disgraced cadet from the Wesley trial ep getting killed. The surviving Lower Deckers should be recognized, over coffee spill lady and Shelby.

716 Thine Own Self - Commander Troi was wiling to kill Geordi, haha. Cool concept on that exam. The little girl could have been told that Data was alive, aw

717 Masks - wow, that was a bad ep. To quick to resolve.

718 Eye of the Beholder - a supernatural murder mystery. And the Troi Worf romance sorta happening so late in the game.

719 Genesis - Spot and her kittens save the day! Yay! Sorta. Yaya anyway, haha. Also medical officer Osaka cuz she was pregnant. I somehow imagine that Barclay eps would have him be the star. Love that he's the only other human who Spot will be friends with, since Spot terrorized Geordi and Riker, hahaha

720 Journey's End - what the hex, Wesley?!?! He leaves everything he worked for? Well, it fulfills the Ttaveller prophecy but, c'mon, he could have graduated first. Aaaaw. Also, geez, they used a Native American social political theme for his final ep.

721 Firstborn - weird on the time travel. We didn't see what happened to the older Alexander. He didn't fade away or say he'd travel back so what in the world happened to him? Anyway, the future says Worf dies as a diplomat thing (?) and Romulans are defeated and taken over by Klingons?

722 Bloodlines - I guess fake son Jason is suppose to be how Picard was sorta like when he was younger (same as Trapestry). He hit in Troi, yikes.

723 Emergence - interesting use of the holo. Do we get a follow up on the Enterprise baby?

724 Premptive Strike - kinda loved this one. Not a new story but it was cool seeing Ro switch for a kindly parental figure. Would have been nicer to see her around more, so her switch had a bigger impact.

725-726 All Good Things - Data is a crazy cat person! Hahaha! They really pushed Worf and Troi together to the point that they had a Riker rift. Cool that Tasha was around. The first part was kinda used to show off the future timeline so the threat didn't see so big when it was shown in the second part. Q showing up is a nice bookend but, well, he was too magical ish for a intro to a sci-fi show sooooo I'm not super wild about him closing too. (I still like him tho. Just could have been more scifi).

And it's over! Whew! Have some confessions.

I've seen Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds and Deep Space 9 and... I still don't get the crew hierarchy and colors. Why change it around? Blue is science. Yellow is security. Also engineering? Red is command. That's modern, right? The old joke is Red shirts means death but they changed it to command?

The two in front of the bridge are navigators and pilots? Data was there but also Boimler? I think Mariner too. Sulu is the same? Uhura is... what again? For SNW and TOS. What in heavens is Troi? Is a psychic standard for exploration? Sorta cool if yes.

I know about the Riker maneuver but... I totally did not notice it at all! What I noticed is the ... Picard maneuver, when he pulls down the front of his shirt. But I really didn't notice Riker sitting down from the back.

Alexander was at the rite of ascension age at s7 and he's a young adult in DS9. Does the age add up? Did Michael Dorn Worf move to DS9 right after Next Gen ended? Like Spike jumping to Angel immediately after Buffy ended? I don't remember if DS9 explained how Worf and Troi broke up.

I saw Star Trek movie 1 and 2 but I don't think I'll watch the rest until I finish TOS (I'm past the Menagerie). Buuuut just in case, could I watch the Next Generation movies? I haven't seen the Borg Queen yet.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
TOS era:
Command: Gold
Science: Blue
Engineering/Ops: Red

TNG era:
Command: Red
Science: Blue
Engineering/Ops: Gold

29th century:
Command: Blue
Science: Grey
Ops: Red

Mostly mentioning the 29th century stuff to show it's not the only time colors have been swapped around. Also between TOS and TNG they had the "Monster Maroons" and the jumpsuits from the first movie. If you really want to see all the different uniforms in one place, the STO wiki has a color guide for people who wanted to try to match the canon uniforms that shows most of them off:

The red shirt thing is because Security fell under Ops and wore red, and naturally were usually the first to go down to show a real threat to the named characters for story conventions, so it happened often on away teams.

The front stations on the D were Helm and Operations - the latter presumably was more like sensors and tracking everything than navigation, which was more on the computer and helm by then. In TOS times IIRC the other front station was navigation(and likely sensors too?) Uhura is Communications, managing inbound and outbound communications. You get a real spotlight on this in the musical SNW episode near the end of this past season.

The intention of Troi on the bridge vs what she was used for is a whole mess of its own. it seems like the writers mostly just tried to use her as a sort of lie detector and emotion barometer when dealing with aliens, but it just ended up with her stating the obvious 95% of the time, rather than granting them any sort of edge in negotiations or helping them understand how some truly alien race was reacting.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
715 Lower Decks - was the actual Lower Decks show based on this? This one got grim tho, with the poor, semi disgraced cadet from the Wesley trial ep getting killed. The surviving Lower Deckers should be recognized, over coffee spill lady and Shelby.

