Best way to mirror my iPhone to my PS4 / Or otherwise stream Gizmoplex?


I live in a lake. Its wet.
So I backed the season 13 of Mystery Science Theater 3000, but my current options of watching it are on the app on my phone, or my computer. Neither is ideal.

I’d like to stream on my PS4 television, but there’s no options (that I’m aware of) to directly stream yet. So I was wondering if there’s a way I could mirror my phone to my PS4? I’ve got an iPhone 11, but my tv isn’t AirPlay compatible.

I looked around the App Store, and there’s plenty of screen mirroring options, but as they generally ask to sign into your Wi-Fi network & look a tad sketchy, I’d like to gather info before committing to anything.

Any suggestions?


I live in a lake. Its wet.
Yeah I got pointed that way. Not sure if video quality is affected, or if it’s just the fact movie is so low rez

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