Baldur's Gate


Thought I'd do a bit of character ratin.

10 - Minthara
I didn't even know you could recruit her during my first play through. She was just another boss I had to fight whose name I forgot soon after, if I even knew it in the first place. But I sure as hell am not going to help invade the Emerald Enclave just to recruit her.

9 - Jaheira
Who is this lady in my camp? Why is she here? How did I even meet her? I mean, according to Google, I need her to find this Minsc guy. So good thing she's here. But I have no idea...oh...okay! She's that one person we meet at the Last Light Inn. Okay!

8- Lae'zel
Look, I tried to keep her alive. I really did. I went to find her crèche. I let her have first crack at the purification machine and saved her from it. But because I refuse to give up the artifact that's keeping us from becoming mind flayers, she attacks me. What does it take to get some freaking gratitude?

7 - Gale

6 - Halsin
I liked him at the goblin camp. He was really useful there. But I gotta admit, I bearly used him after that.

5 - Wyll
Barely used him, but I like his back story. So we're finally getting to my favorite characters.

4 - Minsc
I did not know who this guy was before playing BG3. But I guess he's big in the world of Baldur's Gate. He's in a bunch of comics that I'm now in the process of reading. I've really grown to like the big lug.

3 - Astarion
Top three characters, so you know these are the ones that will always have a place in my group. And if I have to replace one of these three for someone else for a character-centric quest, it's going to be hard to choose. I absolutely love Astarion. His voice actor (Neil Newbon) has been nominated for Best Voice Actor. I hope he gets it. He truly deserves it. The charisma of this guy is off the charts!

2/1 - Karlach/Shadowheart
During my first play through, I would've said I like Shadowheart more. Ask me an hour ago, I would've said Karlach. Ask me an hour from now...? I love Shadowheart's dark, sardonic humor. I love Karlach's bright and cheerful humor. They both have tragic backstories. They're both charming as hell. It's just too hard to say who I love more.


Patch 5 is alive!

This makes me want to go back to my old Drow save file.


Staff member
Council of Elders
So... how did these developers manage to do it? What did they have that other studios can't buy? More development time?


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So I got my tiefling fighter. It was interesting getting Scratch without Speak to Animals, but I managed it.

I'm trying to prioritize Mass Effect. But the Game Awards really put me in the mood for some BG3.
Re-speced her as a druid since I was missing being able to speak to Scratch and it felt like I was making things harder on myself.

Gotta get back to Mass Effect.


Yeah, not too many games that let your entire party go around with not so much as a pair of nickers to hide your modesty with.


Holy crap! I just went through the Creche section and Lae'zel is still alive...and part of my group! This is turning out to be an even better play through than my last one.


So I've posted portraits of my two drow characters. But I only have the inventory menu pic of my latest chracter so far. This game needs a photo mode. Meantime, I was ab to capture these.




Still could definitely use a photo mode.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
next dnd game should have more furry options. and i don't mean a druid after he's turned into a bear


I don't know of any player races. I mean, I know there's stuff like the Tabaxi. But nothing really as far as playable races. Of course, Githyanki aren't exactly a player race either.

note: I'm just going by the n players guide. I don't know if other campaign modules have made other races playable or not.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Volo's Guide to Monsters made the following races official in 5E(without 3rd party): aasimar, firbolg, goliath, kenku, lizardfolk, tabaxi, and triton. A smaller, less detailed section on "monstrous adventurers" also includes rules for playing bugbears, goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, orcs, and yuan-ti purebloods.

Kenku are birds, Lizardfolk are obvious, you already mentioned tabaxi, and kobolds are obvious too.


jumbled pile of person
Also Wizards have been on a "no creature that walks on two legs can be just an evil monster, because that's no better than literal real-world racism" kick lately so I'm sure playable gnolls are just a matter of time.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Also Wizards have been on a "no creature that walks on two legs can be just an evil monster, because that's no better than literal real-world racism" kick lately so I'm sure playable gnolls are just a matter of time.
That's the funny thing. Gnolls WERE playable, as far back as 2nd ed AD&D. 5th ed is the exception, by trying to turn them into demonspawn from the start. One of my preferred characters is a 4th ed D&D Gnoll druid(that I never get to play now, and can't really work well in other editions and similar systems because of wildshape daily usage limitations)


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
I mean, a Pit Fiend walks on two legs. know...just...putting it out there.
devils are born from the souls of truly evil people. they already chose evil when they were mortals, and if they climb up hell's pecking order enough to become a damn pit fiend... well, they probably are irredeemable bastards to begin with.

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