Its definitely a sad episode, and bittersweet that the one guy gets the promotion when losing his friend.

716 Thine Own Self - Commander Troi was wiling to kill Geordi, haha. Cool concept on that exam. The little girl could have been told that Data was alive, aw

I really like that episode. It teaches Troi a valuable lesson about commanding a ship and Data side adventure is a great story too.

717 Masks - wow, that was a bad ep. To quick to resolve.

Now you might get that reference in Lower Decks now though.

719 Genesis - Spot and her kittens save the day! Yay! Sorta. Yaya anyway, haha. Also medical officer Osaka cuz she was pregnant. I somehow imagine that Barclay eps would have him be the star. Love that he's the only other human who Spot will be friends with, since Spot terrorized Geordi and Riker, hahaha

Yeah, he isn't the star here, but the catalyst. I loved this episode. Worf was a nightmare as a kid.

720 Journey's End - what the hex, Wesley?!?! He leaves everything he worked for? Well, it fulfills the Ttaveller prophecy but, c'mon, he could have graduated first. Aaaaw. Also, geez, they used a Native American social political theme for his final ep.

Wesley is meant for greater things. Keep watching, and eventually you might see him again to see what he is up to.

721 Firstborn - weird on the time travel. We didn't see what happened to the older Alexander. He didn't fade away or say he'd travel back so what in the world happened to him? Anyway, the future says Worf dies as a diplomat thing (?) and Romulans are defeated and taken over by Klingons?

Yeah, There are a lot of alternate futures out there for the TNG cast. However, like Worf said, Alexander's time travel had already affected the present and already changed the future. I did love the plot twist here with him though, and how Worf tests to see if he truly is who he says he is. But yeah, something different happens at a galactic scale so that future doesn't happen.

723 Emergence - interesting use of the holo. Do we get a follow up on the Enterprise baby?

Nope. We never find out what happened to it.

724 Premptive Strike - kinda loved this one. Not a new story but it was cool seeing Ro switch for a kindly parental figure. Would have been nicer to see her around more, so her switch had a bigger impact.

Ro's Impact is especially felt by Picard.

725-726 All Good Things - Data is a crazy cat person! Hahaha! They really pushed Worf and Troi together to the point that they had a Riker rift. Cool that Tasha was around. The first part was kinda used to show off the future timeline so the threat didn't see so big when it was shown in the second part. Q showing up is a nice bookend but, well, he was too magical ish for a intro to a sci-fi show sooooo I'm not super wild about him closing too. (I still like him tho. Just could have been more scifi).

The entire point of this two parter was that Picard would cause the rift to form and it would erase all life in the galaxy. That was going to happen, so Q let Picard jump around time at those three points to figure out what was going on and what they needed to do in order to solve the issue. It was Humanity passing their test to think non-chronologically. But remember the truth, THE TRIAL NEVER ENDS!


And it's over! Whew! Have some confessions.

I've seen Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds and Deep Space 9 and... I still don't get the crew hierarchy and colors. Why change it around? Blue is science. Yellow is security. Also engineering? Red is command. That's modern, right? The old joke is Red shirts means death but they changed it to command?

In TOS, Command is Yellow, Security and engineering are red, and sciene and medical is blue. They do swap the red and Yellow around at the start of TNG but they never give a reason why. Although DS9 does address it though in their time travel episode. I should note that in between TOS and TNG they switch up the uniforms alltogether to the MOvie era uniforms that they use in the gap between TOS and TNG.

The two in front of the bridge are navigators and pilots? Data was there but also Boimler? I think Mariner too. Sulu is the same? Uhura is... what again? For SNW and TOS. What in heavens is Troi? Is a psychic standard for exploration? Sorta cool if yes.

Well, you have to remember that these ship are vastly different and are crewed differently. Like Pike/Kirk's Enterprise had a lot more stations on the bridge than Picard's Enterprise D did.

Data was essentially a Science officer, but his station could do a lot more. He could fly the ship, fire weapons, and more. The Enterprise D was very versatile like that. Wesley, or whomever sat next to Data, was primary a helmsman. Charting courses, flying the ship, etc. That is essentially what the modern day trek setups are like now.

Troi, is the ship's counselor as they finally decided to have a shrink on board was a good idea. As for her race, she is half human half Betazed, which gives her a different version of telepathy than her full Betazed mother has. She wasn't standard, but she came in useful at times.

Uhura, was the communications officer. She would be in charge of internal communication on the ship as well as and ship to ship or even long range communications. A vital role in an actual military vessel. By TNG, they kind of don't bother with that. Sulu was a helmsman, and the person next to him was at the Ops station then. Basically firing weapons doing some scanning.

