IDW G5 Camp Bighoof #3


Well-known member
Previously, on My Little Pony...

That's not Bighoof! That's just a actor preparing for his upcoming role as the new Cheetos mascot! Bighoof is...DANGEROUSLY Cheesy!

(This issue was sponsored by Cheetos (TM)! )

(...Not really...probably)

Now, campers, let's learn the difference between different cryptids! Knowing the difference MAY just save your life!

So, how was it?


Okay, I'm willing to admit it outright now. I'm just not feeling this miniseries. It's not the worst thing ever....but it's just not good. This might go down as the worst G5 comic.

The art's off model and a little off-putting in a few places. The story is SO padded that nothing is even getting accomplished. I really don't understand why so much of this comic feels like it's padded. What's it waiting for?

...I might be taking my criticism a little too far. This is about on par with the other issues of this miniseries. But, I'm just so BORED of this comic that I have to find ways to make my own fun.

I'll admit, though, there are a couple of fun scenes and lines in this issue. But, that's kind of me DESPERATELY trying to find something to like about this comic. Because most of this comic is just spinning it's wheels. I was hoping that it would improve as we went along, but it's not improving enough for me to recommend this at all.

I've come TOO FAR to stop now. But, don't be like me. Save your money for better comics! Save yourselves!

But, read my spoilers, because I put a lot of work into them!
Okay, not that much work, but I'm glad you decided to read my spoilers. I appreciate you, reader. No, not that OTHER reader, I mean YOU, specifically.

So, yeah, the other Mane 5 are a little skeptical that Sunny and Zipp actually SAW Bighoof in their cabin, eating their cheetos. They should probably know better than to doubt one another at this point. But, this is pre-Misty, so it's probably early on in their relationship? Maybe?

"You look like you've seen a..." "BIGHOOF!" "I was going to say "ghost", but you DO look like you've seen Bighoof" Again, Izzy gets the best lines in the book. It's really not fair.

But, enough about creatures both strange and possibly magical. Because Pipp needs to SING!

"PHEW! That was fun! I think I was a little pitchy in a few spots, but no one was recording, so it's like it never happened!" Okay, Pipp is in character. And Zipp ribs her a little about needing the attention. This book earns back a few points. Enjoy this. It's the best scene in the book.

Hitch gets REALLY angry at Sunny and Zipp when they want to continue to search for Bighoof instead of helping the other camper ponies, who are trying to fix the rockslide. This artist does something...kind of weird this issue, where she adds more likes to the characters eyeballs in various panels. It's supposed to look more "intense", I guess. But, it just ends up making the various ponies look completely unhinged. Like they're all going stir crazy being locked in this valley. It would almost be a nice touch...but I don't think it's intentional. It's just the artist making a weird choice with the art.

Hitch ends up running into Bighoof...literally. So, now, at least, he believes Sunny and Zipp. Which he really should have from the start, anyway, but...meh. I've grown numb to this book.

So, we spend a few pages with Sunny and Zipp putting together various traps for Bighoof, to try and get video evidence that it does exist. I...ALMOST want to give the writing credit, here. If this was done differently, I think this COULD be a good science or orienteering lesson for kids. If this was done differently, like maybe something like Dr Stone or a PBS Kids show, maybe you could actually TEACH kids a few things about planning or thinking things through or technology or nature or something. But...they don't go into enough detail to be educational. And this isn't interesting enough on it's own to just be entertaining. all ends up feeling like we really didn't need to spend PAGES looking at THIS. It's wasted time.

So, Izzy is helping teach the camper kids how to lift rocks. Because they're still trying to dig themselves out, instead of CALLING someone else, for some reason. It's kind of cute how she gives them advice about moving the rocks. "Whatever you do, try not to think about how delicious a snack would be right now"...and then a few panels later we see her drooling in a daze in the background. It's cute. I want to give it credit for being cute.

But, then a camper kid tries to throw a rock at a random nest full of eggs. Not one of the camper kids we actually spent any time with, mind, this is just some random kid. So...he's just a jerk. And it ends up leading to...NOTHING. This scene seems to have no reason to exist. It's just so we remember that kids are jerks, I guess. *shrug*

Then Zipp gets a phone alert that all of the sensors that they set up got a hit...AT THE SAME TIME! Which means...there's probably more than ONE Bighoof! And we see...CHEETO STAINS on the sensors! And the Mane 5's eyes...are BULGING from their sockets! DUN DUN DUH!

And then the issue ends there.

So...nothing really gets resolved, we don't really learn anything, and we don't really get to see them DO much of anything. just such a nothing issue. Ugh. I'm finishing this miniseries out of completionism, but I don't have to like it!
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