War Sci-fi Fantasy Horror Mystery Crime Thriller


Growing up watching the cartoon I always wished Duke would become an officer and get together with Scarlett:


Duke was the leader of G.I. Joe during Season 1 of Real American Hero and got pushed aside by Hawk in Season 2. I heard Scarlett went with Snake Eyes in the Marvel Comics.

I did see pictures on the internet where Duke is listed as an O-6 officer rank on his file card from a modern comic, and it appeared Scarlett chose him in Resolute.

I just wish Duke would have stayed the undisputed leader, commanding officer, and face of G.I. Joe like he was in the beginning:

Duke should not be outranked, taking orders, and saluting his younger half brother Falcon (eg. In the animated movie).


I never could get into the Planet of the Apes, the movies or the TV show:

I don’t understand why it was popular.


I loved the Star Wars Prequels because we got to see this:

The best Jedi Knights and Sith Lords go up against each other.

Finally, we got to see realistic war sci-fi fantasy, not the low-budget, cheesiness of the original trilogy. My god you could see the actor’s red sweatshirt sticking out from underneath his C3P0 costume.

The Prequels were the best era of Star Wars, the heyday, before everything went to sh#t.

Who needs the depressing, post-apocalyptic worlds of the original trilogy and Disney’s sequel trilogy where they went back to cheesy 70’s practical effects.

I prefer the Star Wars Prequels for the same reason why I prefer the Robotech Macross Era. It was just a cooler, happier period, with more epic characters, and the best of times.

We got to actually see the greatness, not just hear it recounted by Obi-wan.


This scene was well-executed:

It felt fresh, creating suspense and build-up for what was to come.

Your heart must not have been beating if your inner Star Wars fanboy did not get excited.


Well-known member
I never could get into the Planet of the Apes, the movies or the TV show:

I don’t understand why it was popular.
How much have you seen?

My dad and brother watched some of it when I was a kid and I didn't bother, but I went back as an adult and enjoyed them. The new movies are pretty good too. The Tim Burton movie is not.


Well-known member
There were a bunch of sci-fantasy cartoons in the early 80s, of which He-Man was just one.

Personally, I was a big fan of Galtar.



Blackstar was Filmation’s prototype for He-man.

Bravestarr was Filmation’s answer to losing He-man and She-ra.

I have never seen an episode of Bravestarr and have no desire to because it replaced He-man on TV.
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Fabulously Foxy Dragon
I never really watched most of them back in the day, but Thundarr was the other one that comes to mind for me, thanks to Cartoon Network.

Galtar seems somehow familiar though, but that might jsut be it's Hanna-Barabara-ness animating it like Inhumanoids etc.


I think GoBots could be categorized as a War Sci-fi Fantasy as well. I remember being mesmerized by the cartoon and the toys.

I think they even made a feature-length in theaters GoBots movie.


I never sat down and watched the 1980’s Reptilian Alien War Sci-fi:

I just saw it while flipping channels during a V all-day marathon. It looked too scary and gruesome for me. I did not want to have nightmares.


Is there another War Fantasy show that can get me hooked from beginning to end like Game of Thrones:

House of Dragon was not as good. I like the Spartacus Starz series and the Showtime Westworld show. I did enjoy the Rome series.

Are there any War Sci-fi Fantasy series left of similar quality, suspense, excitement, entertainment, and greatness?


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Books! A Song of Ice and FIre is what Game of Thrones was based on, and from what I recall hearing there's a lot more to it because of the TV show going it's own direction at the end. Never hurts to check out the source.

If you want more modern stuff, there's the Bahzell/War God's Own series by David Weber(yes I like his books):

Wheel of Time is said to be just as long and intricate as Game of Thrones(and I think also is getting a TV series?):

Michael Moorcock's Eternal Champion series(and particularly the parts featuring Elric of Melniboné) was one of the original influences behind D&D, and by proxy most modern Fantasy:

Mercedes Lackey's Heralds of Valdemar series I think might be getting a TV series? it's another I've only heard good things about:

If you like Dragons, the Age of Fire books focus on three dragon siblings as the protagonists. I enjoyed it, but *gestures to dragonself*. The final(6th) book also had quite a few editing mistakes for some reason.

ANd I would be remiss not to mention Roger Zelazny's Amber series, which is another classic, and available in a complete omnibus volume:

*edit* I can't believe I almost forgot this one! The Thieves World series of anthologies. It's not a novel series per say, but a bunch of writers working in the same setting with their own characters that all interact across the various short stories to tell a much longer overall tale of the city of Sanctuary.

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Battlestar Galactica is supposed to be considered good war sci-fi.

The original 1978 show flopped and was canceled after only 1 season, so I’ve heard.

I know nothing about the basic plot which means it never made it into the pop culture consciousness.

It must have found a following somewhere since they made a remake of the show that seemed to be fairly successful.


I never watched this War Sci-fi flick. I just was not interested, but I did catch the ending:

This guy is way too happy about dying.

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