I know about the Riker maneuver but... I totally did not notice it at all! What I noticed is the ... Picard maneuver, when he pulls down the front of his shirt. But I really didn't notice Riker sitting down from the back.

Did you notice that Wesley does the Riker sit down as well? Wesley directly imitated Riker as his male role model.

Did Michael Dorn Worf move to DS9 right after Next Gen ended? Like Spike jumping to Angel immediately after Buffy ended? I don't remember if DS9 explained how Worf and Troi broke up.

He goes to DS9 after the first TNG film, so there is a little time delay. I would highly recommend that you watch the four TNG films now, especially since you have seen DS9. They don't mention when or how he and Troi break up but she isn't into long distance relationships and he leaves to spend 5 years at DS9, so that probably did it.

I saw Star Trek movie 1 and 2 but I don't think I'll watch the rest until I finish TOS (I'm past the Menagerie). Buuuut just in case, could I watch the Next Generation movies? I haven't seen the Borg Queen yet.

Yes. Please watch all four TNG films, the TOS films can wait until after you watch TOS, but the TNG films you are free to watch now especially since you have seen DS9 and now about the Dominion and the Defiant.


Well-known member
715 Lower Decks - was the actual Lower Decks show based on this? This one got grim tho, with the poor, semi disgraced cadet from the Wesley trial ep getting killed. The surviving Lower Deckers should be recognized, over coffee spill lady and Shelby.
Taurik actually goes on to become a fairly major character in the Relaunch novels; he ends up as Deputy Chief Engineer (i.e., Geordi's second-in-command).

Notably, Taurik has an identical twin, Vorik (played by the same actor), who shows up on Voyager. (Originally supposed to be the same character, but they didn't want to pay royalties. Tie-in writers canonized them being twins.)

Also medical officer Osaka

Osaka is clearly destined for the Admiralty. ;)

The two in front of the bridge are navigators and pilots? Data was there but also Boimler? I think Mariner too. Sulu is the same? Uhura is... what again? For SNW and TOS. What in heavens is Troi? Is a psychic standard for exploration?
Picard's Enterprise had a lot of people doing multiple jobs. Data, of course, was Operations Chief (which is where he was sitting on the bridge), Second Officer (third in the chain of command), and head of the science department (so he could've worn any colour uniform he wanted to).

Worf was both Security chief and Tactical chief. It's pretty common to combine those two roles (Security is focused inside the ship, while Tactical is focused outside). When Worf later transfers to DS9, he switches to a red uniform because he's only a Tactical officer there.

Deana was Ship's Counsellor, but a Counsellor has no business on the bridge (she has an office downstairs), so the novels suggest that she was also the ship's Diplomatic officer/First Contact Specialist.

Alexander was at the rite of ascension age at s7 and he's a young adult in DS9. Does the age add up?
It's brushed off, but no the actors' ages don't add up. We just assume that Klingons rocket through puberty much faster than humans.


Well-known member
It's brushed off, but no the actors' ages don't add up. We just assume that Klingons rocket through puberty much faster than humans.
And if it's ever canonically established that Klingons don't age faster than humans, we'll probably still have the option of saying that Alexander's unusual genetic heritage (he's 1/4 human) explains it.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!

The intention of Troi on the bridge vs what she was used for is a whole mess of its own. it seems like the writers mostly just tried to use her as a sort of lie detector and emotion barometer when dealing with aliens, but it just ended up with her stating the obvious 95% of the time, rather than granting them any sort of edge in negotiations or helping them understand how some truly alien race was reacting.
Thanks for the link! I've seen the Grey suits too but forgot it. Troi had a ton of suits, haha

I didn't feel like Troi was stating the obvious most of the time (not like Sigourney Weaver in Galaxy Quest. That movie was after Next Gen, right?) but, yeah, she could have done more with negotiations, like that male Betazoid she had that aerobics discussion with Beverly about.

I feel like they could have made her psychic type of role be standard in ships but, that hasn't happened, right? None in Voyager (right?), none in the Cerritos, dunno if DS9 or Defiant counts, I don't know the names of the other ships with the other series like Enterprise, Discovery or Prodigy.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Now you might get that reference in Lower Decks now though.
Holy cow, when Captain Freeman had a mask on and was blasting stuff! I've got to find that clip again! Hahaha!

Yeah, There are a lot of alternate futures out there for the TNG cast. However, like Worf said, Alexander's time travel had already affected the present and already changed the future. I did love the plot twist here with him though, and how Worf tests to see if he truly is who he says he is. But yeah, something different happens at a galactic scale so that future doesn't happen.
Adult Alexander is stuck in the present but we never see what happens to him again?

