Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual


uhhhhhhhh hound is transfemme new headcanon thanks.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla


Missing a ton of figures (No Earthspark or Decepticons, for instance!), but I wanted to get a pic in while it was still topical! (and, no, the location is not a statement, simply the best lighting in our basement)

EDIT: almost forgot Nickel, so here's some Decepticons, too!

EDIT 2: Anyone have an abundance of Axlegrease in their area? Her wave seems to have been skipped around here...
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Somehow still sane
More deyellowing going on. Jhiaxus’ is particilarly terrible since the briefs-shaped hip area were what yellowed, making it look like he soiled hinself. The rest of the staining are just on structural parts and with the yellow/green on him, actually half-fit in.

I took the liberty of actual weathering and battle damage on boxset Megs while i covered the more visible yellowed parts.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
My haul this week:


G2 Megatron there was pretty bare-bones, but I'm hoping $30 CAD was otherwise a good deal for him. He's a beefy boi! And just kinda towers over everything, too. Makes the upgrade from his Japanese counterpart, Megastorm into Gigastorm, seem like less of a big deal.

His head reveal doesn't seem to work the way it's described in the instructions (I looked them up online), and trying to press the head down earlier jammed it. I was able to get it back out, but I'm treating that carefully from now on -- especially since the hinge has some stress marks on it already.

His tank mode is amazingly solid. No rotating turret, though it can tilt up, but the way he's built, you'd have almost no idea he was a Transformer at a glance.

No idea if the electronics still work. I'm more focused on making sure that batteries weren't left inside and the screws for the cover aren't stripped.

Now, as far as I'm concerned, he doesn't need his accessories, strictly speaking, but they might be nice to have. Anyone know if there are any good repros out there?


Well-known member
My haul this week:

View attachment 19612

G2 Megatron there was pretty bare-bones, but I'm hoping $30 CAD was otherwise a good deal for him. He's a beefy boi! And just kinda towers over everything, too. Makes the upgrade from his Japanese counterpart, Megastorm into Gigastorm, seem like less of a big deal.

His head reveal doesn't seem to work the way it's described in the instructions (I looked them up online), and trying to press the head down earlier jammed it. I was able to get it back out, but I'm treating that carefully from now on -- especially since the hinge has some stress marks on it already.

His tank mode is amazingly solid. No rotating turret, though it can tilt up, but the way he's built, you'd have almost no idea he was a Transformer at a glance.

No idea if the electronics still work. I'm more focused on making sure that batteries weren't left inside and the screws for the cover aren't stripped.

Now, as far as I'm concerned, he doesn't need his accessories, strictly speaking, but they might be nice to have. Anyone know if there are any good repros out there?

When I had one, also second hand, it's head was very similar; head reveal didnt work right and also had stress marks around the hinge; probably worse as I recall one side was nearly broken off. But despite that; yeah he was an amazing figure for his time.

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