Fast X


Ugh! So I guess this is the part where I swear up and down that I'm not going to see this because I'm tired of the never ending line of sequals even though they've long lost sight of what made the first one good and blah blah blah I'm never going to see this...

Then the bluray comes out and I start telling myself that I have the other 9 and I can't stop now and I'm probably going to buy it and be so pissed off at myself because I fell for it AGAIN.



Active member
I saw all 9 on DVD as well as Hobbs And Shaw. I'll finish these movies on DVD. FF 9 got rediculous.


Hobbs and Shaw was actually pretty fun. They still fail physics forever, but the snark was great.

F9 just lost me between the whole space thing and bringing back a dead character with "neat magic trick" as the extent of their explanation.

Powered Convoy

I saw the trailer for 10, it was one of the most ridiculous things I ever saw. One car crushing two others under its own weight while remaining undamaged. Same car pulling two helicopters and crashing them into each other. :D

I only ever saw the first one and Tokyo Drift. Seems they definitely jumped the shark.


Long ago. The laws of physics don't exist in the FF universe. What you described there...that's no where near the worst offender when it come to "you fail physics forever" that permeates these movies.


Ancient Protoform
I saw the trailer for 10, it was one of the most ridiculous things I ever saw. One car crushing two others under its own weight while remaining undamaged. Same car pulling two helicopters and crashing them into each other. :D

I only ever saw the first one and Tokyo Drift. Seems they definitely jumped the shark.

Once Justin Lin started treating the action sequences like a 7-year-old playing with Hot Wheels in Fast & Furious, and then went all in with the Rock in Fast Five the franchise launched into the stratosphere. It's a completely different, almost Superhero, franchise at this point.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I didn't know Jason Momoa was in the next film until I saw the trailer playing in th cinema. I miiiiight have to watch this one.

Do I need to watch the Fast 9 with the space cars or whatever?

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