"Former" Whistleblower?


Staff member
Council of Elders
It's not easy being a whistleblower. It's very hard to get hired for anything ever again, because no company wants to be next, and they don't consider just behaving as an option.

But I don't buy this. Not when Boeing is imploding before all our eyes. This man was going to have the entire public on his side, and at this point I don't think Boeing could even bribe a journalist to smear him. He was absolutely going to win this.


Well-known member
He blew the whistle on a case a decade ago that has been fully resolved, and he has since retired.


The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
But if they're not seen giving him some kind of hell, the next would-be whistleblower won't be intimidated as easily.


Well-known member
Several people told me in person that he was a former whistleblower because he is now dead, but just look across headlines about people who died. Usually celebrities if it is a headline. It never calls them former actors or singers.


Nonstop Baaka
From what I've heard about this, it could be a murder disguised as a suicide, so yeah. Probably should go to P&R.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Giant corporations are defacto political entities, especially ones that are major government contractors, like Boeing, so yea, it should be in PR.


Well-known member
I really don't see politics here. I don't know who Boeing wants to be President. I am always skeptical about insinuations that people or businesses had people murdered, but even if they did, murdering people isn't politics.

Putin having someone murdered is politics because it was done for political reasons. If Boeing had this guy murdered, it was to prevent lawsuits or criminal prosecution, not to influence public policy or elections.
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Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Boeing spent nearly 15 million on lobbyists last year not to mention it's close ties to the US military and NASA. This isn't Bob the butcher killing one of his employees because said employee called the health inspector reporting he was selling meat past it's expiration date.


I'd say if someone starts standing up for Boeing wit an opposing viewpoint and things get heated, then maybe move it to P&R. Things seem civil so far.

This is the first I've heard about it personally. I try to watch as little news as possible aside from the forecast. I just hate politics. So I don't know what this whistle blower said about Boeing. But deaths with suspicious timing are always suspicious. Not that suspicion alone proves anything. But it deserves a second glance at least.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
The gist of it is Boeing was apparently using parts rejected by QC to build aircraft the whistleblower reported it. Boeing subsequently demoted him and he was suing them for illegal retaliation.


Not to make light of a situation, but I seriously think the first step for anyone becoming a whistleblower needs to be publicly proving "I am not suicidal nor am I on any illegal drugs nor do I drink heavily. If I wind up dead before I can testify, rest assured I was murdered."

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