The entire point of this two parter was that Picard would cause the rift to form and it would erase all life in the galaxy. That was going to happen, so Q let Picard jump around time at those three points to figure out what was going on and what they needed to do in order to solve the issue. It was Humanity passing their test to think non-chronologically. But remember the truth, THE TRIAL NEVER ENDS!

Sad but I'll assume the next modern Trek series probably won't have a new Q type anymore? I hope maybe they rename or homage the next kne into DisQord or something, haha

Did you notice that Wesley does the Riker sit down as well? Wesley directly imitated Riker as his male role model.

I didn't notice at all! I'm going to have to check for clips of Riker doing his maneuver and just try to connect it to the actual episode it happened.
Yes. Please watch all four TNG films, the TOS films can wait until after you watch TOS, but the TNG films you are free to watch now especially since you have seen DS9 and now about the Dominion and the Defiant.
Ok, going to watch the Next Gen movies then. Ooooh the Dominion will be back? With Odo? Hope so!

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Taurik actually goes on to become a fairly major character in the Relaunch novels; he ends up as Deputy Chief Engineer (i.e., Geordi's second-in-command).

Notably, Taurik has an identical twin, Vorik (played by the same actor), who shows up on Voyager. (Originally supposed to be the same character, but they didn't want to pay royalties. Tie-in writers canonized them being twins.)
Oh, I love that. Good that the got used. I know Tuvak is the resident Vulcan on Voyager but two would be cool. Male everything more efficient, hehe.

Wait, pay royalties to Next Gen? Aren't they all under the Star Trek umbrella?


Osaka is clearly destined for the Admiralty. ;)
Whoops! Ogawa, yeah. No idea who that Osaka is, haha

(Security is focused inside the ship, while Tactical is focused outside).
Thanks for that distinction, haha! I'm just going to assume that Ops is everything else.

It's brushed off, but no the actors' ages don't add up. We just assume that Klingons rocket through puberty much faster than humans.
That tracks, along with the 1/4 human hybrid thingy, yeah.

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
I didn't feel like Troi was stating the obvious most of the time (not like Sigourney Weaver in Galaxy Quest. That movie was after Next Gen, right?)
Yes, although Weaver's character Gwen was a composite of Troi, Uhuru, and a touch of Crusher, and the "repeating the computer" thing was mostly in reference to Uhuru as communications officer.

Sad but I'll assume the next modern Trek series probably won't have a new Q type anymore?
No, and it is kinda sad. I mean more power to John de Lancie for owning the character so completely that no one wants some other Q, and it's not like he's himself in any way absent from modern Trek, but it's kind of a missed potential too.

I feel like they could have made her psychic type of role be standard in ships but, that hasn't happened, right?
It does show up in Picard S3 that the Captain has leeway to keep an "advisor" on the bridge whose job is more or less made up for them based on their unique abilities.

But there oddly don't seem to be any specific roles on a Starfleet ship that can only be performed by species with abilities humans don't have. That's common in a lot of sci-fi properties and just doesn't seem to be a thing in Trek. Outside of Cetacean Ops, I suppose.

Troi isn't even full Betazoid. Anyone who is would be a proper, ah, game breaking mechanic I think.

Wait, pay royalties to Next Gen? Aren't they all under the Star Trek umbrella?
Weird contract shit about characters created by writers for particular episodes in the Next Gen era. I don't think that's still a factor today? Probably also part of the reason Tom Paris isn't Nick Locarno.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Adult Alexander is stuck in the present but we never see what happens to him again?

Nope. He is never mentioned again. You would think that he would come up with all the Worf and Alexander stuff in DS9. At least something to say that the future that he came from isn't happening anymore. Or maybe say that he went Back to the Future!

Sad but I'll assume the next modern Trek series probably won't have a new Q type anymore? I hope maybe they rename or homage the next kne into DisQord or something, haha

You will see more Q in Voyager, and you haven't got to Q's inspiration yet in TOS. And Q plays a big role in the Picard series as well. You get to find out what Q was about to tell Picard at the end of TNG.

It's about Jack

Ok, going to watch the Next Gen movies then. Ooooh the Dominion will be back? With Odo? Hope so!

No, The only thing about the Dominion is that they get referenced a bit in the third film, and the antagonist of the film supposedly were apart of the Dominion. But no Jem'Hadar show up, nor Changlings, not even a vorta. However, the Defiant shows up with Worf in command in the second film. Mainly, the films assume that you know the basics of TNG, have seen enough TOS to know who the characters are(for the first film Scotty, Chekov, and Kirk), and know what the Defiant is and why Worf is in command of it. Aside from one small cameo from Janeway in the last film, you don't really need to know much about Voyager.

Sadly, we never get to see Odo again, but Worf does mention him in Season 3 of Picard.

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