What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
If he's sidelined by a felony conviction, she's going to look terrible for endorsing him. She's better off hoping that MAGA's hatred of Biden will cause them to hold their collective noses and vote for her just so the sundowning commie stutterer doesn't have a second term and force everyone to be trans.

She also has a better chance of picking up support from moderates and independents than Trump would have, so that may balance things out enough for her to win.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Yea, she's the GOP's backup plan essentially. Granted she doesn't have Trumps bizarre anti-charisma, but the moderates don't outright hate her.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Which is her only saving grace. The cult will NEVER vote for her: They'll vote for trump, and only trump. Haley brings back the moderates and some independents, and I think the GOP is hoping that when (not if.) trump is removed by legality, the cult will go for the next (R) in line like they always have but that's not going to happen this time. The GOP's own research is telling them that. Hell: the constituents are telling them that.

There is no path to the white house for a republican this time. By the time the election comes around: there might not even be a republican party. Trump will have had control of an already cash broke and morale broke republican national convention by then and done to it what he does to everything: turn it to shit and fail. I'm more worried about the temper tantrum his cult will throw when he's finally arrested.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Oh? The cult will never vote for Haley? Never? Wanna put your money where your post is?

Ironbite-BAM! She's got him on the ropes now!
Check your demographics. DC republicans are generally college educated (a walking contradiction in terms! Regardless.) and those are the people that voted hailey in the primary. They're also tired of being called "the swamp" by trump. They are not the trump cult, they're the ones who will vote for biden or stay home rather than vote trump.

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