Seeking help with the 2007 Movie Leader Megatrons


I'll get better someday, hopefully.
That is the 2007 Movie Leader Class and his "Premium" redeco.

I'm looking to buy some parts for my Movie Leader Premium Megatron. Such a mouthful. Anyway, mine was defective when I got it so many years ago. I didn't send it back to Hasbro because... well, I didn't want a Nerf gun or something else they considered equal value. It has a wrong finger. Yes, I know his fingers don't look like much of anything, but it's always bothered me some. So I was looking to perhaps replace the bad finger, and I wondered if an original deco finger would be acceptable.

So my question is: How similar do the fingers look in color between the original and the Premium redeco? The gallery at Seibertron ( ) suggests the colors don't match on their fingers. But there are no close-ups for me to be completely sure in that lighting. If the colors don't match... how noticeable is it? And is there another gallery that has better pictures of the two together?

Yes, I do realize the unlikelihood of people being able to answer my questions. :unsure:


Well-known member
I've been considering selling my Premium Leader Megatron, among other figures. Shoot me a message about it and perhaps anything else you're looking to acquire and I think we could probably work something out.

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